Project activity as an efficient technology of mastering the publicistic style at the lessons of the Russian language
Автор: Burmistrova Elena
Журнал: Известия Волгоградского государственного педагогического университета @izvestia-vspu
Рубрика: Проблемы филологического образования
Статья в выпуске: 10 (193), 2024 года.
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The modern approaches to project activity are considered. The potential of use of this technology at the lessons of the Russian language in high school allows the schoolchildren to master the practical skills of the work with the texts of different publicistic genres and to develop the creative abilities and communicative skills. There are characterized the traditional techniques of the work with the texts of publicistic style at school at the lessons of the Russian language.
Project method, group project, project activity, publicistic style, lessons of the russian language
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