Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Мировая наука

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все рубрики
The role of the head of the nursing process in the ethical education of nurses

The role of the head of the nursing process in the ethical education of nurses

Sodikova D., Kholboboeva Sh.

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This article highlights the role of the head of the nursing process in the ethical education of nurses.


The role of the socio-cultural aspect in the study of foreign languages

The role of the socio-cultural aspect in the study of foreign languages

Rayimova R.F.

Статья научная

The article analyzes the role of the communicative function of a foreign language in ensuring intercultural communication. It discusses the concept, goals, tasks, forms and methods of applying the socio-cultural factor and its effectiveness. The conclusion is made about the expediency of applying the socio-cultural aspect as a method of teaching a foreign language.


The role of the spiritual heritage in youth spiritual prospective qualifications

The role of the spiritual heritage in youth spiritual prospective qualifications

Xakimov D.

Статья научная

In this article highlights the role of the spiritual heritage in youth spiritual prospective qualifications.


The role of the state in a market economy

The role of the state in a market economy

Xujaxanov M.X., Xaydarova Z.A.

Статья научная

This article discusses the problem of the role of the state in a market economy.


The role of the talent is the selection of the profession

The role of the talent is the selection of the profession

Usmonova M., Rahmutullayev O.

Статья научная

This article discusses a person's talent, types and characteristics.


The role of the verb "to be" in English

The role of the verb "to be" in English

Ibrohimova M.B., Valiyev Q.O.

Статья научная

The verb "to be" is one of the most important verbs of the English language, as its meaning is considered very important for a person, which is confirmed by its breadth and versatility. In this article highlights of the role of the verb “to be” in English.


The role of youth in the formation of the national spirit

The role of youth in the formation of the national spirit

Umarova G.Sh.

Статья научная

This article discusses the role of youth in the formation of our national spirit.


The semantic usage of lexicology

The semantic usage of lexicology

Xujanov U.T., Qodirova S.R.

Статья научная

Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. Its interrelations with other sciences. Lexicology (from Gr lexis “word” and logos “learning”) is a part of linguistics dealing with the vocabulary of a language and the properties of words as the main units of the language. It also studies all kinds of semantic grouping and semantic relations: synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, semantic fields, etc.


The significance of the personality of a foreign language teacher in the development of the creative personality of students

The significance of the personality of a foreign language teacher in the development of the creative personality of students

Khayrullayeva R.

Статья научная

Modernization of education means the transition to a new paradigm of education and upbringing of students - a person-oriented one. Value orientations in society have changed, and the greatest value is considered to be a free, educated, developed person who is able to live and create in a constantly changing world and be competitive.


The significance of the problem of biodamage as an important scientific and practical problem in the scope of human activity

The significance of the problem of biodamage as an important scientific and practical problem in the scope of human activity

Toshmatova Sh.R.

Статья научная

In this article, the environment is formed by humans for various purposes: the development of new territories, the construction of roads and irrigation networks, various economic facilities, the formation of biodegradation activities, the creatures that actively participate in the process of biodegradation in the conditions of Uzbekistan: birds, rodents, various insects, including plant lice, accelerate this process. It is described that the wide use of large quantities of synthetic materials in the national economy also has an effect on the activation of damage.


The solution of the problem of territorial disputes in international law

The solution of the problem of territorial disputes in international law

Giyasov Sh.

Статья научная

This article is devoted to the analysis of regional problems and border security in international law.


The specifics of the development of the small epic genre in Russian and Uzbek prose at the beginning of the 20th century

The specifics of the development of the small epic genre in Russian and Uzbek prose at the beginning of the 20th century

Navbatova R.Kh.

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The first (initial and very short) period in the development of epic genres is associated with an attempt by literature to realize itself in the conditions of a cultural and historical break. The circle of persons who determined the appearance of the literature of these years is directly connected with the pre-revolutionary cultural and historical situation; most of its representatives will soon leave Russia or lose their lives under tragic circumstances. However, the range of problems raised in these years will retain its significance over the next decades. The period of literary development, which is extremely limited in time, demonstrates the diversity of ideological and genre-style aspirations, their alternativeness.


The state and prospects of grain production in Ukraine

The state and prospects of grain production in Ukraine

Bohdaniuk E.V., Rakitina V.V.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to research the state and prospects of grain production in Ukraine.


The study of state of protein-lipid profile of blood in autoimmune process

The study of state of protein-lipid profile of blood in autoimmune process

Madumarova M.M., Alimov N.I., Soliyev M. B.

Статья научная

The role of the protein-lipid blood profile in the developing of atherosclerotic affection vessels experimentally shown. The importance of autoimmune component is proved in the theory of atherosclerosis developing mechanism with of models maximal approximated to the natural human pathology.


The synthesis and investigation of complex compounds of metals with triaminotriazine

The synthesis and investigation of complex compounds of metals with triaminotriazine

Xolboyev Yu.X.

Статья научная

This article describes the synthesis and investigation of complex compounds of metals with triaminotriazine


The teacher's role in the implementation of the direct method of foreign language teaching

The teacher's role in the implementation of the direct method of foreign language teaching

Jumashova A., Geldiyeva L.

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The teacher plays an important role in the implementation of the direct method of foreign language teaching. Teachers demonstrate their knowledge and experience throughout the lesson. Their main task is to directly guide students in the learning process. Teachers working with this method teach students to understand the information and meaning of words by showing them without writing or saying the word itself. In this method, the teacher's role is to guide the class, encourage students to participate in the class by asking frequent questions and correcting their mistakes. An important role in this task is that students and teacher are partners in the learning process.


The usage of grey and white colours in “The lord of the rings” by J.R.R.Tolkien

The usage of grey and white colours in “The lord of the rings” by J.R.R.Tolkien

Khaydarzade G.A.

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The following article discusses the role of grey and white colours, used in “The Lord of the Rings”.


The use of fairy tales in the English language

The use of fairy tales in the English language

Sayfiddinova N.

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The given article describes specific features of teaching a foreign language at a primary school using fairy tales of international character.


The use of gaming technologies in English lessons

The use of gaming technologies in English lessons

Xudaynazarova Muborak Baxtiyorovna

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New pedagogical technology is the product of a certain purposeful form, method and means of education.


The use of innovative technologies in education - the main strategy of modern education

The use of innovative technologies in education - the main strategy of modern education

Dustova U.A.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of the use of innovative technologies in education - the main strategy of modern education.

