Актуальные зарубежные исследования в сфере туризма. Рубрика в журнале - Вестник Ассоциации вузов туризма и сервиса
National park visitor segments and their interest in rural tourism services and intention to revisit
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The study aims to understand national park visitors’ interests to use tourism services provided in the vicinity of Linnansaari, Seitseminen and Repovesi national parks in Southern Finland. Separate visitor groups were identified based on their use of tourism services and their intention to revisit the area. Data were generated from a questionnaire survey of 736 visitors to the national parks. The analyses revealed five dimensions of interest in tourism services from which five visitor groups were identified: Countryside and outdoor friends, who were inter-ested in recreation services; safari riders, interested in renting snowmobiles and similar services; guided visitors, who were interested in guided tours; roomand rental seekers, whose main interest was accommodation and rental services, and uninterested, who had no interest in services. The strongest intentions to revisit the parks and the regions were recorded among “country-side and outdoor friends” and “safari riders”. The results of this study may help tourism enterprises, municipal-ity decision makers and park managers in rural communities surrounding national parks to understand and recognize visitors’ overall needs of tourism services.
The role of boards of directors in tourist organizations
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Tourist organizations are destination-based institutions that draw together stakeholders with interests in tour-ism. Our present knowledge of the governance of such organizations is limited. The aim of this research was to explore directors’ roles and responsibilities, and determine whom they see themselves working for. Focus group interviews with 37 directors in Norwegian organizations revealed that boards undertake several responsibilities. There seemed to be a gap between what they considered important and the level of attention given to specific responsibilities. The study further revealed that a shareholderperspective was present, yet limited in the context of tourist organizations. A stakeholder perspective could partly explain their behavior. Boards of directors in tourist organizations care for many interests, not merely the orga-nization’s owners. Theoretical and managerial implications based on the study results are highlighted.