Improving technology for disinfecting grain from pests of bread stock using ultra-high radiation frequencies

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The article is devoted to the study of baking properties of flour made from microwave disinfected grain. The article also discusses methods that can assess the quality and safety of grain products. Measures taken for disinfestation of grain storage facilities are complex, expensive and require a complete shutdown of production, so it is relevant to search for new approaches to disinfestation of grain storage facilities without complete suspension of the work process. In this regard, methods of grain disinfestation using microwave radiation, electric fields and other physical methods that do not require stopping production are of considerable interest. The results of studies have shown that the use of microwave irradiation with high-frequency electromagnetic fields significantly increases the efficiency of destruction of pests in grain. The analysis of the effect of microwave irradiation on moisture, gluten content and temperature of grain indicates that the use of electromagnetic fields with a power of 180 W for 120-160 seconds does not affect the physical and chemical characteristics of grain. According to organoleptic evaluations, at optimal treatment parameters (180 W/m2 for 120-160 seconds) the color, aroma and taste of grain remain unchanged.


Microwave, pests, power, wheat, humidity, gluten

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140304523   |   DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2024-1-110-116

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