Статьи журнала - Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research
Все статьи: 303

Economic Systems and Economic Institutions
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In this article, the author considers the main typical economic systems; also the institutions are systemized. The economic institutions are considered as the basis for the economic growth in modern economy. The author identifies the main types of economic systems that are historically developed in the economy, as well as the economic institutions that constitute them, which provide an objective basis for economic growth.

Environmental Ethics: From Fhilosophy to Movement
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Environmental ethics is an area that investigates the subject of which ethical norms are suitable for governing human relations with the natural environment.The association among humanity and her environment turn out to be an ethical dilemma amid the twentieth century, when accelerated economic and scientific development was convoyed by deep modifications in our global ecological systems. In response, environmental ethics calls for restrictions to this dichotomous association between man and nature.This paper unites the existing literatures on environmental ethics, asking for a move from philosophical postulations to tangible action so as to save our world.

Fakikh Abu JaFar Ustrushaniy and His Scientific Heritage
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In this article disclosed opinions about the representative of the Islamic mazhab (way of belief) Hanafiyya, the movement ahlu-s-sunna wa-l-jamoa (family of followers of preaching of the Prophet Muhammad) - Abu Jafar Ustrushhaniy, who lived in the Middle Ages on the territory of Movarounnahr, about the period in which he lived, his scientific heritage, about his teachers and students, as well as his contribution to the development of the science of fiqh (jurisprudence).

Features of Sports and Public Events in Russia: Current Status and Current Problems
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The article discusses the features of sports and social events in Russia. It is shown that effective sports and moral education can be carried out during mass cultural and recreational youth events, widely popular in recent years in our country and in the world community.However, the organizational and technological component of the management of the development of the structure of such events did not become a subject of special study for scientists and specialists.Meanwhile, the absence of such technical developments seriously slows down the development of the latest approaches to organizing major youth competitions. This determines the urgency of a deep analysis of the current state and the development of humanistic principles for the management and organization of such events.

Features of Teaching Physical Culture in Higher Educational Institutions Russia
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The article discusses the features of teaching the subject "Physical Education" in higher educational institutions in Russia. It is shown that special attention is paid to the personality of the student, as an integral part of the professional training of students throughout the entire period of study. In modern conditions, the transformation of all aspects of sports activity is of decisive importance not only in the professional sphere, but also in the physical training of the younger generation, which is necessary for future work. The problems of further improvement of physical education at the university are now the subject of close attention of leading experts.

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The article discusses the system of higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports, which is far from being able to fully provide the economy with specialists capable of effectively carrying out professional activities in market conditions. Specialists after graduating from the university should have not only fundamental versatile knowledge, skills and abilities in the professional field, but also a set of stable properties that determine suitability for professional activities and meet the requirements of modern production, such as stress resistance, competitiveness, high performance, self-defense, health and range functionality of the body. It is these qualities that can be formed in the process of physical education, since when playing sports, situations are created that make one act more meaningfully and restrainedly.

Features of legal proceedings in Ancient Russia
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The article deals with the system of legal proceedings that existed in Ancient Russia. The main attention is paid to the Russian Truth of Yaroslav the Wise as the main source of old Russian law. Russian Truth, which arose in the early feudal state of Kievan Rus with undeveloped socio-economic, political, ideological, socio-cultural and other relations did not yet know the concept of criminal and civil law and process. At the same time, the formation of the institution of private property and social inequality in the tribal societies of the Slavs, United by the single power of the Kievan Prince, contributed to the appearance and growth of various kinds of offenses among the population. This forced the government to take certain steps to prevent them and restore the violated rights and interests of citizens, which required the legislator to fairly clearly regulate the investigation of violations and consideration of cases in the courts.

Features of physical education at the higher school
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The article discusses various approaches to the implementation of humanistic values in education, in which the personality is the highest social value. Particular attention is paid to an individual approach to teaching and educating students. This concept should be aimed not only at improving the physical fitness of students and strengthening their health, but also at the formation of a rational structure of classes in their free time. The analysis of scientific and methodological literature on this topic showed that in universities not enough attention is paid to the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students, health promotion and improvement of their physical condition.

Features of the Development of Physical Culture in Russia in the Post-Soviet Period
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The article examines the constitutional provisions of 1993 on the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports, on the basis of which laws on physical culture and sports were developed and adopted in most subjects of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is drawn to the fact that, despite significant difficulties, the organizational structure of the management of the industry has been practically preserved in Russia, including taking into account the specifics of physical culture and sports.

Features of the Religious and Spiritual Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Current Trends
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The article is devoted to a brief review of the main features of the current policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan on religious and spiritual issues. It sheds light on the processes of the liberalization of religious and spiritual life after the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the revival of Islamic values and the restoration of the appropriate place of Islam in social life, an emergence of radical forces that put forward the notion of building an Islamic state. It also examines the newest trends of in organizing of the religious and spiritual life and their reflection in the foreign policy of the state.

Ferghana in the early middle ages: political and ethnic processes
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This article discusses the issue to what extent Ferghana valley, like other historical and cultural possessions as Sogd, Chach, Ustrushana, as a separate political entity played role in ethno-political processes that happened in Central Asia in the early middle ages, in particular, VI-VIII centuries. Basing on written sources in Chinese, Sogdian, Arabic and Persian, there has been disclosed that Ferghana in that period actively participated in the political procedures of the region, held close political and diplomatic relations not only with neighboring or close oasis political units like Chach and Sogd, but also with the largest empires of their time, such as the Turkic khaganate, China and Tibet.

Foreign Policy of the USSR in 1960-1970
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This article deals with the Soviet foreign policy 60-70 of the last century, which solved the main problem of that period - reducing the confrontation between East and West. The foreign policy of the USSR in those years was aimed at achieving three main goals: to strengthen its influence in the socialist community, to unite the world system of socialism, to prevent the fall of any country from it; to improve relations with the developed countries of the West, especially with the United States, Germany, France, to ensure peaceful coexistence with them; to expand its sphere of influence in the "third world", to intensify military-technical and economic cooperation with developing countries.This article will show us the role of the events that took place in that period, and to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the policy, to analyze the influence of the ideology of communism on the formation of the foreign policy of the USSRIn the preparation of the article specific historical, formational and social methods of research were used, which allowed to reveal facts, phenomena and processes in the relationship and unity of the past, present and future.

Fundamentals of Legislative Regulation of Russian Pravda: Historical Development Trends
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The article examines the process of formation of the legal Russian state, which acquires great importance in the light of studying the extensive historical experience of the formation and functioning of various state-legal institutions. In this context, the study of the emergence and development of procedural relations, both at the stage of pre-trial proceedings and directly during the trial during the adoption of the "Russian Truth" by Prince Yaroslav the Wise, is of considerable interest. The article shows that the discussions on the problem of the organizational and legal foundations of criminal and civil proceedings at various stages of legal proceedings in Ancient Russia, which began more than two centuries ago, not only do not subside, but, on the contrary, become even more acute in the XXI century.

Historical Aspects of Economic Activity of the Population in Russia in the XIX Century
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The article deals with the economic activity of the main part of the Russian population in the first half of the XIX century. Special attention is paid to the life of peasants, their homes and customs.Russian peasants were quite modest in household use. Also in the article it is spoken about food which in the conditions of natural, consumer character of country economy was result of production activity of the farmer.The article describes the everyday and celebration clothes, which preserved the traditional, archaic features formed in ancient times. Attention is paid to the shoes worn by peasants. An impressive shift in the existence of Russian society was the state, almost most of which were in slavery, but at the beginning of this period they became free. However, the latest trends often did not displace the old ones, which, in turn, hindered the development of the country. All this helps us to more accurately imagine the life of the peasants of the XIX century.

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The article discusses the historical aspects of the sports Universiades in Russia. It is shown that the Universiades have a significant impact on the development of youth sports in Russia, increase its international status and efficiency and create conditions for the formation of youth motivation to sports and recreational activities, taking into account its needs and interests.Particular attention is paid to the history of the Universiades, which should be a reliable pillar of the formation of national identity. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the position of youth sports with the introduction of a system of grants for student-athletes-winners of the Russian student championships.

Historical Peculiarities of Social Adaptation of People With Cerebral Palsy
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The main aim was to study and analyze historical and psychological and pedagogical aspects of the development of children with cerebral palsy, in particular to study the medical and physical characteristics (clinical features), the psychological well-being of children, and the educational approaches and problems (pedagogy) associated with CP. Detailed information is collected on the type and severity of CP, associated symptomatology; information on educational interventions, support services and challenges faced by children with cerebral palsy in educational settings. The paper discusses the possible causes of CP, allowing the disease to be categorized by its manifestations and possibly prevented. CP is a multifactorial disorder, but despite a long history of research in the scientific community, there is no consensus on the predominant impact of CP on childrens socialisation and development. A child with CP may have problems with speech motor skills. There is a problem of early diagnosis and, as a consequence, the beginning of treatment measures, which, in turn, largely determines the course of the disease.

Historical aspects of educational policy in Russia
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The article shows that the improvement of the quality, accessibility, and efficiency of education, its continuous and innovative nature, the growth of social mobility and activity of young people, and their involvement in various educational environments make the education system an important political factor that ensures the development of the economy, the growth of the welfare of citizens, and the strengthening of the statehood and national security of Russia. This, in turn, requires a revision of the role and functions of the state in the organization of education. At the same time, one of the deepest problems arising in the interaction of the state and education is that now the functions of the state in education are often considered in a purely financial or legislative manner. Meanwhile, the purpose of the state in the field of education is much higher than this level, therefore, the range of its functions should be much wider.

Historical aspects of sports-mass work in higher educational institutions of Russia
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The article examines the historical aspects of the mass sports movement in Russian universities. It should be recognized that during the reform years of the 1990s-2000s, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the values of physical culture and sports was carried out haphazardly. The ideal of physical health, the most important component of a lifestyle, has not been formed. Sport as a factor of the country's image remained in oblivion. The multiple increase in the cost of services in the field of physical culture and sports has made the objects of physical culture and sports, tourism and recreation inaccessible to the population of the country. As a result, a healthy lifestyle of people has not acquired the status of moral value. Only in recent years, sport has increasingly acquired the features of one of the directions of state policy and the educational function of public organizations, professional and creative unions.

Historical features of life of the peasantry in the XIX century
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The article examines the life of the peasant community in the XIX-th century. It is shown that the peasants during this period were the most numerous class in the Russian Empire with their rights and responsibilities. The problem of buying out land from landlords was especially acute, and this was a heavy burden for about 40% of the peasants. This problem was finally solved only by the beginning of the XX-th century. The article draws attention to the traditions and life of the peasantry, which from generation to generation preserved production skills, ethical norms, traditions, many of which still exist today and are an integral part of the daily life of the modern Russian village.

Historical perspectives on sports in Russia
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The article examines the development of physical culture and sports in historical retrospect in Russia. It is shown that the development of sports in Russia is conditioned by the need to form a harmoniously developed personality as the highest social value, which will contribute to strengthening people's health and increasing life expectancy. However, in recent years, there has been an alarming trend of deterioration in the health of the population. This is due not only to the problems of the economy, ecology, labor and everyday life, but also to the underestimation in society of socio-economic and health-improving processes of the formation of physical culture, which affected the residual principle of its financing, an acute shortage of material resources, qualified specialists. The current situation and, in particular, the sharp reduction in the number of people engaged in physical culture associated with it, led to a number of undesirable social phenomena. The importance of the role of physical culture and sports is currently supported by President Vladimir Putin.