Current problems of students’ physical culture development and organisational and pedagogical conditions of their solution

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There is a reduction in the potential of “traditional” methods of attracting students to lead a healthy lifestyle. An analysis of the health status of adolescents and university students as a factor influencing the teaching of physical education at the university was carried out. The most significant problems in the development of physical culture at the university, as well as the reasons for the low physical activity of students, have been identified. The need to ensure variability in university physical education curricula and their adaptation to the needs of a particular student is substantiated. The importance of developing students’ motivation to engage in physical education and sports is noted. Organizational and pedagogical conditions are formulated aimed at solving the identified problems and designed to ensure students’ interest in physical education and contribute to the strengthening of their health. Methods and technologies aimed at solving current problems of the development of physical culture of students are proposed.


Health, student, university, organizational and pedagogical conditions, physical education, independent studies

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142243326

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