Short report. Рубрика в журнале - Cardiometry

A brief analysis of the use of non-linear time-frequency filtering for processing ECG signals
Some current trends of the use of non-linear time-frequency filtering approach to ECG signal processing are discussed herein. A brief review of an application potentiality of non-linear filtration is offered for long-term ECG signal processing. Possible problems of long-term monitoring, related to measurements interference and noise of ECG signal, are revealed. To eliminate the revealed problems, in further research, an implementation of a processing system using the non-linear-threshold time-frequency filtering method is planned. It is expected to improve an accuracy of cardiac data processing considering features of interference and measurement noise of different intensity

Algorithm for calculating blood pressure (BP) using a spline database of pulse waves
Finding an algorithm for determining blood pressure (BP) along the pulse wave contour (PW) is the most difficult task after solving the problem of obtaining the most undistorted PW signal. Attempts to develop such an algorithm inevitably rest on the fact that the measurement of PV in the shoulder area using cuff tonometers (with the method by Korotkoff N. S. or Savitsky N. N.) differs in its physical nature from the cuff-free method of determining blood pressure using an arterial tonometer. However, the requirements for medical accuracy assume that the blood BP deviation tolerance shall be at least equivalent in comparison with the Korotkoff tonometer in accuracy tests regulated by the applicable international standard. In this regard, the computational procedures for processing the PW contour are continuously improved that is the subject of this paper.

In the paper presented is an application study of the heart performance phase mechanism with the use of the Cardiocode analyzer based on principles of cardiometry for evaluating iatrogenic complications caused by antiarrhythmic therapy and monitoring the quality of treatment of hemodynamic disorders in in-hospital intensive care units. The aim of the study is a thorough estimation of the diagnostic and functional quality of the performance of the Cardiocode device and developing a new methodology of its application under the conditions of the intensive care units, when predicting fatal arrhythmia progression. 50 patients with true cardiogenic shock of different degrees of severity have been examined with Cardiocode. As a result, it is established that the application of the heart cycle phase analysis in diagnostics, hemodynamics evaluation and management with the medication and infusion therapy supported by the Cardiocode device allows reducing the mortality rate by 32 ± 3.4 %.

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In the present article the relevance of using DSS under the current conditions for image recognition and, as a more specific application, for the purpose of additional assistance rendered to medical experts (radiologists) in their decision-making and preparing findings upon assessment of X-ray images is considered. The paper analyzes the requirements for some expert DSS and their main characteristics that they should have; considered and selected is the necessary software for making rapid diagnoses of diseases of the thorax. All these modern requirements and characteristics are met by the Deep Learning Studio (DLS) software, which allows using deep convolutional neural network Inception V3 to teach this network and further obtain optimal results in the recognition and diagnosis of diseases of the thorax by assessing X-ray images. As a result of this study, a ready-made DSS intended for use by medical institutions for additional assistance to radiologists to prepare findings according to X-ray images has been obtained.

The activity of key ferments in the Krebs cycle (SDH) and glycolysis (α-GPDH) in peripheral blood lymphocytes in animals and humans with cancer pathology is considered herein. Identified is a close relationship between the fermentative activity and non-specific integral reactions of an organism, the type of which can be regulated by factors of electromagnetic nature. Monitoring of signal energetic and adaptive reactions permits to adequately evaluate an efficacy of treatment and predict recovery.

The work is devoted to the study of the functional state of the cardiovascular system in female students with different academic success. From the results of our research, we can conclude that the average level of the maximum blood pressure and heart rate in female students with an improvement in academic performance significantly increase, and the minimum level thereof remains unchanged. Also, an increase in the average score in the record book is accompanied by a significant increase in PD, SBV, MBV and BCE, a decrease in TPR, while the values of MAP and CV do not change significantly.

Metabolic processes evaluation in cardiac muscles on the basis of cardiometry
he article briefly discusses the cardiometric approach to the evaluation of metabolic processes in cardiac muscle. Reactions occurring during the various phases of the cardiac cycle, primarily in the QRS complex, are shown. The dynamics of energy processes occurring before and after physical load, as well as the reactions occurring during it, are presented. The ECG derivative is used

A unified approach to the problems of health preservation in athletes, taking into account the options for phenotyping their health and basing on the main indicators of homeostatic potential, makes it possible not only to diagnose the initial functional disorders of the organism and monitor its basic capabilities, but also maintain the current functional reserves of the athlete at the proper level. This is provided by the use of a diagnostic and recovery unit, the recovery component of which forms complex medical and biological effects: it improves central and peripheral hemodynamics and increases the energy supply of cellular structures, i.e. increases the energy supply of the athlete's organism as a whole. This is the main component of the stability in training athletes of various kinds of sports.

Modeling of threats in the sphere of medical data storage
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In medical institutions of various levels, a large amount of data is stored in electronic form, to ensure the safety of which are presented with special requirements. Ensuring the safety of the storage of medical data should begin with an analysis of existing threats. This article provides a model of threats in the area of data storage, which includes the following components: comunicative, spatial and destructive threat. It is shown that, to date, communicative and spatial threats have minor rates, which can be neglected. The destructive threat is considered in more detail, its components are described. Recommendations for the development of medical data storage systems are given.

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Background: Serial stenoses or diffuse vessel narrowing hamper pressure wire-guided management of coronary stenoses. Characterization of functional relevance of individual stenoses or narrowed segments constitutes an unmet need in ischemia-driven percutaneous revascularization. Aim of the Study: To perform hemodynamic mapping of the entire vessel using pullback technique of a pressure guidewire with continuous instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) measurement compared coronary angiography aiming to minimize the procedure, decrease number and length of stents used. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 40 patients presented with diffuse coronary artery disease and undergoing elective PCI. Diagnostic coronary angiography using the routine angiographic projections was done with assessment of non-obstructive coronary lesions by 2D quantitative coronary angiography and iFR pullback measurement Results: Percentage of difference between probable sig lesions via pullback technique and No of actual sig lesions for studied group, was (59.5%). The difference was statistically highly significant p=0.0001. Conclusion: Compared with angiography alone, availability of iFR pullback data significantly decreased the number and length of hemodynamically significant lesions identified for revascularization.