Статьи журнала - Social Informatics Journal
Все статьи: 28
Security of the system for electronic learning
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Security is one of great problems in the creation and implementation of e-learning solution. As an end user is not able to see these problems, they are often neglected. As all other applications, e-learning portals are widely distributed and available to a wide audience, which makes them vulnerable in a way. As the concept of Web applications is very spontaneously developed without a detailed plan, and with great effort invested in development of programming languages and interpreters for Web applications, there is a danger from manipulation by malicious users.
Staffing techniques in industry 4.0
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This paper gives a review of the changes that have happened over the past few years in the field of recruitment and selection one of the most important functions in Human Resource Management. The use of the Internet influences recruitment and selection practice and takes it to the next level. In the paper, the most recent trends in the field of recruitment and selection have been analyzed, and new models of resumes have been described.
Teorija organizacije u novom digitalnom okruženju
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Savremena teorija organizacije mora da uzme u obzir uticaj novih disruptivnih tehnologija na organizaciono teoretisanje i odnos između organizacionog dizajna, strukture i performansi. U radu polazimo od predpostavke da organizacije nisu uvek konsenzualne jer različiti ciljevi unutar organizacije odražavaju posebne interese i potrebe različitih steikholdera, koji mogu biti u sukobu jedni sa drugima. Blockchain tehnologije omogućavaju da se preko algoritma, dakle automatizovano, utvrdi konsenzus u decentralizovanoj mreži bez pribegavanja spoljnom autoritetu za odlučivanje i sprovođenje. Tehnologija distribuirane knjige (DLT), uz pomoć veštačke inteligencije i pametnih ugovora omogućava uspostavljanje organizacije bez menadžmenta ili zaposlenih, potpuno konstruisanu korišćenjem koda. Kao rezultat toga dobijamo decentralizovanu autonomnu organizaciju (DAO), u kojoj AI algoritmi deluju potpuno autonomno. Ovaj rad razmatra DAO kao mehanizam koji funkcioniše autonomno, automatski usaglašava interese i radikalno menja donošenje odluka unutar organizacija. Nove digitalne tehnologije i evolucija interneta upućuju nas da ispitamo kako vladajuće organizacione teorije mogu biti unapređene i promenjene u skladu sa novim tehnološkim okruženjem. Ovaj rad pokazuje kako dosadašnji pristupi organizacionoj teoriji, posebno menadžerizam kao preovlađujući pristup, nisu uvek funkcionalni i ne kooptiraju sa aktuelnim organizacionim praksama, posebno na Internetu.
Text mining: Clustering using bert and probabilistic topic modeling
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In order to find significant patterns and fresh ideas, free-form content is transformed into structured format using a process known as text mining or text data mining. It enables businesses to easily locate important information in texts like emails, social media posts, support requests, chatbots, and other sorts of text. Text mining enables businesses to anticipate possible threats from rivals, react quickly to production or delivery problems, and provide more individualised customer service. Businesses employ text mining for a range of functions, including production, IT, marketing, sales, and customer service. By carefully examining the phrases used in the source texts, topic modelling aims to pinpoint the recurrent themes in a corpus. These concepts are known as “topics”. As a result, textual data may be measured and used in quantitative analysis. In this sector, there are several subject modelling kinds that differ from one another based on a few unique traits and criteria. In our paper we have represented mainly 3 types of topic modelling techniques namely Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP), and Latent Dirichlet Analysis (LDA) and calculated the coherence score of each method and compared them. And we have infused the concept of BERT with this topic modelling models and proposed a new model called HDP BERT and calculated the coherence Score and clusters the topics. At the end the n-grams features are applied to all 4 models and compared among each other in bases of uni, bi and trigram rate percentage.
The application of artificial intelligence tools in the legal profession
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Artificial intelligence (AI) represents the main characteristic of the Fifth Industrial Revolution and finds its application in numerous aspects of social and work life. One of the areas on which the development of AI, and especially chatbots, can have a significant impact is professions that are based on knowledge, such as the legal profession. In this paper, we analyze the possi-bilities of applying AI tools, primarily ChatGPT, in different legal professions, and give a general view of this issue. Moreover, a survey was conducted among 142 legal professionals regarding their opinion on the use of AI tools in their work. The results showed that the majority of the respondents were familiar with the terms “AI” and “ChatGPT”, but rarely used them while per-forming legal tasks. Furthermore, a positive attitude towards the use of AI was observed, but also the caution regarding its neg-ative aspects. Finally, the respondents showed an affirmative attitude towards the continuance of the legal profession, in which the use of “smart tools” could be implemented in a legally and ethically justified way.
The influence of traditional and modern communication technologies on consumer attitudes
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Nowadays, access to various forms of information is often achieved using modern information technologies. The media is flooded with information, but it has never been harder to get the right information. In the competitive struggle, traditional media rely more and more on the possibilities that new technological solutions bring. Integrating the features of print, radio and television with the possibilities provided by modern technologies is a key factor in future business. In the conditions of intense competition on the media scene, the Internet is the basis for the survival of traditional media companies at the local and regional level. Social networks have changed the way of thinking of their audience and their users. Thanks to the development of technology, it is possible to exchange information and spread numerous contents very quickly through social networks. The work indicates that a lot of time is spent on social networks. The aim of this paper is to point out the integration of traditional media and social networks and their influence on consumer attitudes.
The substitution of reality: Madonna as a tool of mass media
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Using qualitative research methods, we will explicate how the internet and other modern technologies directly impact the reality presented. Through specific segments of this study, we will analyze the democratization of art, fashion, and image in contemporary society, focusing primarily on its real, current, and true-media publication through the phenomenon of Madonna. Employing methods of textual analysis and interpretation, we will examine the works of philosophers Jean Baudrillard, cultural theorist Paul Virilio, and Douglas Kellner. In doing so, we will explain the significance of media manipulation. The primary objective of this study is to depict media through postmodern theory, presenting them as leading factors in contemporary social processes. Postmodern theorists emphasize that the media system, which has dominated reality since the early 21st century, is unable to summon the past, causing human existence to fall into a state of perpetual schizophrenic present. This incapacity results in the simulation of past events, which now return as a series of anachronistic media representations, creating the illusion of historical continuity. This leads to a state of historical amnesia, where the sense of connection to the past is lost. In such a context, everyday human experience becomes fragmented and disoriented. Media, as the primary intermediaries between reality and perception, create a new reality detached from historical continuity and deeply rooted in the present moment. This new reality, shaped by media representations, blurs the boundary between the real and the simulated, further amplifying the sense of temporal dislocation.
Use of artificial intelligence for the generation of media content
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful catalyst that enables media organizations to optimize and improve their operations. The aim of the paper is to emphasize the importance and potential of AI during high-performance data analytics and media content generation. The focus is on responsible and ethically acceptable use of AI, which imposes the need to continuously build trust, through numerous challenges, during the management of potential risks. Standardization and mandatory publication of AI product data can pave the way for increased transparency and trust building. Otherwise, the power of AI, which has a huge potential to contribute to a better quality of life, could be transformed into a suicide tool.