Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Prospective ways of self-draining helio structures in the use of solar energy

Prospective ways of self-draining helio structures in the use of solar energy

Karshiev Sh.sh.

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Instead of multi-circuit costly systems, the development of simple single-circuit energy-saving and reliable self-draining solar devices with high capacity, the use of modern energy-saving and energy-saving technologies of solar energy.


Prospects and problems of development of culture of citizens on the basis of ideological education

Prospects and problems of development of culture of citizens on the basis of ideological education

Nabiev B.

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As we all know, the formation of the personality of the younger generation occurs under the influence of a number of factors. The most important of these factors will be directly related to its pure-mannered heritage, exemplary upbringing in the family, social environment in the neighborhoods, the importance of youth education in schools and other educational institutions.


Prospects for regeneration of environmental architectural ensembles in the historical part of the city of Samarkand

Prospects for regeneration of environmental architectural ensembles in the historical part of the city of Samarkand

Khaitova L.B.

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This article discusses the regeneration of architecture in Samarkand


Prospects for studying the topic "application of cloud technologies in education" by "castium" method

Prospects for studying the topic "application of cloud technologies in education" by "castium" method

Abdusamatova Sh.kh., Umidov A.R.

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This article discusses the use of cloud technologies in education using one of the modern methods used today, the fact that each part of it is dynamic and based on logic.


Prospects for the development of electronic interaction of taxpayers

Prospects for the development of electronic interaction of taxpayers

Malygina K.V., Mokieva A.S.

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The article presents an analysis of innovative technology which development will allow improving work of the Federal Tax Service. Purpose of the study - summarize information on the prospects of development of electronic interaction between tax authorities and taxpayers focused on improving the administration of taxes and fees and optimizing interaction with taxpayers. Pay careful attention to the information technologies on which is based the implementation of the functional of tax authorities. Results - the advanced technologies are reveal that will allow performing functions to Federal Tax Service more effectively and will simplify interaction of taxpayers with public authorities. Technical development corresponds to modern trends. The development and implementation of electronic services will allow the Federal Tax Service to improve the administration of taxes and fees, and to optimize work with taxpayers, based on the provision of quality services based on modern technologies.


Prospects for the development of family business in the employment of regional labor resources

Prospects for the development of family business in the employment of regional labor resources

Umurzakova Z.S., Muhammadali U.

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The article shows ways to develop the activities of small businesses and private entrepreneurship through the development of theoretical and practical proposals to address employment problems through the creation of new jobs in the process of increasing their share.


Prospects for the development of solar street lights

Prospects for the development of solar street lights

Khudoberdiyev Sh.N.

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Solar street lights have the advantages of energy saving, environmental protection, safety, non-electrical, easy installation and automatic control. Clean energy has been developed as a long-term strategy in the world, so the demand for solar panels in the future is huge. Nowadays, more and more people are aware of sunny street lights because they can often be seen on the outside streets. Solar street lights are installed even in rural areas. Therefore, solar street lights are inevitable for the construction of urban and rural lighting. Solar street lights are becoming a new development trend and leading the new development of the lighting industry.


Prospects for the development of tourism animation activities

Prospects for the development of tourism animation activities

Sabirov K.N., Hamroev N.Sh., Khamroyev G.F.

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For successful animation of visitors, animators must perform very complex, demanding, and dynamic tasks. Professional performance of tasks implies the need for an animator to be a complete person. This means that he/she not only must have a sound education, but also have to be specialized for certain activities. There are different types of animators so that their diversity mirrors the success of the hotel. Animators must have certain basic physical and psychological characteristics. So, despite the knowledge and experience, animators must have inherent characteristics such as talent, humor, to be friendliness, and so on. Sense of humor and ability to work with people are two important characteristics of a successful animator. Many hotels need animators who can entertain tourists and make their stay memorable resort experience, which will be a reason for return of tourists. One of the key factors for tourism success is animator.


Prospects for the development of tourism in Uzbekistan

Prospects for the development of tourism in Uzbekistan

Sultanova D.T.

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This paper investigates major points of tourism sector in Uzbekistan while making emphasize on outlook development perspectives. Moreover, the way of tourism advancement with major outcomes and shortcomings are also underlined with the systematic analyses. In addition, socioeconomic development of the study with the positive modernization and diversification possibilities were stated in order to conduct probable future investigations in the future. Last but not least, ecotourism perspective of country has been analyzed and accentuated as one of the most developing direction of tourism as whole.


Prospects for the optimal design and effective use of information support of statistical information systems of enterprises

Prospects for the optimal design and effective use of information support of statistical information systems of enterprises

Radjiev A.B.

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This article analyzes the ways of optimal design and effective use of information supply of statistical information systems in the economy. The main indicators characterizing the production and economic activity of the district statistical departments of Tashkent were studied, conclusions and recommendations were developed


Prospects for using act in primary school teachers

Prospects for using act in primary school teachers

Aldashev I.T., Aldashev S.T.

Статья научная

Teachers who use ICT in their work came to the conclusion that information technologies are intended only for researchers, teachers who like to learn new things. Because they care about the level of their professional abilities, they are concerned that the children of the next century will respond to their scientific potential.


Prospects of development of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Prospects of development of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Nafikova G.R., Sharipova Vasilya Anatolyevna


The article represents the prospects of the development of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Bashkortostan. A number of factors which have a positive impact on the development of the sector of economy are revealed.


Prospects of infrastructure securitization in Russia

Prospects of infrastructure securitization in Russia

Podlovilina E.A.

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In this article, one of the goals is understanding of future development of securitization of infrastructure projects in Russia, the importance of this type of financing for the successful existence of our country. The author starts with the stage of when our country is now in this development. Then the author takes into attention the influence of recent crisis, the negative effects of it. Also, in this article there is an information about the role of our Government in the securitization evolution. The next step is relating to possible difficulties with which object of the article could meet.


Prospects of service in Uzbekistan

Prospects of service in Uzbekistan

Xudoyberdiyeva D.A., Ibragimov G.A.

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Along with the development of the country's economy, new modern service organizations are emerging, which operate in the field of services and provide services that meet international standards. Modern competitive service organizations are based on effective service technologies, modern equipment, quality raw materials, highly qualified personnel.


Protection of motherhood and childhood in Uzbekistan

Protection of motherhood and childhood in Uzbekistan

Karimova M.Y., Qochqorov A.Z., Raxmatova K.B., Nosirova M.B.

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This article is devoted to the protection of motherhood and childhood in Uzbekistan


Protein biochemistry

Protein biochemistry

Yusupova G.V., Ibragimova K.Z.

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This article discusses high-molecular nitrogen-containing organic substances, the molecules of which are built from amino acid residues


Provocările economice și geografice ale statelor fără litoral maritim în curs de dezvoltare

Provocările economice și geografice ale statelor fără litoral maritim în curs de dezvoltare

Craevscaia-Derenova C.

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Articolul reflectă o descriere a statutului juridic al statelor fără litoral maritim în curs de dezvoltare, pornind de la reglementările internaționale în domeniul dreptului mării. Poziționarea geografică a acestor țări generează multiplele probleme economice și sociale cu care acestea se confruntă. Procedurile de tranzit împovărătoare, sisteme ineficiente de logistică și infrastructura slabă determină costuri suplimentare de transport și comerț


Psixolingvistikaning zamonaviy tamoyillari va uni ta’lim tizimiga tadbiq etish

Psixolingvistikaning zamonaviy tamoyillari va uni ta’lim tizimiga tadbiq etish

Djabbarova F.O.

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Psixolingvistika - bu turli xil kelib chiqishi, shu jumladan tadqiqotchilarni o'z ichiga olgan fanlararo sohadir, psixologiya, kognitiv fan, tilshunoslik, nutq va til patologiyasiva nutqni tahlil qilish. Psixolingvistlar quyidagi asosiy yo'nalishlarga ko'ra odamlarning tilni qanday egallashini va ulardan foydalanishni o'rganadilar:


Psycholinguistic problems of teaching phrases to non-philological students

Psycholinguistic problems of teaching phrases to non-philological students

Mamatmusayeva M.S.

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In this article discusses about psycholinguistic problems of teaching phrases to non-philological students.


Psychological and pedagogical conditions of professional and personal formation of students in the modern educational environment of the agricultural institutes

Psychological and pedagogical conditions of professional and personal formation of students in the modern educational environment of the agricultural institutes

Madikhanova B.M.

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This article is devoted to the problems of professional and personal development of students in the modern educational environment of a technical college. The authors consider the possibility of using a contextual approach to represent the existing educational environment of a technical college as a specially organized set of components involved in organizing psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful professional and personal development of students.

