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The main issues of ICT in public administration in Uzbekistan current state of implementation of elements

The main issues of ICT in public administration in Uzbekistan current state of implementation of elements

Abdurahimov A.A.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of the main issues of ICT in public administration in Uzbekistan current state of implementation of elements.


The method of language immersion in English lessons in the modern school

The method of language immersion in English lessons in the modern school

Karimova D.T.

Статья научная

Methods of learning English are also changing. More and more educational centers use video materials, multimedia, role-playing games in their work.


The need to improve the disciplines of theology in raising the religious education of youth

The need to improve the disciplines of theology in raising the religious education of youth

Mukhtarov K.

Статья научная

From the second half of the twentieth century, theology began to be referred to the phrase “modern theology”, which covers views that differ from the concepts of its traditional form. And this name included trends, referring to important theoretical and practical aspects of the study of world religions.


The opportunity of the new technologies for travel agents and tour operators

The opportunity of the new technologies for travel agents and tour operators

Juraev A.T.

Статья научная

This article discusses the opportunity of the new technologies for travel agents and tour operators.


The optimal mechanisms of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan

The optimal mechanisms of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan

Batyrova N.

Статья научная

The main objective of sustainable economic development is not only to become one of the highly developed countries, but also to create a society that provides equal rights to all people, respects freedom of each person and all kinds of his labor. On the various stages of society development, different economists have presented several views on this problem. Hence, the main objective of this article is to study the issue and to show modern ways of development. The following scientific and methodological conclusions are taken to determine the scientific novelty of the article: - Theoretical improvement for further development of a sustainable economic development concept; - The system of financial relations development governing the activities of the local administration was offered by defining sustainability indicators;


The origins of globalization of the English language in the modern world

The origins of globalization of the English language in the modern world

Abduraxmonova N.S.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of the serve as suggestions for the study of the processes and features of intercultural communication.


The origins of globalization of the English language in the modern world

The origins of globalization of the English language in the modern world

Niyozova N.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of the serve as suggestions for the study of the processes and features of intercultural communication.


The origins of globalization of the English language in the modern world

The origins of globalization of the English language in the modern world

Normatova X.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of the serve as suggestions for the study of the processes and features of intercultural communication.


The peculiarity of stylistic devices in literary translation

The peculiarity of stylistic devices in literary translation

Saparova M.R., Amrullayeva F.

Статья научная

In this article highlights the peculiarity of stylistic devices in literary translation.


The perspectives of doing business for female entrepreneurs in Uzbekistan

The perspectives of doing business for female entrepreneurs in Uzbekistan

Tashpulatova M.M.

Статья научная

The current research engaged in a critical theoretical exercise to prolong perspectives of women entrepreneurship. Theory and research dedicated to demonstrate “women entrepreneurship capable to establish several positive economic impacts” and “educated female entrepreneurs as essential key to advance current and future social life of country”. During representing women entrepreneurship through feminist analytical lenses, there will be explorations of various scientists’ studies on particular field.


The place and role of marketing communication in modernization of economy

The place and role of marketing communication in modernization of economy

Giyazova N.B.

Статья научная

Today, marketing specialists need to put much more effort to attract and retain the interest of consumers to any kind of goods or services, because an important factor in the successful and effective functioning of the enterprise are communications. The article reveals the marketing support of innovative modernization of the national economy, shows the role of interaction marketing and marketing from the consumer in the management innovation process. The paper gives a classification of marketing communications; the Association of the enterprises discussed the various concepts of marketing.


The place of Ishokhon Ibrat in the history of Uzbek literature

The place of Ishokhon Ibrat in the history of Uzbek literature

Khakimov A.A., Khakimova M.A.

Статья научная

Enlightener Ishokhon Ibrat’s influence in the field of Uzbek literature plays a significant role with his works on linguistics, scientific, historical and educational works.


The problem of accent variation in the English language

The problem of accent variation in the English language

Qozoqova M.M. qizi, Ahmadjonova M.M.qizi

Статья научная

In this article highlights of the problem of speaking accent variation in the English language.


The problems of gender linguistics in Uzbekistan

The problems of gender linguistics in Uzbekistan

Noyibjonova S. S. qizi

Статья научная

The article considers theoretical and methodological aspects of gender linguistics, relevant in the comparative study of English and Uzbek languages.


The question of national identity in the formation of ideological immunity

The question of national identity in the formation of ideological immunity

X.Ismoilova, N.Xasanov

Статья научная

In the article is investigated the role of national personality, national pride, character, shape in developing ideological immunity of person. As well the consistence of ideological immunity the humanistic ideas, faith are described in the article.


The reflection of social problems in the play "Pygmalion"

The reflection of social problems in the play "Pygmalion"

Xabibullayeva R.M.

Статья научная

"Pygmalion" is a play by Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw. Main characters are Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins. Eliza, 18 year-old girl, comes from the lowest class and speaks in Cockney dialect which is considered to be the most uncultured form of English language.


The relationship between the development of science and technology in the history of civilization

The relationship between the development of science and technology in the history of civilization

Arislanbaeva Zoya Ernazarovna

Статья научная

This article discusses the impact of science and technology on civilization.


The role and importance of nurse care in the maternity

The role and importance of nurse care in the maternity

Matkarimova Ozoda Muxammadqosimovna, Boymurodova Dildora Kushayevna

Статья научная

In this article described of medical-biological properties of family planning and basis of family.


The role and importance of small business and private entrepreneurship

The role and importance of small business and private entrepreneurship

Navruzzoda L.B.

Статья научная

Entrepreneurship is a search for new areas of capital investment, improving existing products and creating new ones, developing personal preferences, and using effective opportunities to generate income. At the same time, the entrepreneurship market is characterized as the production of new products, changing the field of activity, or compulsory utilization of the new enterprise or network.


The role of English in various spheres: trade, economy, industry, business, sports

The role of English in various spheres: trade, economy, industry, business, sports

Karimova D.T.

Статья научная

The work is devoted to the study of the role of the English language in various spheres of economic and social life. The article deals with the reasons for the popularity of the English language in the modern world.

