Development of technology for nonwovens with antimicrobial properties

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The article presents data on the development of nonwovens with antimicrobial properties using anavidin, polyethylene glycol and copper sulfate. The production of nonwovens is booming all over the world. In terms of their properties, nonwovens successfully compete with fabrics and replace them, and in some properties they are superior to traditional textile materials. For the production of non-woven fabrics, more than half is still accounted for by natural fibers: cotton, wool and linen fibers, waste from the processing of natural fibers, regenerated fibers. In this work, the goal is to obtain nonwovens with antimicrobial properties. Technologies have been developed that give nonwovens stable antimicrobial properties. The physicochemical properties and mechanism of interaction of the applied components have been investigated. The optimal technological parameters for the production of antimicrobial nonwovens have been determined. The development of a new technology of nonwovens with improved physical, mechanical and functional properties will help to apply nonwovens in medicine and other areas that require bacteriostatic, bactericidal and fungicidal properties of textile materials. Therefore, in order to obtain nonwovens that would meet all the requirements of domestic and foreign enterprises, it is advisable to modify both fibers and impregnating compositions.


Nonwoven fabric, antimicrobiality, microbiological destruction, antimicrobial treatment, antimicrobials, bioresistance

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305882   |   DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2024-2-164-168

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