Socio-economic development strategy. Рубрика в журнале - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast

Structural transformation issues in regional economy
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The paper systematizes areas of structural research in economic theory. We analyze structural shifts and proportions in regional economy using the data on the Vologda Oblast for 1995-2016. We consider regularities in the Oblast’s socio-economic development at the level of the economy as a whole and its sectoral structure at all the key stages of the reproduction process: production, formation and use of income. We reveal the presence of significant transformation in the structure of output of products, expressed in the reducing share of commodity production and growing share of services production. We register a decrease in the overall efficiency of the Oblast’s economy caused by the increase in the intensity of the output of goods and services. We highlight the trend of raising the wages of employees and reducing business income in the structure of the economy. We conclude that social reproduction in the Vologda Oblast is managed poorly, and there remain certain problems in the sectoral and reproduction structure of GRP, in the structure of investments, final consumption and savings; these problems constrain modernization processes and do not contribute to the improvement of the quality of life...

Technological development: investment structure impact
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The study is aimed at determining the impact of a technology investment structure on changes in technological effectiveness of the economy that should be taken into account in the medium and long term. The research methodology includes structural and empirical analysis of the distribution of investment between new and old technologies, econometric models of technological level and investment in new and old technologies that have undergone a reasonable selection procedure according to the principle of best reliability; involves formulation of general principles and substantiation of technological development goals for the medium and long term. The technology structure determines potential of technological developmentanditsdynamics. It is based on realized medium- and long-term goals and search for responses to competitive challenges. The work results in confirmation of the investments structure influence on the overall level of technological effectiveness of the economy, different sensitivity of investment in new and old technologies to changes in risk and interest rates. For Russian economy the analysis of two sectors, particularly manufacturing and transactional raw materials ones, shows that with interest rates gone up, we observe faster decrease in investment in new technologies than those in old technologies, the level of manufacturability goes down as well. Therefore, the task of Russian economy technological renewal can be solved with regard to risk reduction measures in the manufacturing sector and application of differentiated interest rates in a sectoral perspective, ensuring its overall reduction. Using the taxonomic analysis method, the author identifies key models of technological development (at a theoretical level) according to characteristics of the structure of investment in new and old technologies. This helps specify economic policy measures in terms of the impact of investments distribution on the technological level, as well as their dynamics, that is, evaluate contribution of investments in various types of technologies to the overall rate of economic growth.

The genesis and mechanisms to overcome systemic economic crises
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The paper aims to look into the origin and nature of global economic crises, the least studied phenomena of the global economic life - the phenomena, the nature of which still has not received a generally accepted explanation in economic science. Market economy has its own laws, the spontaneous nature of which is revealed in times of crises. However, the analysis of global “crisis experience” draws attention to an important feature in the implementation of various forms of crises that remains at all the stages of economic development. Some economic shocks, despite their urgency and scale, gradually give way to recovery and then - to complete recovery. Other end up with weak revival and depression, gradually turning into a new recession. Such crises, depressions, and periods of sluggish economic recovery form the “waves of crisis development” that hold the economy in a depressed condition for a long time. The impact and the consequences of these “waves” of economic shocks that are sequential or overlapping in time go beyond the medium-term economic dynamics...

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Global economic challenges, along with a slowdown in the world economy growth, lead to the need to consider foreign economic activity (FEA) as a factor affecting regional development. Due to non-resource exports, both quantitative (increasing the exports volume, employment, investment inflows, tax base) and qualitative tasks (diversifying the economy, increasing competitiveness and innovation, production of high-value products) are solved. In this regard, a scientifically based assessment of the FEA role in the regional development strategies is relevant which can be the basis for developing a set of mechanisms and tools for the region’s foreign economic development. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the FEA development impact on the regional development by identifying the reflection of its prospects in the development strategies of Russian regions and different countries’ regions. The object of the research is FEA of the selected regions of the Russian Federation, developed countries (Germany, USA), and EAEU countries (Belarus and Kazakhstan). The scientific novelty is to identify the relations between the degree of economic development and FEA countries, and the reflection of promising areas and tools for the FEA development in the development strategies of their regions. The methodological base is represented by the approaches to defining the determinants and principles of FEA support. There were included the following methods: an indicators’ comparative analysis of the economic and FEA development levels of the selected countries and the prospects for the FEA development (in areas, including export of services; non-resource export; export diversification; etc.) in their regions’ strategies. The analysis results confirmed the assumption that the reflection of the directions and tools of FEA development is paid attention to both in developed and developing economies, but different countries have their own specifics. The analysis allows taking into account the experience of developed countries and leading exporters, as well as the EAEU members, when working out individual strategies and program documents of the regions in the FEA field.

The priorities of the energy infrastructure modernization in rural areas of the Komi Republic
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The article presents the problems of development and modernization of energy infrastructure priorities in rural areas of the Komi Republic. For the most part of rural population the achieved level of energy supply is the necessary minimum for the needs, and it has the low parameters of the energy and economy efficiency. The main directions of the rural energy supply modernization should be: the gas supply system development, the electric grid capacity growth and the construction of the modern small energy technologies (small central heating and power plants, modular boiler plants, efficient solid fuel boilers).

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The article analyzes the basic propositions of the Strategy for Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship (SME) in the Russian Federation till 2030 and the comparison of the key parameters of this strategy with target SME development indicators, which had been earlier given in various planning and forecasting documents of the RF Government. The paper investigates the main causes of the failure with the previously declared benchmarks for a powerful “breakthrough” in this sector of the national economy, in particular, via realization of a set of goal state programs of SME promotion and development. Insufficient results of the state policy for promotion and development of SME for a long time were explained not only by its rather primitive tools, but also by its isolation from other key directions of the state economic policy and by general unsatisfactory trends in structural reforms in the Russian Federation economy. The paper also proves the need to upgrade the entire ideology of SME promoting policy in the Russian Federation taking into account the actual level of development of small business in the national economy as well as the tasks that define its priorities for the future, mainly, in the context of transition to innovative development...

The transport complex of the Far East: development trends and economic role
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The mutual influence of transport and economic development has been the focus of scientific research for a long time. Despite this, to date there has not yet formed a single point of view; the results of different authors' assessments are contradictory. Russian Far East is a region whose transport complex importance is difficult to overestimate. The additional relevance of this research area at the present stage is determined by the use of new forms and tools of the region's state policy, as well as the emergence of new promising areas of foreign economic cooperation in the field of transport. The purpose for the present study is to analyze the performance of the role of transport in the economy of the Russian Far East during 2000-2016, as well as to study the factors affecting the significance of transport in the regional economy at the present stage. The methodological research framework lies in the system approach and methods of system-functional and statistical analysis...

Theory and methodology of appraisal of enterprise economic potential
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The functioning of an enterprise is based on building and use of its economic potential. The company's performance depends on the quality of these processes. Modern conditions of highly dynamic operating environment put demands on the search and application of new approaches to the building and use of economic potential of enterprises which provide opportunities for identifying and using internal economic growth reserves. An important economic parameter of the enterprise operation is the appraisal of economic potential formation and use effectiveness. Lack of economic control mechanisms scientifically proved for market management conditions and appraisal of the enterprises' state in terms of efficiency of economic resources formation and use diminish investment activity and the competitiveness of economic entities. This necessitates the search for new methods and models for appraising economic potential, which defines economic independence as a system of management impacts on the economic state and development of an enterprise...

What capitalism does Russia need?: methodological guidelines of the “new industrialization”
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Modernization of the Russian economy should be carried out taking into consideration global trends and contradictions of the country's socio-economic development. The first trend is predetermined by the transition to the sixth technological mode: the creation and development of bio-, genetic and nanotechnology, quantum computers and new composite materials. Countries that missed the stage of preparation for the beginning of a new Kondratieff wave (the growth potential is laid in the first 15-20 years of the beginning of the cycle), will at best enter the stage of catching-up development. The second trend is defined by global competition for human capital and consists in the outflow of talented Russian youth to the West. Russia should develop a concept for the preservation and enhancement of human capital, which will create natural barriers against the loss of intellectual capital. The undervalued “live labor” forms the basis of strategic contradictions of Russia's socio-economic development between the declared policy of innovative development of the economy and a weak demand for innovation on the part of private enterprises...