Calculation of heat protective parameters of clothing packages by method simulation modeling (Monte Carlo method)

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The heat-protective properties of clothing have been studied taking into account the influence of deterministic factors, and the influence of random factors on the heat-protective properties of clothing has not been studied. In this regard, to obtain objective values of indicators of the heat-protective properties of clothing, taking into account the nature of the distribution of factors for a batch of products that are random. Knowing the laws of distribution of random factors effectively, it is possible to carry out calculations of the thermal insulation properties of clothing material packages using the simulation method. The work has developed a method for calculating the thermophysical parameters of clothing packages based on simulations of random parameters distributed according to a normal law. For the calculation, an algorithm and calculation program were compiled in the Python programming language. The thermophysical parameters of the clothing package were calculated, and the influence of wind flow speed on them was analyzed. When calculating the wind flow speed, which have a significant impact on the values of the effective thermal conductivity coefficient of the packages and the values of the total coefficient of the packages, they are taken taking into account the Beaufort table and the recommendations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan. The developed program for calculating the thermophysical characteristics of a package of clothing materials allows to change the model parameters during the calculation process: introduce new layers of materials into the package, change the thermophysical and linear characteristics of individual layers of the package, change external conditions.


Heat-protective properties, thermal resistance, equivalent thermal conductivity coefficient, simulation modeling, wind flow speed, clothing material package, mountain tourism, monte carlo method, arithmetic mean and standard deviation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305887   |   DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2024-2-197-206

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