Digital educational tools for the formation of pupils' humanitarian culture taking into account the multivariance of the English language in the additional education

Автор: Shcherbatykh L.N.

Журнал: Сервис plus @servis-plus

Рубрика: Образование, воспитание и просвещение

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.18, 2024 года.

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This article is devoted to the use of digital educational tools for the formation of students' humanitarian culture taking into account the polyvariance of the English language in the system of additional foreign language education (SFLE). An important direction of digitalisation of foreign language education is the use of neurotechnologies, wireless communication technologies, which ensure the functioning of the whole system of continuous foreign language education. This methodology makes it possible to train future specialists, form their personal qualities and professional competences. The main task of a teacher of foreign languages (FL) in the supplementary foreign language education (SLE) is to improve students' speech skills and abilities purposefully and consciously in the process of performing special tasks in listening, speaking, reading, with the help of digital technologies. In this article, the author of the study emphasises the fact that in the classes of SFLE it is important for the teacher not only to ensure learning of the specific language units, but also to develop communicative skills on the basis of digital educational tools, which later become the basis for the intercultural communication for students. A teacher of FL should try to choose the appropriate digital technology, implement it, realise the proposed methods of language teaching or, based on them, develop his/her own methodology in accordance with the students' experience and abilities in the conditions of digital transformation of foreign language education.


A foreign language, digital educational technologies, humanitarian culture, a learner, polyvariant english, digital resources, additional foreign language education

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140304727   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969520

Список литературы Digital educational tools for the formation of pupils' humanitarian culture taking into account the multivariance of the English language in the additional education

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