Using visual aids in chemistry lessons important issues of the rules

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Visualization should be given priority in lessons for comprehensive mastery of chemistry, and theory should be applied to practice. When visual aids are used, the lesson becomes interesting and memorable. Therefore, students acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills. Also, it is the duty of all chemistry teachers to teach students all the properties of chemicals and how to properly handle them.

Chemicals, visibility, experience, safety rules

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IDR: 14131441   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/108/56

Список литературы Using visual aids in chemistry lessons important issues of the rules

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  • Морозов М. Н., Танаков А. И., Герасимов А. В., Быстров Д. А., Цвирко В. Э., Дорофеев М. В. Разработка виртуальной химической лаборатории для школьного образования // Образовательные технологии и общество. 2004. Т. 7. №3. С. 155-164.
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