Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Vacuum method for assessing the state of the cylinder-piston group and predicting the residual life by the class device

Vacuum method for assessing the state of the cylinder-piston group and predicting the residual life by the class device

Abdusattorova N., Askarov I.

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In this article given vacuum method and diagnosing of cylinder- piston group by modern devices.


Values in human life and society

Values in human life and society

Tulanov M.

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The article examines the formation of values, their role in society and human life.


Various colors of the Karakalpak Sur of the Karakol sheep

Various colors of the Karakalpak Sur of the Karakol sheep

Абдузоирова Д.Ю., Ахророва Г.

Статья научная

Ушбу мақолада “Истиқлол қоракўл наслчилик” МЧЖ да яратилган қорақалпоқ сур қўйларининг “Нурота” завод типи рангбарангликлари ҳақида маълумотлар келтирилган.


Various definitions of the term «litotes» in the linguistic literature

Various definitions of the term «litotes» in the linguistic literature

Khurramova G.

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The purpose of this article is to consider and compare various definitions of litotes as a stylistic means and determine the relationship between its interpretations, which at first glance are not always incompatible, and the definition of meiosis in order to identify the fundamental difference between stylistic means that are so similar to each other at first glance.. Litotes is often used in rhetoric. This is because the correct understanding of litot causes a pause for the listener. Litotes is a way to actually emphasize the positive with double negation. Litotes makes the listener think about the statement. Litotes is also a way to get around the problem.


Various methods of English language teaching

Various methods of English language teaching

Kosimova D.T.

Статья научная

The article discusses various methods of teaching foreign languages. Particular attention was paid to the following methods: the direct method, grammar-translation, audio-visual, audiolingual and communicative. It is concluded that communicative method is has started becoming most dominant.


Verbal inkorning grammatik morfologiya va nutq predmeti sifatini oshirish

Verbal inkorning grammatik morfologiya va nutq predmeti sifatini oshirish

Toshxonov L.T.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada fe’lining grammatik morfologik kategoriyalarida ingliz tilidagi inkorning ifodalanishi har tomonlama tushuntirilgan.


Verbal inkorning xususiyatlari

Verbal inkorning xususiyatlari

Toshxonov L.T.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada inkor tushunchasi zamonaviy ingliz tili materiallari asosida ko’rib chiqiladi. SHuni ta’kidlash kerakki, har qanday tushunchani o’rganishga yondashuv har doim tarixiy bo’lishi kerak, ya’ni tushunchaning shakllanishini uning rivojlanishi va dinamikasini ko’rsatishi kerak.


Verbals of movement

Verbals of movement

Sadikova B.D.

Статья научная

This article discusses the features of compared languages


Verwendung informatsioonyh technologien in bildungs prozess

Verwendung informatsioonyh technologien in bildungs prozess

Kutsov E.L.



Veyvlet funksiyalari yordamida signallarga ishlov berish va ularning turlari

Veyvlet funksiyalari yordamida signallarga ishlov berish va ularning turlari

Sarimsakov S.M.

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Mazkur maqolada Veyvlet funksiyalari yordamida signallarga ishlov berish va Veyvlet funksiyalarining turlari, ishlash tamoyillari tahlil qilingan. Shuningdek, Veyvlet o‘zgartirish funksiyalarining matematik ifodalanishi ham formulalar asosida, o‘zgartirilgan signal tasviri chizmalar orqali keltirilgan.


Virtual experiment and its use in teaching chemistry

Virtual experiment and its use in teaching chemistry

Ormonov A.

Статья научная

This article discusses the importance of a virtual laboratory for the teaching of chemistry.


Virtual extrusion laboratory™ - extrusion calculator™ dasturidan foydalanib plastik detallarni qolipga quyish texnologiyasini ishlab chiqish

Virtual extrusion laboratory™ - extrusion calculator™ dasturidan foydalanib plastik detallarni qolipga quyish texnologiyasini ishlab chiqish

Muxtorov A.M.

Статья научная

COMPUPLAST ® VEL™, Extrusion Calculator™ dasturiy vositasi yordamida plastik detallarni quyishdan oldin ularni virtual laboratoriyada sinovdan o‘tkazish texnologiyasi haqida nazariy bilimlarni kompyuter dasturi orqali bajarib, material, energiya sarfini kamaytirish.


Virtual office administration - a trend in modern office development

Virtual office administration - a trend in modern office development

Truong Thi Mai Anh

Статья научная

The percentage of workers in Vietnam and other countries worldwide applying the virtual office model is increasing due to the forceful impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Working from home, working remotely, and working in virtual offices are concepts that have become popular with officers and administrators. In this article, analyze some benefits and management methods in bringing the virtual office model into the field of modern office administration. In addition, the author also proposes some measures to improve the quality of office administration training in the modern context.


Virus physiology, adsorsion and receptors

Virus physiology, adsorsion and receptors

Ibragimova L.M.

Статья научная

This article provides information on the physiology, adsorption and receptors of viruses, as well as the penetration of viruses into the cell.


Vocabulary technologies for disabled students

Vocabulary technologies for disabled students

Zahidova M.Yo.

Статья научная

This article discusses how to increase the vocabulary of mentally retarded students in special pedagogical education. Theoretical features of the organization of the teaching process with mentally retarded students in special pedagogical education are also covered.


Vocal-choir work in music lessons

Vocal-choir work in music lessons

Sapayeva F.

Статья научная

This article discusses vocal and choral work in music lessons.


Voleybol o'rganish usullarining asosiy metodlari

Voleybol o'rganish usullarining asosiy metodlari

Haydarov M.R.

Статья научная

Voleybol o’yini nafaqat ko’ngilochar balki jismoniy faollikni oshiruvchi ta’limiy mashg’ulot ham hisoblanadi. Shu boisdan voleybol darslarini tashkil qilish va talabalarni ushbu o’yinni o’ynash darajasida yetarlicha raqobatbardosh va chidamli qilib tarbiyalash katta ahamiyat kasb etadi. Ushbu maqolada voleybol o’yinini tashkil qilish va uni o’rganishda foydalaniladigan metodlar haqida batafsil bayon qilinadi.


Voleybolchi shaxsining ma’naviy jihatlari va sifatlarini tarbiyalash

Voleybolchi shaxsining ma’naviy jihatlari va sifatlarini tarbiyalash

Shamuratova B.Yu.

Статья научная

ushbu maqolada voleybolchining ma’naviy jihatlari va sifatlarini tarbiyalash xususiyatlari hamda hozirgi zamon sportchisi shaxsini shakllantirishga, uning fe’l-atvorini rivojlantirishga har tomonlama qiziqishlari, sportga to’g’ri munosabati va muhabbatini tarbiyalashga qaratilgan.


Volleyball type of sport and its importance

Volleyball type of sport and its importance

Rayhonov A.M., Normurodov U.M.

Статья научная

Improving the role and importance of sports in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, in particular, the teaching of gymnastics, athletics and sports (football, basketball, volleyball, handball) game and exercise techniques. It is necessary to improve the teaching of gymnastics, athletics and sports (including volleyball) in the educational process, as well as the tactics of games and exercises, especially in the teaching of volleyball in sports. I think it is necessary to increase the interest of students in this sport.


Voltengofen mayatnigi: aylanma tokning kamayishini namoyish etish

Voltengofen mayatnigi: aylanma tokning kamayishini namoyish etish

Zulunova M.A., Qosimjonova H.B., Rahmonqulova N.B.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada Voltengofen mayatnigi yordamida aylanma tokning kamayishini o’rganish natijalari keltirilgan. Voltengofen mayatnigi kuchli elektromagnit qutblari o’rtasida tebranadigan metal plastinkadan iborat bo’lib, tebranib turgan mayatnik yetarlicha kuchli magnit maydon qo’shilganda maydonga kirayotganda to’xtaydi. Ammo teshiklari mayjud bo’lgan mayatnikning tebranma harakati shu magnit qo’shilganda kuchsiz o’sishi keltirilgan.

