Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Quality of life and problems of its evaluation
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The article analyzes the category of "quality of life", considers modern methods and identifies their positive and negative sides for the purpose of further development of an effective system of assessing the quality of life in the Russian Federation.
Questions of statistics of innovation
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This article discusses some issues related to innovation.
Quick reading technology in English lessons
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This article discusses the technology of productive reading in English lessons as a means of forming foreign language communicative competence
Qurilish mexanikasi fanining mavzu va vazifalari
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Bu maqolada qurilish mexanikasi 19-asrning birinchi yarmida koʻpriklar, temir yoʻllar, toʻgʻonlar, kemalar va yirik sanoat inshootlarining faol qurilishi munosabati bilan fan sifatida mustaqil rivojlanishi haqida ma’lumotlar beriladi.
Quyonlarning ayrim to'qimalarida Ni, Co, Mn va Zn mikroelementlarining taqsimlanishini o'rganish
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Bu ishda quyonlarning ayrim to`qimalarida Ni, Co, Mn va Zn mikroelementlarning taqsimlanishini o`rganish. Buning uchun quyonlarning ichki organlari buyrak, mushak, o`pka, jigarini tarkibida o`zgarish kuzatildi. Sutemizuvchilar organizmidagi mikroelementlarining miqdorini aniqlash uchun Samarqand shahridagi to'rtta tumandan keltirilgan qoramollarda tajriba o'tkazildi. Samarqand, Tayloq, Urgut va Kattaqo'rg'on tumanlarining har biridan to'rttadan qoramollarning jigar, o'pka, mushak va buyrak organlarining to'qimalarida tajriba olib borildi. Tajriba Samarqand Davlat Universitetining Ilmiy tekshirish laboratoriyasida o'tkazildi. Bu tajribani "Сатурн" spektrofotometrda atom absorbsion usul yordamida mikroelementlar aniqlandi. Olingan natijalarga ko'ra Zn ning organizmdagi miqdori qolgan mikroelementlarga nisbatan ko'p ekan. Rux asosan mushakda ko'p, jigarda mushakka nisbatan kamroq, buyrakda jigarga nisbatan kamroq, o'pkada buyrakga nisbatan kam ekan. Mn elementi Zn ga nisbatan organizmdagi miqdori kam. U jigar bilan buyrakda deyarli bir xil miqdorda bo'ladi. Mn ning o'pkadagi miqdori jigar bilan buyrakga nisbatan to'rt yarim marta kam bo'ladi, mushak larda esa o'n yetti marta kam bo'ladi. Co bilan Ni ning miqdori organizmdagi to'qimalarda juda ham kam miqdorda bo'ladi, chunki bu mikroelementlar toksik modda hisoblanadi. O’tkazilgan tekshirish shuni ko'rsatdiki, to`qimalarda Ni, Co, Mn va Zn mikroelementlarning yetishmasligi moddalar almashinuviga susayishi, immun - komplement hujayralar va a`zolar funksional faolligini pasayishiga suyak to’qimasining rivojlanishiga salbiy tasir etadi.
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Mazkur ilmiy ishda bir qabul qiluvchi sirtdan ham issiqlik, ham elektr energiyasini birgalikda ishlab chiqarish uchun termofotoelektrik qurilma ishlab chiqilgan va o’rganilgan. Tavsiya etilgan energetik qurilma quyosh issiqlik kollektori uchun absorberdan iborat bo’lib, uning ustki qismiga polikristal quyosh elementlari joylashtirilgan. Ushbu qurilma bino va inshootlar tom qismiga o’rnatiladigan kombinatsiyalashgan gelioprofildir. Konstruksiya quyosh energiyasi konvertorlarining quvvat xarakteristikalarini oshirish uchun mo’ljallangan.
Rabg’uziyning “Qissasi rabg’uziy” asarida hikoyatlar poetikasi
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Quyidagi tezis Rabg’uziy ijodiga bag’ishlangan bo’lib, uning “Qissasi Rabg’uziy” nomli asaridagi hikoyatlarni poetik jihatdan tahlil qiladi.
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The child is one of the great blessings bestowed on man by Allah. Just as we are thankful for every blessing, we are also thankful for the blessing of our children, because every parent gives his child a good upbringing and manners.
Rangli metallar va ularning qotishmalarini ishlab chiqarish
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Ushbu maqolada rangli metallar va ularning qotishmalarini ishlab chiqarish va mis, titan, magniy, alyuminiylarni qanday qotishmalardan olish va hossalari haqida qiziqarli va foydali ma’lumotlarga ega bo’lasiz.
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Maqolada raqam va harfli tasvirlar uchun idеntifikasion bеlgilarni aniqlash algoritmlarini yaratish bilan bog’liq ilmiy masala taxlil qilingan. Raqam va harfli tasvirlar uchun idеntifikasion bеlgilarni aniqlash algoritmlarini yaratish bilan bog’liq ilmiy masalani hal qilishning yangi yechimlari taklif etilgan.
Raqamli iqtisodiyotda axborot kommunikatsiya texnologiyalarining o‘rni va vazifasi
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Ushbu maqolada axbоrоt texnоlоgiyаlаri vа kоmmunikаtsiyаlаrini rivоjlаntirish vаzirligi оldidа о‘tа muhim vа dоlzаrb vаzifаlаr qо‘yilgаn. Rаqаmli iqtisоdiyоt, birinchi nаvbаtdа, kоrrupsiyаdаn hоli hududdа ishlаsh imkоniyаtini yаrаtаdi, chunki rаqаmlаr hаmmа nаrsаni muhrlаydi, xоtirаdа sаqlаydi. Kerаk pаytdа mа’lumоtlаrni tez tаqdim etish to’g’risida batafsil yoritilgan.
Raqamli iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirishning makroiqtisodiy barqarorlikni ta’minlashdagi roli
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Maqolada makroiqtisodiy barqarorlikni ta’minlashda raqamli iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirishning ahamiyati yoritilgan.
Raqamli texnologiyalar davrida shaxsiy ma’lumotlarni muhofaza qilishning huquqiy asoslari
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Yangi axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalaridan foydalanish zarurati nafaqat ijtimoiy jarayonlarni boshqarish uslubini o‘zgartiribgina qolmay, balki insonlar faoliyatining barcha sohalari samaradorligini sezilarli darajada oshirishga imkoniyat yaratdi.
Raskolnikov's confession in “Crime and punishment”: a Buddhist perspective
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Raskolnikov is portrayed as an intellectual, good-looking, well-educated, compassionate young man with a promising future in Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”, yet he commits murder. The primary purpose of this study is to re-examine Raskolnikov’s mental state before and after the crime, in order to gauge the contrast between his seemingly happy life and his heinous crime. The second intention is to demonstrate that Sonya is Raskolnikov’s karma, in her role as the prostitute who volunteered to follow him to prison to reach the core of his personality, as she represents an external projection of the murderer’s karma to be conducted and punished. “Crime and Punishment” is one of the well-known works of the Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (Dostoevsky). It was first published in 1866 in Russia and then has been translated and popularized worldwide. The Michael R. Katz’s English translation as a pdf file with a total of 568 pages was utilized in this study.
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This article presents the results of studies on the features of the clinical course of reactive arthritis of post-enterocolitic and urogenital forms. The study was carried out in 120 patients with an established diagnosis of reactive arthritis.
Reading in a progress of socio-cultural competence
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Powerful consciousness is the strongest weapon that can be used to make a progress in any sphere. In addition to this, we consider that reading is an effective way to broaden the outlook of people. When a person reads a book specific to a nation, he begins to adapt to the environment of that nation and lives in it. In other words, if a student reads literature related to the Uzbek language and Uzbek mentality, then a mentality-specific worldview is formed. If he reads samples of German literature, he travels to Germany for a while. That’s why we should read foreign literature to broaden our point of view and enlarges creativity.
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Valuation method using multiple regression analysis is widely used across the globe and is seldom used in Russia. The aim of present study is to find the advantages and disadvantages of using Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) in valuation compared to the application of traditional approach of sales comparison. The procedure of application of MRA involves identifying and listing the factors that influence the value of a house. It is done through literature review of previous researches, published articles, questionnaire survey and interviews of experts in the field. From these attributes, critical house value influencing factors are chosen after thorough statistical analysis of questionnaire survey. In total, samples of fifty three valuation reports have been used & regression has been carried out. The advantage of using MRA method is that it can model the relationship between sale price of a house and housing attributes. MRA regresses each attribute to show how change in each attribute affects the house price. Results obtained from sales comparison method & multiple regression analysis show that, regression gives better accuracy & efficiency in predicting value of property as compared with the traditional approach.
Real estate valuation using the method of correlation and regression analysis
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One of the directions of the formalized scientific approach of methods of mathematics in real estate valuation. The history of development of domestic estimative activities has shown theproblems, whichexist in this sphere. So, for example, selective check revealed distinction in the cost of the same property estimated by different appraisers. The independent appraiser is urged to resolve this conflict of interest, whose task is to estimate objectcompetently and without prejudice, with deep arguments to convince participants of transaction that the size calculated by it and is that objective cost which reflects object value in the market of time in this place at present. Thus, for the determination of market value of the premises,thecorrelation andregression model describing interaction of the major factors was constructed.
Reasons for the rapid spread of Islamic finance in the modern world
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The article given below reflects the strengthening of the role of Islamic finance in many countries of the world, reveals the factors of their growing popularity, and analyzes the reasons explaining the interest of non-Muslim countries in the principles of Islamic finance.