Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Tarkibida efir moyi bo’lgan dorivor o’simliklar va mahsulotlar
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efir moyi bo‘lgan o‘simliklarni tibbiyotda va xalq xo‘jaligida ahamiyatini aniqlash yo‘llari, zamonaviy usullar.
Tax as a financial, economic and legal category
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The article analyzes taxes as an economic and legal category, explains the importance of taxes in the development of the country.
Tax factors for small business and private entrepreneurship: status, problems and solutions
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The article discusses the issues of improving the tax factor for the development of small business and private entrepreneurship, its current problems and ways to solve them, the prospects of stimulating the development of small business and private entrepreneurship through tax incentives.
Taxation problems of professional participants on securities market
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The paper considers the problems existing in the sphere of taxation of urgent transactions. It provides an analysis of taxation of financial instruments of urgent transactions depending on their types and participants; it also examines the issues of corporate income tax and value added tax in commission of urgent transactions, as well as application of benefits in the taxation of these transactions. The last change to the order of taxation of operations with financial instruments of urgent transactions is listed in the article. The author considers the options and ways in which it is possible to reduce the amount of paid income of professional participants on the securities market, consequently increasing the overall financial result from investments.
Taxis as a conceptual and functional-semantic category
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The taxis problem has been repeatedly mentioned in linguistic works in various forms and with the use of terminological means. The article deals with the question of whether this category of complex sentences is connected with the problem of syntactic specificity, the study of the activity of grammatical type.
Ta‘lim sohasida innovatsion o‘zgarishlarni tutgan o’rni va samaradorligi
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Ushbu maqolada ta‘lim sohasida innovatsion o‘zgarishlarni tutgan o’rni va samaradorligini oshirish haqida ma’lumotlar berilib o’tilgan.
Ta’lim jarayonida axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalaridan foydalanish
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Ushbu maqolada ta’lim faoliyatida pedagogik texnologiyalardan foydalanish muhimligini anglagan holda pedagoglar zamonaviy ta’lim texnologiyalaridan, jumladan, o’quv jarayonida axborot va aloqa vositalaridan samarali foydalanish imkoniyatlarini keltirib o’tilgan.
Ta’lim jarayonida pedagogik texnologiyalardan foydalanish
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Mazkur maqolada ta’limda innovatsion pedagogik texnologiyalardan foydalanishning mohiyati va ta’lim sifatini oshirishdagi o’rni, hamda ahamiyati yoritib berilgan. Shuningdek, mazkur maqolada ta’lim jarayonida innovatsion pedagogik texnologiyalarni qo’llash samarasi haqida fikr yuritilgan va oliy ta’lim muassasalarida ta’lim jarayoniga yangicha yondashish borasida takliflar berilgan.
Ta’lim tarbiyada yosh avlodning milliy va umuminsoniy ma’naviyatdagi o‘rni
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Ushbu maqolada hozirgi vaqtda inson ongli holda o‘zi tanlagan, zaruriy deb bilgan va e’tiqod qilgan faoliyat turini dastur qilib olishi va uni ro‘yobga chiqarishi mumkinligi, ma’naviyat moddiy hayotning in’ikosi, ijtimoiy ehtiyojning hosilasi sifatida jamiyatni harakatlantiruvchi kuch ekanligi xususida fikrlar bildirilgan.
Ta’lim tizimida innovatsion texnologiyalardan klaster asosida dars jarayonida foydalanish
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Innovatsion faoliyat-pedagogning o’z kasbini takomillashtirishdagi mavjud shakl va vositalarni egallashga ijodiy yondashuvini nazarda tutadi. Ta’limdagi innovatsiyalar va innovatsion faoliyat haqida barqaror, hammaga ma’qul bo’lgan ilmiy tasavvurlar va innovatsion pedagogik faoliyat haqida barqaror va hammaga ma’qul bo’lgan ilmiy tasavvurlarr tasniflar shu paytgacha mukammal tarkib topgan emasligini ham e’tirof etish lozim.
Ta’lim tizimini boshqarishda kasbiy kompetentlik yo‘nalishlari
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OTM rahbar xodimlar va prof-o’qtuvchilarning kasbiy -komponentligi talim massasasi faoliyatini boshqarish va takomillashtrish, tarbiyaviy munosabatlarni e’tiborga olish va faoliyatini takomillashtirishga qaralgan.
Ta’lim-tarbiya jarayonida yoshlarni vatanparvarlik va insonparvarlik ruhida tarbiyalashning o‘rni
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Ushbu maqolada ta’lim - tarbiya jarayonida yoshlarni vatanparvarlik va insonparvalik ruhida tarbiyalashning ahamiyati, bugungi kunda yoshlarimiz uchun yaratilgan keng imkoniyatlar, ulardan unumli foydalanish zarurligi haqida fikrlar bayon etilgan.
Teaching English grammar using modern technologies and methods
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Learning and teaching English grammar is very complex and interesting. If you are a teacher, you will definitely need to find a convenient and fun way to teach students the grammar of this language. There should be fun teaching materials, innovative ideas, engaging and fun and great ways to teach English grammar to students. This article discusses how English grammar can be learned and taught in a variety of ways through music, exercises, games, dictation, and the like. It is said to be highly effective, especially if it is used in middle and high school students in secondary schools.
Teaching English productive skills through context approach
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The basic skills of English learning are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Our concern as language teachers is not to inform our students about the language, but to develop their ability to use language. Based on the statement above, we can get a point that students should be taught how to use and apply knowledge. The context approach is considered to be used in teaching English, especially in teaching productive skills.
Teaching English pronunciation to ESL students
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Pronunciation has a positive effect on learning a second language and learners can gain the skills they need for effective communication in English.
Teaching English through storytelling
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This article is about teaching English more interestingly and effectively through storytelling. In this article it is spoken about the importance of storytelling method and several successful reasons of using it at the English lessons. There are lots of benefits of using stories in teaching children.
Teaching English to blind students
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Throughout the years that I taught English to the blind I had to answer many questions asked by people who had no experience dealing with the blind.Of all the subjects teaching English to the blind is the easiest. Having said so there are one or two things teachers who are not trained to teach the blind may need to know before they can be an effective teacher to a blind student.
Teaching English to preschool children
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Teaching English to preschool children should be an entertaining, developmentally appropriate process. The proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America report that young children exhibit the ability to comprehend and apply language rules without explicit instruction. Instead, early childhood educators can scaffold preschoolers English language learning by using English in a variety of contexts and activities.
Teaching English to preschoolers 5-6 years old with the help of didactic games
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Annotatation: This article examines didactic games in English lessons and their impact on the development of preschool children
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The article contains a number of methodological recommendations, which, according to the author, are of the author, will contribute to the solution of the above problems. There are methodological recommendations to non - philological students of English language studying in universities in higher educations.