Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Role and place of automated information systems in the economy
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The article considers the role and place of automated information systems in the economy. The specifics of the modern information society is the continuous exchange of information. Information acquires the features of an economic good and is used in the economy as a resource used in economic activity, as well as a commodity. Economic information refers to information characterizing production relations in society, that is, information about the processes of production, exchange, distribution, accumulation and consumption of material goods.
Role and significance of media in a modern society
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This article discusses the role and importance of the media in modern society.
Role of Shukhrat in the development of Uzbek literature of the XX century
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This article is devoted to the study of the role of the famous writer and poet Shuhrat in the development of Uzbek literature of XX century. The article discusses the poems and novels of the poet and writer, reveals, analyzes and interprets their ideological and artistic aspects.
Role of foreign language in the modern world
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This article discusses the importance of the English language and modern methods for studying
Role of hygiene in physical education
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This article discusses the role of hygiene in physical education.
Role of information technologies in the digital economy community
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The relevance of the research is based on the fact that information and communication technology is currently the foundation for knowledge economy development. We consider the main directions of organizational and economic development in the transition to post-industrial society. The role of information technology in digital economy development is revealed. We describe measures to increase the rate of economic growth and innovation development of the society on the basis of implementing information technology.
Role of investment in improving economic results
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This article discusses the importance of investment in developing economic indicators. Investments play a crucial role in maintaining and increasing the economic potential of the country. Investments have a positive effect on the activities of enterprises, lead to an increase in the gross national product and increase the country's activity in foreign markets.
Role of musical psychology in organization of musical education
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Resume: The article examines the role of musical psychology in the organization of music education.
Role of pedagogical technologies in producing technical training in military universities
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Resume: The article examines the role of pedagogical technologies in technical training in military schools.
Role of pedagogical technologies in the educational process
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This article discusses the role of pedagogical technologies in the educational process.
Role of phonetics in linguistics
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Present research stresses that the study of modification of phonemes is of great importance as they are frequently found in connected speech in English and Uzbek languages. Besides that, being aware of modifications of sounds in speech a learner will have less difficulty in communication with native speakers of English. Moreover, teaching English as a foreign language has become one of the most important parts of schooling as English as a school subject. The study of pronunciation norms of English has great importance for learning English as a foreign language.
Role of physical education and sports in organizing a healthy lifestyle
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This article discusses the role of physical education and sport in promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Role of punishment in moral education
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This article analyzes the moral and legal consequences of punishment. The role of punishment in moral education is considered. Discusses approaches to the concept of punishment in the work of thinkers.
Role of reading tasks for the development of communication skills on primary schools
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Interest in reading arises when the reader is fluent in conscious reading and has developed educational and cognitive motives for reading. A condition for mastering reading activity is also knowledge of reading methods, methods of semantic processing of text, possession of certain skills and abilities that should not develop spontaneously. I believe that one of the options for improving the quality of reading in primary school is the purposeful management of learning to read.
Role of small business in Uzbekistan
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This article discusses the popular topic of small business today and its role in the economy.
Role of the analysis of property, plant and equipment in reproduction process
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The role of fixed assets in production is very important. Basic means of well-being is a measure of performance. The article shows the role of fixed assets in the production process and in the assessment of financial stability on the example of the company«Ekslyuziv Mebel».
Role of the trade secret in labour legal relationship
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The article investigates the trade secret protection under labor law. Analyzed the theoretical aspects of commercial secrets. Identified and the necessity of improving the protection of trade secrets in the organization.
Rossiya Ukraina urishi va urishni rossiya iqtisodyotiga tasiri
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Mazkur maqolada Rossiya Ukraina urishi boshlanish sabablari va bu urishning salbiy oqibatlari hamda bir qator davlatlarni Rossiyaga qo’ygan sanksyalari va bu sanksyalarni Rossiya iqtisodiyotga bo’lgan jiddiy ta’siri haqida aniq ma’lumotlar misollar va dalillar asosida yozilgan.
Rule of law in historical development
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Мақолада, тарихий тараққиёт даврлардаги меъёрий конунларни давлат тараққиётига қаратилгани, ўз даврининг буюк қомусий олимларни қарашлари ва уларнинг буюк асарларида жаммият тараққиёти ривожи ёритилганлиги алохида ўрин эгаллайди.
Rus tilini chet tili sifatida o'qitishda og'zaki va yozma nutqning til va nutq aspektlari
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Rus tilini chet tili sifatida o‘qitish metodikasini o‘zlashtirish O’zbekiston pedagogika oliy o‘quv yurtlari talabalarini kelajakdagi kasbiy faoliyatiga tayyorlashning muhim sharti va ajralmas qismiga aylanib bormoqda. Maqolaning maqsadi rus tilida og'zaki va yozma muloqotni chet tili sifatida, yangi til sifatida o'rgatishning lingvistik va nutqiy jihatlarini batafsil tavsiflashdan iboratdir.