The regularities and mechanisms of the efficient memorization of the professional vocabulary in the process of teaching the English language in university

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The article deals with the study of the regularities and mechanisms of the efficient memorization of the professional vocabulary in the process of teaching the foreign language in the modern university. It is defined that both the cognitive and emotional components take part in the actions’ regulation directed to the memorization of the professional vocabulary in the English language. There are revealed the regularities and mechanisms of the efficient memorization on the basis of the memory’s effect, that were emphasized by V.P. Zinchenko, and the ideas of the synthesis of the cognitive and the emotional in the voluntary activity, aimed at the memorization of the professional vocabulary in English. The authors systematize the characteristics of the professional vocabulary as the object for the memorization. It is specified how the revealed regularities can be used for the improvement of the efficiency of teaching the English language in the professional sphere in the modern university.


Memorization, psychological barrier, professional vocabulary, study of foreign languages, english language, higher education

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IDR: 148328625

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