Статьи журнала - Social Informatics Journal

Все статьи: 18

An ethics crisis in virtual media space

An ethics crisis in virtual media space

Aleksandra PenjIšević, Branislav Sančanin, Margarita Bogdanova

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This paper will address basic ethical issues in virtual space determined by global multidirectional networking through different space and time. Numerous ethical issues will be stressed which, as a result of the complex reflections of ubiquitous media convergence, determine each individual topic, from issues of personal data protection and information security, to strengthening credibility and building trust in the virtual community. In relation to the objectives and established development guidelines, different ethical dimensions, in their complexity and multi-layeredness in a digitally empowered future, should not be viewed in isolation but exclusively through their complementarity and a quality foundation for further in-depth research.


Applied information technologies in agriculture

Applied information technologies in agriculture

Branimir M. Bajac, Momčilo Bajac, Lazar Stošić

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This paper examines the possibility of transitioning towards sustainable food production, considering the accelerated growth of the world population and increased demand for food on one hand, and the consequences that the previous approach has had on the biosphere and sociosphere at a global level on the other hand. The first part of the paper presents alarming and precise data and facts that require an ultimate paradigm shift, this time based on the most powerful technological and scientific methods and practices to date. The second part establishes the relationships between the concepts of Agricultural Social Network (ASN), Agricultural Value Chain (AVC), new digital technologies and approaches, with the need for transition towards Society 5.0, where a balance between economic progress and a society tailored to human needs is established. In the third part, the technologies on which the new concept of “precision agriculture - PA” relies are identified, and a case study of the Agrosens digital platform is provided as a good practice example to support agricultural producers. Finally, the last part demonstrates, through the concrete example of Project Provenance Ltd., how the application of new technologies can connect processes and actors in Supply Chain Management (SCM) to establish transparency, efficiency, traceability, and other performance measures necessary for effective and responsible SCM. This enables the implementation of corrective actions and measures to promote responsible production, distribution, and consumption of food or other widely used products.


Balanced scorecard based approach in modeling a business intelli-gence system

Balanced scorecard based approach in modeling a business intelli-gence system

Zoran Savić, Miroslav Huđekr

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This paper is a part of a wider research, the goal of which was to develop a model of strategic school management at the local and regional level in order to effectively manage schools. The proposed model is based on business intelligence, or advanced analytics of business performances that will enable timely, efficient and fair management of school resources, which the state has delegated to local governments.The performance management of schools should be based on financial and nonfinancial performance indicators. The balanced scorecard (BSC) may be a suitable method for that. This paper investigates the possibility of implementing balanced scorecard in the area of school management. The presented BSC model is developed for school management on local and regional level in Croatia. Defined are perspectives of BSC, strategic objectives and perfor-mance measures related to these objectives. The presented model is universally applicable. It is intended for founders - Local and Regional Administration in countries with similar legislation. For the application of the model any founder should enter realized values, master data and the scope of activities for its school system.


Blockchain technologies and the future of art

Blockchain technologies and the future of art

Momčilo Bajac, Ana I. Lakatoš

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In this paper, we follow the position of art, artists and works of art with regard to the conditions in which the work of art is created, in an environment ruled by capitalist relations and the high-tech environment that accompanies them. The transition from analog to digital formats has opened new perspectives for artistic creation and distribution of works of art, but also problems related to copyright protection and fair monetization of works of art. The advent of blockchain technology, especially the Ethereum blockchain platform with open source technology and smart contracts, has enabled more efficient communication, distribution and monetization of artwork. The focus of this paper is especially narrowed on the emergence of NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) that can be carriers of the value of a work of art. They enable the uniqueness of the work to be maintained through controlled scarcity. We will present the ERC-721 standard, which enables the creation of NFT, as well as the first five leading platforms for placing NFT tokens on the blockchain through selected examples.


Creative industries in media studies

Creative industries in media studies

Maja Vojinović, Ana Jevtović, Tatjana Davidov

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Creativity, as a concept, has existed long before the term “creative industries”. It was first used in 1994 in the Australian government’s strategy document “Creative Nation”. Namely, from the beginning of civilization, until today, human beings have been creative in the most diverse possible ways. Although one tends to associate this term with art, today it has a really wide application, from industrial, fashion, graphic design to creativity, which often “breaks” the routine of everyday life, which to a lesser or greater extent imposes very similar obligations on us. What has changed with the development of society and technology is that creativity today is to a large extent, in addition to the spiritual and artistic value which has for the individual, a sphere that can bring significant material profit to cities and countries, and as such is recognized as a special branch of industry. Therefore, this paper will discuss following topics: creative capital, creative class, Frankfurt school, portals, blogs, human, industrial and design.


Does smart home have wide open doors? MQTT communication protocol standardization - potential missing ring of the IoT networks security chain

Does smart home have wide open doors? MQTT communication protocol standardization - potential missing ring of the IoT networks security chain

Ivan Sćepanović, Vesna Sćepanović

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This paper pointed out the benefits as well as the security risk that is the result of inconsistencies of software applications from different manufacturers and the lack of standards in IoT devices networks. Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is now one of the most used open protocols in the Internet of Things. The term IoT is often followed by a great enthusiasm of researchers. End-users also share the same sentiment, ignoring the security risks that arise from dropping and reconnecting IoT devices that very often send passwords to server in plain text, while manufacturers often remain silently indifferent. They primary put focus on profitability, but not on safety. In other words, the door on smart homes remains wide open for hackers. This paper gives an overview of one potential solution of the Internet of Things security problem.


ERP systems and the challenges of legal protection of personal data

ERP systems and the challenges of legal protection of personal data

Lazar Stošić, Aleksandra V. Janković, Igor Ristić, Momčilo Bajac

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Due to the increasingly rapid development and implementation of information technologies, the amount of information obtained via the Internet, the business environment, and increasing competition in the market, companies have a need for services and information systems that will fully support their businesses and at the same time enable development goals. On the scene come ERP systems that represent a wide range of business software for business management, ranging from financial management to operations management. In this whole process, the challenges of legal protection of personal data also arise.


Ethical and societal implications of transhumanism and technologies of the fourth industrial revolution

Ethical and societal implications of transhumanism and technologies of the fourth industrial revolution

Viktor Radun

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This paper deals with the impact of transhumanism and the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on ethics and environment of the emerging society. Transhumanism, with its ideas of radical technological transformation of human being aiming at creating a new being – a hybrid form developed from the fusion of man and machine, with transhuman, as a transi-tional form, and posthuman, as the ultimate stage of the human-machine fusion, brings many controversies and radically affects the position and essence of the human being. The ethics of transhumanism is being manifested through the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which, based on new set of technologies, enables a radical transformation of the human being, requiring the necessity of a new approach to ethics, from the point of view of technological ethics. Technologies within the framework of 4IR bring new, hitherto unimagined challenges that require the entire global community to review current ethics and adopt new measures and tasks for the purpose of redefining, reorganizing and restructuring the relationship between humans and technologies, in the direction of preserving the stable, humanist, holistic sustainable development of human society.


Hate speech and disinformation contrary to ethics and media education

Hate speech and disinformation contrary to ethics and media education

Maja Vojinović, Tatjana Davidov

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In the conditions of accelerated information-technological progress, ethical principles began to be lost. This is best reflected in the existence of hate speech and the spread of misinformation in the media space of the global village, as the world is today. The Internet has opened up a free media space, but it has not introduced a sufficient number of regulatory bodies that could eventually select or completely eliminate certain content, such as hate speech and misinformation. In this paper, one will try to point out the global problem concerning the expansion of a free, non-selective and non-critical digital space.


Improving construction projects and reducing risk by using artificial intelligence

Improving construction projects and reducing risk by using artificial intelligence

Milena Senjak Pejić, Mirjana Terzić, Dragana Stanojević, Igor Peško, Vladimir Mučenski

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Architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) industry has large amounts of data, the analysis of which can predict risks such as project delays, project budget overruns, low resource use efficiency, environmental damage, reduced safety, and the like. Research has shown that 98% of construction projects are realized with the contracted budget and deadline exceeded. This paper aims to show the significant potential and possibilities of applying artificial intelligence (AI) in the AEC industry, pointing out the benefits and obstacles faced by the AEC industry during the implementation of AI. The benefits of applying AI in the AEC industry relate to increasing efficiency, reducing costs, increasing productivity, increasing safety, better planning and providing timely and accurate information. The key obstacles that hinder the implementation of AI in practice are high implementation costs, incomplete data, job loss due to automation, mistrust of AI technology, cyber vulnerability, and lack of understanding field of AI.


Integer single-error-correcting codes as an alternative to the internet checksum

Integer single-error-correcting codes as an alternative to the internet checksum

Aleksandar Radonjić, Igor Ristić, Ivan Šćepanović

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The paper considers the possibility of using integer single-error-correcting (SEC) codes instead of the Internet checksum (IC). It is shown that such a replacement can be easily carried out, since the integer SEC codes are a generalization of the IC.


Nanoinformatics, computer applications for nanomedicine

Nanoinformatics, computer applications for nanomedicine

Aleksandar Đorđević

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Nanoinformatics emerged in the early 21st century as a response to the need for computer applications at the nano level. While nanomaterials offer the potential for developing new devices in various industrial and scientific fields, they also provide revolutionary perspectives in disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in humans. This review paper analyzes different aspects of nanoinformatics with a special focus on nanomedicine. Another important aspect is the use of informatics in further advancing the biological and clinical applications of basic research in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Nanoinformatics can accelerate the development of the emerging field of nanomedicine, similar to what happened with the Human Genome and other -omics projects, through the exchange of modeling and simulation methods and tools, linking toxicity information with clinical and personal databases, or developing new approaches for scientific studies.


Reshaping the future of work: navigating the impacts of lifelong learning and digital competences in the era of 5.0 industry

Reshaping the future of work: navigating the impacts of lifelong learning and digital competences in the era of 5.0 industry

Ana Nešić Tomašević

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Technological advancements and changes in the labor market require workers to continuously enhance their skills. Lifelong learning becomes a necessity in reality, and proposals in developed countries for returning to college after graduation open up new opportunities for acquiring new knowledge. Digital literacy, communication skills with both humans and robots, and understanding complex problems may become key skills for the 21st century. Jobs in the fields of medicine and technological innovation are expected to be in high demand. Furthermore, the digitization of society requires an increase in digital competences. These competences encompass not only computer literacy but also readiness for collaboration, quick problem-solving, and understanding of social relationships in a digital context. The paper “Lifelong Learning and Digital Competences in the Era of Industry 5.0: Keys to Success in the Future of Work” highlights the importance of continuous education and the development of skills necessary in the modern work environment, which is increasingly shifting towards Industry 5.0 and digital transformation.


Security of the system for electronic learning

Security of the system for electronic learning

Igor Ristić, Aleksandar Radonić

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Security is one of great problems in the creation and implementation of e-learning solution. As an end user is not able to see these problems, they are often neglected. As all other applications, e-learning portals are widely distributed and available to a wide audience, which makes them vulnerable in a way. As the concept of Web applications is very spontaneously developed without a detailed plan, and with great effort invested in development of programming languages and interpreters for Web applications, there is a danger from manipulation by malicious users.


Staffing techniques in industry 4.0

Staffing techniques in industry 4.0

Tijana Savić-Tot, Marija Runić-Ristić

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This paper gives a review of the changes that have happened over the past few years in the field of recruitment and selection one of the most important functions in Human Resource Management. The use of the Internet influences recruitment and selection practice and takes it to the next level. In the paper, the most recent trends in the field of recruitment and selection have been analyzed, and new models of resumes have been described.


Teorija organizacije u novom digitalnom okruženju

Teorija organizacije u novom digitalnom okruženju

Momčilo Bajac, Lazar V. Stošić, Aleksandra B. Sančanin

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Savremena teorija organizacije mora da uzme u obzir uticaj novih disruptivnih tehnologija na organizaciono teoretisanje i odnos između organizacionog dizajna, strukture i performansi. U radu polazimo od predpostavke da organizacije nisu uvek konsenzualne jer različiti ciljevi unutar organizacije odražavaju posebne interese i potrebe različitih steikholdera, koji mogu biti u sukobu jedni sa drugima. Blockchain tehnologije omogućavaju da se preko algoritma, dakle automatizovano, utvrdi konsenzus u decentralizovanoj mreži bez pribegavanja spoljnom autoritetu za odlučivanje i sprovođenje. Tehnologija distribuirane knjige (DLT), uz pomoć veštačke inteligencije i pametnih ugovora omogućava uspostavljanje organizacije bez menadžmenta ili zaposlenih, potpuno konstruisanu korišćenjem koda. Kao rezultat toga dobijamo decentralizovanu autonomnu organizaciju (DAO), u kojoj AI algoritmi deluju potpuno autonomno. Ovaj rad razmatra DAO kao mehanizam koji funkcioniše autonomno, automatski usaglašava interese i radikalno menja donošenje odluka unutar organizacija. Nove digitalne tehnologije i evolucija interneta upućuju nas da ispitamo kako vladajuće organizacione teorije mogu biti unapređene i promenjene u skladu sa novim tehnološkim okruženjem. Ovaj rad pokazuje kako dosadašnji pristupi organizacionoj teoriji, posebno menadžerizam kao preovlađujući pristup, nisu uvek funkcionalni i ne kooptiraju sa aktuelnim organizacionim praksama, posebno na Internetu.


Text mining: Clustering using bert and probabilistic topic modeling

Text mining: Clustering using bert and probabilistic topic modeling

Kavitha D., Anandha Mala G.S., Padmavathi B., Varshni S.V.

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In order to find significant patterns and fresh ideas, free-form content is transformed into structured format using a process known as text mining or text data mining. It enables businesses to easily locate important information in texts like emails, social media posts, support requests, chatbots, and other sorts of text. Text mining enables businesses to anticipate possible threats from rivals, react quickly to production or delivery problems, and provide more individualised customer service. Businesses employ text mining for a range of functions, including production, IT, marketing, sales, and customer service. By carefully examining the phrases used in the source texts, topic modelling aims to pinpoint the recurrent themes in a corpus. These concepts are known as “topics”. As a result, textual data may be measured and used in quantitative analysis. In this sector, there are several subject modelling kinds that differ from one another based on a few unique traits and criteria. In our paper we have represented mainly 3 types of topic modelling techniques namely Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP), and Latent Dirichlet Analysis (LDA) and calculated the coherence score of each method and compared them. And we have infused the concept of BERT with this topic modelling models and proposed a new model called HDP BERT and calculated the coherence Score and clusters the topics. At the end the n-grams features are applied to all 4 models and compared among each other in bases of uni, bi and trigram rate percentage.


Use of artificial intelligence for the generation of media content

Use of artificial intelligence for the generation of media content

Branislav Sančanin, Aleksandra Penjišević

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful catalyst that enables media organizations to optimize and improve their operations. The aim of the paper is to emphasize the importance and potential of AI during high-performance data analytics and media content generation. The focus is on responsible and ethically acceptable use of AI, which imposes the need to continuously build trust, through numerous challenges, during the management of potential risks. Standardization and mandatory publication of AI product data can pave the way for increased transparency and trust building. Otherwise, the power of AI, which has a huge potential to contribute to a better quality of life, could be transformed into a suicide tool.

