Safety research of textile materials with flame retardant properties

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This article discusses the findings of a study that explored the use of new compositions containing tetraethoxysilane, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, and hexamethylenediamine to improve the flame retardancy of cellulose fiber materials. The impact of different components and temperatures on the fire-resistant properties of the fabric was examined. In an untreated sample measuring 17*22 cm, ignition occurred in 15 seconds and the fabric burned completely within 60 seconds, whereas a treated sample showed signs of retardation. Increasing the concentration of flame retardant impregnation at a temperature of 150 degrees had minimal effects on the material's strength, air permeability, and appearance. With the help of electron scanning device it was found that on the surface of the fibers of the treated sample morphological changes were observed in the form of film, which in turn contain particles of Si (25.48%), P (17.61%), Na (1.70%). The optimum conditions of fabric processing are determined, the influence of concentration of working solution, impregnation and thermofixation temperature on flame retardant properties of fabrics investigated, also processing can be carried out on standard equipment of finishing enterprises and laboratories. Cotton materials treated with a compound based on tetraethoxysilane, sodium dihydrophosphate and hexamethylenediamine provides adequate fire resistance.


Cotton materials, flame retardant properties, fire-resistant effect, tetraethoxysilane, hexamethyldiamine, sodium dihydride phosphate

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140306352   |   DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2024-3-177-183

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