The pedagogical means of the professional self-determination of the senior school pupils of the psychological and pedagogical class

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The article deals with the description of the modern experience of the organization of the psychological and pedagogical class and the implementation of the pedagogical means, directed to solving the tasks of the development of the interest of the senior school pupils to the pedagogical profession and their professional self-determination. There is presented the experience of the implementation of the general pedagogical principles: interactivity, integrity, systematic nature, active collaboration, self-development by pedagogical means at the interactive basis during the academic studies of the psychological and pedagogical class at the basis of Municipal General Education Institution "Lyceum № 9 named after A.N. Neverov Dzerzhinsky district of Volgograd" and in the context of of the specialized program “Start to profession” in the health improvement camp “Lazurniy” of the Volgograd region.


Psychological and pedagogical class, professional self-development, professional self-determination, specialized session, pedagogical fairy tale

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IDR: 148328486

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