Tolerance in the personal development of medical students and its formation through a foreign language instruction

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The article is devoted to the current issue of tolerance. The authors present the concept of “tolerance” from the social, pedagogical, psychological and biomedical ethics points of view. The formation of tolerance in students of a medical university is viewed as an integral component in the educational process of a medical higher school due to the verily humanistic nature of the socionomic profession of a physician. The authors review the integration of the moral and character education into the foreign language instruction, based on the example of the educational work implemented at the Department of Foreign Languages of Kazan State Medical University.


Tolerance, moral education, students of medical schools, humanization, humanitarization, pedagogical environment

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IDR: 170188259   |   DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2021-1009

Список литературы Tolerance in the personal development of medical students and its formation through a foreign language instruction

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