Effects of fermentation on the degree of breaking up of bone particles in meat and bone paste from cattle bones

Автор: Kakimov A., Mayorov A., Baikadamova A., Kabdylzhar B., Syuichinov A., Yessimbekov Z.

Журнал: Вестник Алматинского технологического университета @vestnik-atu

Рубрика: Технология пищевой и перерабатывающей промышленности

Статья в выпуске: 3 (133), 2021 года.

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Bone processing is an urgent task of rational use of meat industry waste. Disposal of cattle bones can be carried out by different methods. Various methods are used for processing bone raw materials, such as mechanical processing, chemical hydrolysis, ultrasonic processing, etc. Processed meat and bone raw materials in meat and bone paste are chemically exposed to ascorbic acid (0.05 M, 1 h, 25 ° C) and pepsin (pH 2.0, t=10...40 ° C, τ=1...8 h). This allows you to reduce the mass of bone particles in meat and bone paste by 70%. Meat and bone paste subjected to enzyme processing can be used in the technology of meat products.


Meat and bone paste, pepsin, cattle bones, food safety, ascorbic acid

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140290415

IDR: 140290415   |   DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2021-3-18-24

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