Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Technologies of critical thinking in English lessons
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This article discusses the relevance of using the technology of critical thinking development in the educational process
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This article focuses the introduction of technology into education, which is a key driver of development. At present, for the development of education teachers need to abandon the traditional teaching method, to radically change the curriculum and methods of teaching students what is the technological growth and accelerating change is recommended to replace the given rates.
Technology development of chrizantema process in Surkhandaryo
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This article discusses the growth of chrysonemes in the region of Surkhandar
Technology of creating electronic book of fairy tales in preschool organizations
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Ushbu maqolada maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalar uchun mo`ljallangan elektpon ertakli kitoblar orqali bolalarni kitobxonlikka qiziqtirish yo`llari ko`rsatilgan va pedagogik texnologiyalar asosida ta`limiy faoliyatning tashkil etish metodlari yoritib berilgan
Technology of growing gingko biloba seedlings in open and closed areas
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The experience of introducing Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.) species to Uzbekistan confirms that its cultivation for greening is a promising crop today. Studies have shown that ginkgo seeds consist of 2, rarely 3 fleshy carpels. For the cultivation of one-year ginkgo seedlings with closed roots, the height should not be lower than 16 cm, and the cell size should consist of containers of 25-40 cm3. Soil temperature +15-+180C is required for seed germination, +15-+220C for root growth.
Technology of obtaining juice from local apple varieties
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The technology recommended in this article for the design and storage of apple juice and juice is based on experience in producing quality products that can compete in world markets.
Technology of project teaching a foreign language
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This article is devoted to the project technology of teaching foreign languages. The achievements and advantages of the technological project were discussed
Technology of using electronic resources to ensure the quality of special education
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His article provides detailed information on the technology of ensuring the quality of education, the effectiveness of education using electronic resources in the special education system.
Technology of using national traditions in traveling students to profession
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This article discusses the technology of using national traditions in the orientation of students to the profession. The article also gives a brief overview of the existing problems in directing students to the profession, shortcomings in practice and ways to overcome them.
Teenage problems and ways to solve them
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Adolescence is probably the most hectic stage of life that people can live without considering the amount of things they want to experience and the risks it can sometimes cause. Also, the first conflicts arise when the teenager has to make a decision for himself. That's why people who are close to teenagers are upset, because at this stage, various problems can arise. This article also covers the problems in the lives of teenagers.
Television and children in contemporary society - negative and positive influences
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This paper discusses the influence of television on children, as an electronic mass media that has a significant impact on modern society. Television can inform, educate, entertain, but also negatively influence the child. The manner in which television influences the child development is directly dependent on the broadcast television content, more accurately, on those who create that content.
Temir yo’l transportini rivojlantirishning moliyaviy siyosatining tahlili va tamoyillari
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Ilmiy maqolaning maqsadi - temir yo'l transportining barqaror rivojlanishi uchun ilmiy asoslangan moliyaviy siyosatning asosiy elementlari va sanoat moliyalashtirishining zamonaviy nazariyasini, moliya strategiyasi, mexanizmlarini tahlil qilish. O'zbekiston Respublikasida temir yo'l transportini yanada isloh qilish va qo’llab quvvatlash uchun yangi g’oyalar va tamoyillar shakllantirish.
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Ushbu maqolada o’rta asrlar davri madaniyatining shakllanishi va Temuriylar davri madaniyati haqida so’z boradi.
Tendency of franchising development in Russia
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This article is devoted to a form of entrepreneurship, such as franchising. The article considers the specifics of franchising, its main problems, as well as the conditions for the effective development of franchising in Russia.
Tenglamalar sistemasini yechishda qulay bo’lgan metod va ko’rsatmalar
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Ushbu maqolada oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim o’quvchi va talabalari uchun tenglamalar sistemasini yechishga doir misollarni ishlashda qo’shish va shu bilan birga ko’paytuvchilarga ajratib yechish usuliga oid bir qator misollarning yechilishi hamda olimpiadaga qatnashuvchi o’quvchilar uchun ikki no’malumli ikkita tenglamalar sistemasinigina emas balki uch va undan ortiq no’malumli va tenglamalar soni uchta va unda ortiq tenglamalardan tashkil topgan sistemalarni yechishni o’rgatishda bir qator qulay usulni tadbiq qilish ustida ish olib boramiz.
Terminography as a law of development terms
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The article is devoted to one of the important issues of terminography - the problem of classification of terminological dictionaries. Here is revealed the tasks facing terminography to explain the ways and methods of material presentation. The study of a dictionary entry of terms expressing a linguistic characteristic is a specific object of research.
Terminology as a part of the language word stock
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This article discusses the main part of learning English.
Territorial features of the population and demographic composition of Kashkadarya region
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Kashkadarya region is one of the most demographic regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The demographic situation of the region has been increasing year by year in terms of age and sex, the proportion of people of marriageable age, the large number of children, and the predominance of men in the age group between men and women. The increase in migration flows among the population of the region is directly related to the fact that people of marriageable age stay in foreign countries temporarily or permanently, which affects the demographic situation.
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This article analyzes the problems of geographical location of kindergartens and schools, their coverage of kindergarteners and schoolchildren, and gives some recommendations for their improvement.
Territorial issues of family business development in Andijan region
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The article focuses on the regional aspects of family business development. It analyzes the state of development of family business in Andijan region. The article discusses the solution of existing problems.