Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Мировая наука

Публикации в рубрике (3775): Основной раздел
все рубрики
The importance of innovation methods in education

The importance of innovation methods in education

Ganiyeva D., Samijonova G.

Статья научная

By their essence, traditions and innovations coexist in an inseparable unity, which should be understood as their harmonious interaction.


The importance of pedagogical knowledge and its necessity in eliminating negative manifestations encountered in today's youth

The importance of pedagogical knowledge and its necessity in eliminating negative manifestations encountered in today's youth

Yuldashev J., Otaxonov O.

Статья научная

The importance of pedagogical knowledge and its necessity in eliminating negative manifestations encountered in today's youth.


The importance of phonetic aspect in teaching a foreign language

The importance of phonetic aspect in teaching a foreign language

Abdusamatova Z.X.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of the importance of phonetic aspect in teaching a foreign language.


The importance of reading culture in the education of preschool children

The importance of reading culture in the education of preschool children

Toxtaxojayeva M.Sh.

Статья научная

This article discusses the development of reading in the family through reading lessons, nurturing an active reader in collaboration with the teacher and the family, and what it is appropriate to do for this purpose.


The importance of sports training

The importance of sports training

Yuldashov I., Goynazarov G.

Статья научная

The independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan was an important period of the new sovereign state. Naturally, a new stage in the development of physical culture and sports has begun, which is moving forward with the development of society. The future development of physical culture and sports is inextricably linked with the concept of the Republic of Uzbekistan joining the ranks of developed countries, building a democratic state, the transition to market relations. This article examines the importance of sports training as a pedagogical process.


The importance of techniques in developing critical abilities of the learners in teaching English proverbs and sayings

The importance of techniques in developing critical abilities of the learners in teaching English proverbs and sayings

Abbasova N.K.

Статья научная

Nowadays there are a huge number of techniques designed for the development of language skills, but it is also very important to develop students' critical thinking in order to prepare them for adulthood. This article discusses various techniques for developing students' critical thinking through the study of proverbs and sayings, and also analyzes the effectiveness of their use in English lessons.


The importance of the historical worldview in the education of the harmonious generation

The importance of the historical worldview in the education of the harmonious generation

Bahronov Behruz

Статья научная

This article examines the relationship between human history and the historical importance of studying the history of humanity is the essence of his world, and stresses its role in educating the younger generation.


The importance of the subject of ”education” in raising the spirituality of youth

The importance of the subject of ”education” in raising the spirituality of youth

Mukimjonova M.M.

Статья научная

This article talks about the importance of subject “education” in raising the spirituality of youth.


The importance of “collaborative learning” technologies in creating innovative ideas in the classroom

The importance of “collaborative learning” technologies in creating innovative ideas in the classroom

Rakhmatova M.M., Abdukhalikova K.M.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to one of the most famous modern educational technologies - learning in collaboration. Based on a decade of experience in the use of this technology, the author suggests and justifies certain rules for its use.


The influence of choreography to the people life

The influence of choreography to the people life

Saitova E.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of the influence of choreography to the people life.


The interpretation of nature in aphorisms

The interpretation of nature in aphorisms

Samadova O.I.

Статья научная

Annotatation: The article deals with the interpretation of nature in aphorisms. Meanings of aphorisms, the concept of nature, their meanings are analysed and given examples which shows the peculiarities of the interpretation of nature in aphorisms.


The issue of attitude to historical reality of the work "There is no future without historical memory"

The issue of attitude to historical reality of the work "There is no future without historical memory"

Erkaboyeva G. Sh.

Статья научная

The work of the first President I.A. Karimov, entitled «Without a historical past, there is no future» was published on the basis of this work appeared such concepts as new scientific directions, new points of view relating to history.


The kinds of assessment and their usage in educational purposes

The kinds of assessment and their usage in educational purposes

Usmonova Z.H.

Статья научная

This article discusses the kinds of assessment and their usage in educational purposes, some peculiarities assessment system.


The life and activity of an outstanding scholar Ubaydullah Ibn Masud in Fiqh

The life and activity of an outstanding scholar Ubaydullah Ibn Masud in Fiqh

Ganiev A.A.

Статья научная

This article presents one of the scholars in Fiqh (the theory or philosophy of Islamic law, based on the teachings of the Koran and the traditions of the Prophet) is Ubaydullah ibn Masud Sadrush shari'a al-Asghar ibn Mas'ud ibn Tajush shari'a Mahmud ibn Jamaliddin Ubaydullah al-Mahbubi al-Bukhari. When we study his scientific heritage, we can admit that he was the master of not only the science of jurisprudence, but also many fields of science such as hadith, maturity, tafsir, and literature in Movaraunnahr. Mukhtasar ul-viqaya written during the Mahbubi dynasty in the field of jurisprudence and his commentary Sharh ul-viqaya is still widely used by scholars.


The main advantages of internet marketing and differences from traditional marketing

The main advantages of internet marketing and differences from traditional marketing

Khurramov O.K., Kasimova H.J.

Статья научная

This article discusses the main advantages of internet marketing and differences from traditional marketing.


The main cases of the use of the subjunctive mood in English

The main cases of the use of the subjunctive mood in English

Yuldasheva Z.S.

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The article is about the main cases of the use of Subjunctive Mood in English. As we know Subjunctive Mood is used to express wish, oath and imprecations. In simple sentences the synthetic forms of the Subjunctive Mood are more frequent than the analytical forms.


The main differences between British and American versions of English

The main differences between British and American versions of English

Aripova M.H.

Статья научная

English is the world language. It is one of the official languages in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and even in the Republic of South Africa. It has several varieties and it is very important for those who are learning English.


The main effective strategies in teaching reading

The main effective strategies in teaching reading

Toshmatova M.A.

Статья научная

This article is about how Reading is one of the most significant processes of our life. Reading and its strategies are used in the class in order to make lesson easier and enhance reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge. You have to take into consideration your students’ ability and their age in choosing reading strategies and activities.


The main innovation approaches in the teaching foreign languages

The main innovation approaches in the teaching foreign languages

Qurbonova G.Y., Raxmonberdiyeva S.A.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the innovation approach in teaching a foreign language and rising effectiveness opportunities of using innovation method in the lessons.


The main innovation approaches in the teaching foreign languages

The main innovation approaches in the teaching foreign languages

Hatamova B.U.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the innovation approach in teaching a foreign language and rising effectiveness opportunities of using innovation method in the lessons.

