Статьи журнала - Бюллетень Почвенного института им. В.В. Докучаева

Все статьи: 487

75-летию академика В.И. Кирюшина

75-летию академика В.И. Кирюшина



Central image of vertisols: evolution of concepts of their morphology and genesis

Central image of vertisols: evolution of concepts of their morphology and genesis

Kovda I.V., Lebedeva M.P., Morgun E.G.

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This paper discuss the changes in understanding of the central image of Vertisols and leading processes of their formation. The early concept described Vertisols as black or dark clayey soils with homogenous undifferentiated profile resulted basically of pedoturbation. The further studies discovered vertical differentiation of Vertisol attributes. The application of trench method discovered spatial heterogeneity of Vertisols with alternation of bowl and diapiric structures. Such spatial complex subsurface pattern seems to be rather common and can be found even in the absence of gilgai microrelief. A new central image of a mature Vertisol is a combination of two structural types, one being homogenous and monotonous, generally corresponding to the initial central image, and the other - heterogeneous profile with fragmented horizons. A leading process forming the new central image of Vertisols was defined as lateral shearing or plastic deformations, i.e., plastic movements and gradual upward pushing of moist material (analogy of defluction process). Pedoturbation or more exactly the vertical falling of surface material into the cracks results in the vertical mixing rather than in deformations. Micromorphological features typical of Vertisols and associated with shrink-swell phenomena, cracking, mixing and lateral shearing that are reflected in the central image of Vertisols are summarized in the paper and illustrated by microphotographs.


Current trends in soil micromorphology: bibliometric approach

Current trends in soil micromorphology: bibliometric approach

Lebedeva M.P., Kovda I.V., Gerasimova M.I., Dostovalova E.V.

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The analysis of publications has shown that the period of intensive development of several spheres in micromorphology in the second half of the XX century was followed by a period when micromorphology became more required in applied research. Addressing micromorphology for solving pedogenetic and taxonomic questions became reduced both in Russia and in the world. Further progress of traditional micromorphology in Russia is expected owing to application of sophisticated equipment, participation in hierarchical morphogenetic studies, as well as to the possibility for students and professionals to work with a “database” - collection of thin sections representing a broad array of soils. This work is initiated at V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, where many thin sections are already accumulated, and most specialists worked and are now working there.


Endolithic and hypolithic soil-like systems: structure and composition from the macro- to submicro-levels

Endolithic and hypolithic soil-like systems: structure and composition from the macro- to submicro-levels

Mergelov N.S., Shorkunov I.G., Dolgikh A.V., Shishkov V.A., Zazovskaya E.P., Targulian V.O., Goryachkin S.V.

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The paper presents a detailed study on structure and composition of endolithic and hypolithic systems. The following issues are discussed: morphology at macro to submicro levels, biochemical weathering, formation of carbonates and oxalates in situ, migration of Fe compounds, and spatial patterns of endolithic systems. Endolithic and hypolithic systems have major features attributed to soils: (a) rock layer exposed to external abiogenic factors, (b) lithomatrix inhabited by living organisms which are synthesizing and decomposing organic matter, (c) as a result initial parent rock (lithomatrix) is transformed in situ by biogenic and abiogenic factors, the products of transformation are retained and/or removed, the vertical heterogenity is established in a form of microhorizons composing microprofile. Examined profiles of endolithic systems in granitoids of East Antarctica with high quartz content had clear eluvial-illuvial differentiation patterns. Similar patterns have been discovered in different landscapes from the Plateau Ozark in Missouri to the Table Mountain in South Africa.


Hierarchical morphogenetic analysis of Kursk chernozem

Hierarchical morphogenetic analysis of Kursk chernozem

Gerasimova M.I., Bronnikova M.A., Khitrov N.B., Shorkunov I.G.

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Each of four hierarchical levels in the morphogenetic research is characterized in terms of technical and information facilities. A detailed hierarchical study was performed for the first time for chernozems and may be qualified for a basic one. Its results comprise confirmation of occurrence and details in manifestations of pedogenetic processes well-known in chernozems, as well as additional information on the pedofauna contribution to chernozem formation, variability and dynamics of carbonate pedofeatures, stability of the mineral soil ingredients.


INFOSOIL - информационно-справочная система по классификации и распознаванию почв России

INFOSOIL - информационно-справочная система по классификации и распознаванию почв России

Рожков В. А., Рожкова С. В., Кравец П. В., Конюшков Д. Е.

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Информационная система INFOSOIL предназначена для построения целевых классификаций почв на основе фиксированного набора почвенных показателей. При этом обеспечивается прозрачность всех этапов и процедур: определяется предельное число объектов в учтенном пространстве признаков, информативность этих признаков, метод и качество группировок объектов в классы, осуществление распознавания вновь представленных почв. Система претендует называться генератором или машиной целевых классификаций почв. В основу системы положена концепция классификации-перечисления, связывающая совокупность значений почвенных признаков, соответствующих намеченной цели и назначению создаваемой классификации. Произведение числа значений (позиций классификаторов) признаков определяет максимальное число объектов в образованном классификационном пространстве. Достигается полное соответствие пространства признаков и числа объектов. Показана реализация предлагаемого подхода, а также указано положение известных почв в системе полученной целевой классификации. В статье демонстрируется первая версия сайта информационной системы (www.infosoil), показано развитие ее реальных возможностей и обеспечен доступ к средствам обновления разработчикам и авторам классификации. Предусмотрены интерфейсы с создаваемой Почвенно-географической базой данных, с Государственным реестром почвенных ресурсов, с Почвенной картой в масштабе 1 : :2500000. В систему по существу включена классификация (2004), которой можно пользоваться, а авторам созданы условия для ее развития. Автоматизировано использование определителя почв (2008). INFOSOIL развивается как интеллектуальная информационная система, включившая расчетно-логическую систему МЕРОН, алгоритмические средства создания классификаций перечисления, использования и исследования существующих классификаций.


Microbiomorphic analysis as part of micromorphological investigations: composition, diagnostics and informative capacity for paleoenvironmental reconstructions

Microbiomorphic analysis as part of micromorphological investigations: composition, diagnostics and informative capacity for paleoenvironmental reconstructions

Golyeva A.A.

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Microbiomorphic analysis is a detailed study of microscopic particles of biogenic nature (plant detritus, phytoliths, shells of diatoms, spicules of sponges, pollen, etc.). Each of such particles characterizes environmental conditions at the time of its formation and, therefore, provides useful information for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. The Early Pleistocene deposits were studied in Armenia at the sites, where tools of ancient hominids (Early Acheulian) were found. The genesis of these deposits was identified. It was shown that these ancient alluvial-lacustrine sediments were transformed by soil-forming processes. The environmental conditions at the time of the ancient hominids’ migration were reconstructed.


Morphogenetic basis of the unified state register of soil resources of Russia

Morphogenetic basis of the unified state register of soil resources of Russia

Stolbovoy V.S., Molchanov E.N., Sheremet B.V.

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Nomenclature and taxonomic diversity of soils and their horizon-profile diagnostics/descriptions define morphogenetic soil indicators used in the Unified State Register of Soil Resources of Russia (with Russian abbreviation of EGRPR). Most of these soil indicators are of non-metric origin, i.e., established conventionally by agreement. Subject area of soil science includes a hierarchy of 5 types of soil objects (pit, profile, horizon, morphological element and sample), 380 indicators, 607 methods and 3019 values of the indicators.


Morphological record of pedogenesis and landscape evolution in the upper quaternary pedosediments within the upper Volga river basin

Morphological record of pedogenesis and landscape evolution in the upper quaternary pedosediments within the upper Volga river basin

Rusakov A.V., Sedov S.N.

Статья научная

The morphological record of pedogenesis (mostly at a micromorphological scale) and the features of paleosols developed at the northern geographical extremity of the MIS3 paleopedoshpere (including the Bryansk fossil soils) are described. The profiles of the MIS3 paleosols (dark humic gley and peaty gley with the 14С-age around 29-50 cal kyr BP) are located within the periglacial zone in the centre of the Russian Plain (56.7°-58.5° N) within the Upper Volga drainage basin. An assemblage of stable micromorphological features of paleosols studied includes the following: 1) ferruginous nodules and other pedofeatures, occasionally fragmented; 2) concentration (separation) of sand grains within certain microzones; 3) inclusions of raw organic matter, often deformed and oriented to different degrees within the matrix. Despite being buried for a long time period and superimposed by the Holocene pedogenetic processes (clay illuviation), the paleosols preserve some features of short-term (101-102 yr) and medium-term (102-103-4 yr) elementary pedogenetic processes (EPP). The short-term EPP include gleying, structure forming and cryogenic processes. The medium-term EPP include humus formation, peat formation and organic matter accumulation. A hypothesis of cryogenic formation of the paleosols studied is substantiated. Only an almost impermeable layer of permafrost could cause water-logging and gleying in these geological and geomorphological conditions.


Morphological soil description for classifying soils and interpteting their genesis

Morphological soil description for classifying soils and interpteting their genesis

Gerasimova M.I., Khitrov N.B.

Статья научная

Morphological description of the soil profile must provide further hierarchical morphogenetic analysis and adequate diagnostic and classification of soil in any substantive-genetic taxonomic system. In a brief taxonomy-oriented description, priority should be given to soil properties having diagnostic significance; they may be different for different horizons, and those discriminating similar horizons should receive special attention. It is proposed to compile an updated field handbook for soil morphological description, supporting the recent classification system of soils of Russia.


On the question of studying dust-like formations in urban ecosystems

On the question of studying dust-like formations in urban ecosystems

Ukarkhanova D.T., Moskovchenko D.V., Yurtaev A.A.

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According to the World Health Organization, more than 80% of urban residents are at risk due to unsatisfactory air quality and air pollution, which causes approximately 4.2 million deaths per year. The purpose of the work is to give an overview of scientific articles related to the dustiness of the city’s natural environments. The articles of foreign and Russian researchers were analyzed - the definition of urban road dust was given; the primary technogenic and natural sources of dust particle generation in the city, thephysical and chemical properties of road dust, their dependence on climate, the type of roads and city architecture, the effect of photolysis on physicalchemical characteristics of dust particles are reviewed as well. Particular attention is paid to the negative impact of dust particles PM2.5 and PM10 on human health and the environment. The question of the absence in Russian scientific practice an officially recognized methodology for the settled dust sampling with updating the regulatory documentation on the methodology for the sampling of fine particles suspended in the air is considered. Recommendations are given on the creation of the regulatory framework governing the sampling and analysis of road dust, which is confirmed by the numerous conclusions of both foreign and some domestic researchers as an environmental geo-indicator.


Review on uranium in soil: levels, migration

Review on uranium in soil: levels, migration

Sanzharova N.I., Ratnikov A.N., Fesenko S.V., Sviridenko D.G.

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The problems of radioactive contamination of biosphere with the 238U in recent years have attracted a large number of experts in various fields of knowledge. Natural radionuclides are an integral part of the biosphere. They are concentrated everywhere: in rocks, in soil, water, air and food. Various types of phosphorus fertilizers and other natural ameliorants used in agriculture are also an additional source of heavy natural radionuclides. The review describes the behaviour and migration of 238U in biosphere, which depend on various factors acting simultaneously. It is noted that the behaviour of 238U in the soil depends on the forms of its presence in it and the physical and chemical properties of the soil. The processes of sorption and desorption of 238U by different soil types are significant indicators.


Role of cryogenic processes in the organization of soils at macro-, meso- and micro-levels

Role of cryogenic processes in the organization of soils at macro-, meso- and micro-levels

Gubin S.V.

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Cryogenic processes that occur in permafrost-affected and perennially frozen soils are analyzed and systematized. Their influences are observed at the three levels of soil organization. Thin sections are prepared from thawed and frozen soil samples.


Salt and gypsum pedofeatures as indicators of soil processes

Salt and gypsum pedofeatures as indicators of soil processes

Yamnova I.A.

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Pedofeatures of salts and gypsum in arid and semi-arid soils indicate the salinization process and its dynamics. Mineralogical and morphological features of these pedofeatures, their distribution in the soil profile as well as confinement to individual components of microstructure are indicators of soil processes, both modern and relict. The paper presents the results of a comprehensive morpho-mineralogical analysis of the newly formed salt and gypsum pedofeatures in saline soils in the south of European Russia and Cis-Baikal region as well as Transcaucasia, Central Asia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.


Soil erosion prediction using the Revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) in Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud-based platform

Soil erosion prediction using the Revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) in Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud-based platform

Papaiordanidis S., Gitas I.Z., Katagis T.

Статья научная

High-quality soils are an important resource affecting the quality of life of human societies, as well as terrestrial ecosystems in general. Thus, soil erosion and soil loss are a serious issue that should be managed, in order to conserve both artificial and natural ecosystems. Predicting soil erosion has been a challenge for many years. Traditional field measurements are accurate, but they cannot be applied to large areas easily because of their high cost in time and resources. The last decade, satellite remote sensing and predictive models have been widely used by scientists to predict soil erosion in large areas with cost-efficient methods and techniques. One of those techniques is the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). RUSLE uses satellite imagery, as well as precipitation and soil data from other sources to predict the soil erosion per hectare in tons, in a given instant of time. Data acquisition for these data-demanding methods has always been a problem, especially for scientists working with large and diverse datasets...


Soil micromorphology in archaeology: history, objectives, possibilities and prospects

Soil micromorphology in archaeology: history, objectives, possibilities and prospects

Bronnikova M.A., Panin A.V., Murasheva V.V., Golyeva A.A.

Статья научная

The history of applying soil micromorphology in archaeology in Russia and abroad is overviewed. The main objectives of soil micromorphological analysis of archaeological objects are specified. The possibilities offered by this method are illustrated by the example of a micromorphological study of a cultural layer of an Early Medieval settlement. The prospects of archaeological soil micromorphology development are outlined.


Soil morphology: new challenges and opportunities

Soil morphology: new challenges and opportunities

Ivanov A.L.

Ред. заметка


Soils in the bulia micro watershed of Gorontalo province, Indonesia, and their quality assessment

Soils in the bulia micro watershed of Gorontalo province, Indonesia, and their quality assessment

Nurdin, Rayes Mochtar Lutfi, Soemarno, Sudarto, Listyarini Endang, Agustina Christanti, Rahman Rival, Rauf Asda, Husain Jailani

Статья научная

Ten representative pedons from the Bulia micro watershed of Gorontalo Province, Indonesia, were characterized and classified to determine its land quality (LQ) class. Angular blocky, sticky, plastic consistencies and a hard consistency prevailed in the soil structure. In the alluvial plains the soil texture is dominated by the clay fraction, while in the hills and volcanic mountains the sand fraction is dominated. The soils in the Bulia micro watershed also have acid to neutral reaction, with the range of very low to high OC (organic carbon) levels, the reserve of exchangeable bases was dominated by Ca2+ in two series patterns, namely: Ca2+ > Mg+ > Na+ > K+ and Ca2+ > Na+ > Mg+ > K+, cation exchange capacity (CEC) ranged from low to very high, and the base saturation varied from moderate to very high. The alluvial plain is represented by Inceptisol in P1 and Typic Humustepts (P7), also by Oxic Humustepts (P3), then Mollisol on P4 (Typic Argiudolls) and Typic Haplustolls (P6), Alfisol on P5 (Typic Paleustalfs). Entisol on P2 (Typic Ustipsamments) was found in volcanic mountains and P9 (Typic Paleustolls) P8 (Ultic Paleustalfs), P10 (Inceptic Haplustalfs) are typical of volcanic hills. On the alluvial plains the land was categorized as the LQ class II, III and IV, the volcanic mountains were the LQ class IV, while the land on the volcanic hills was categorized as the LQ class VI. River bank erosion on the land river terraces can be held by the manufacture of gabions, talud, cliff reinforcement plants and terraces. The soil temperatures and high clay content can be regulated by mulching and organic materials.


Solonetzic soilscapes in the Northern Caspian lowland: local and spatial heterogeneity of pedofeatures and their changes in time

Solonetzic soilscapes in the Northern Caspian lowland: local and spatial heterogeneity of pedofeatures and their changes in time

Lebedeva M.P., Konyushkova M.V.

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A comparative micromorphological analysis of soil fabrics within two- and three-component semidesert solonetz complexes formed within closed-drainage plains with different types of microtopography in the northern of the Caspian Lowland has been conducted. Micromorphological features of soils of most extensively studied three-component solonetz complexes having soil cover with a high degree of contrast are indicative of divergent evolutionary trends during the past half century. On the basis of these features, different directions of degradation of solonetzic and saline horizons are revealed. Although degradation of solonetz horizons is practically undetectable at a macro-scale, its micromorphological features are clearly manifested in parameters of aggregates, characteristics of coatings and types of salt pedofeatures. Common factors of solonetz evolution in nearby regions allow extrapolation of the micromorphological indicators of solonetz degradation to a wide range of objects including two-component solonetz complexes.


The color of soils as a basis for proximal sensing of their composition

The color of soils as a basis for proximal sensing of their composition

Savin I. Yu., Prudnikova E. Yu., Vasilyeva N.A., Veretelnikova I.V., Bairamov A.N.

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The color is one of the main morphological properties of soils, as it integrally reflects their material composition. Most of the macro-, micro- and nano-morphological methods in pedology are based on the analysis of soil reflectance characteristics within the visible spectrum (i.e., soils color). The evolution of soil color study methods and the features of modern instruments are described in the report. The main directions in the development of this field of soil science as well as the achievements and problems to be addressed in the study of soil color are demonstrated by specific examples.

