Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Development of professional competence of students of special military educational institutions

Development of professional competence of students of special military educational institutions

Yoldashaliyev I.

Статья научная

The strategic direction of the development of the education system in society is the intellectual and moral development of man on the basis of purposeful independent activity in various fields. In our country, as well as in the developed countries of the world, the promotion of independent education is an important direction in the process of education reform. The study of the phenomenon of educating the professional competence of the educator has found little expression in the work of a number of scholars. These authors put forward the idea that professional competence - along with the qualities of reliability - characterizes the pedagogical culture of the teacher as a professional-individual phenomenon.


Development of psychics of children of first year of life

Development of psychics of children of first year of life

Muminov R.K., Agranovsky M.L., Karimov A.Kh., Kozimzhonova I.F., Azimova G.A.

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The recognition of the age-related features of the child's mental development should be recognized as insufficient. At present, a rare family knows that the age of up to 1 year is the period when communication is the main activity of the child and that the lack of emotional contacts with him can adversely affect his character in the future. Our today's article is devoted to the mental development of a child of the first year of life or how it is otherwise called infantile age. According to the common systematics, we divided the development of the child into 5 stages: the first stage - motor (up to 1 month), the second stage (2-3 months), the third stage (3-6 months), the fourth stage (6-9 months), the fifth stage (9-12 months).


Development of safe technology of fuel briquettes based on food and agricultural organic waste

Development of safe technology of fuel briquettes based on food and agricultural organic waste

Qobulova N.J., Abdurahmonov A., Musaev M., Mahkmudov Sh.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of development of safe technology of fuel briquettes based on food and agricultural organic waste. The conducted studies allow us to identify the best type and amount of binder, which generates new environmental problems.


Development of science in KuzGTU as in important factor formation of scientific and technical potential Kemerovo region

Development of science in KuzGTU as in important factor formation of scientific and technical potential Kemerovo region

Kriveleva K.Y., Torgynakova Y.P., Leonteva M.S., Khaljavin I.Y.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the actual topic related to the formation of the scientific and technical potential of the Kemerovo region at the expense of the development of university research.


Development of students' physical qualities in badminton classes using new pedagogical technologies

Development of students' physical qualities in badminton classes using new pedagogical technologies

Sarvar Sarvar B.S.

Статья научная

Although badminton is not a complicated process, it is an activity that helps to develop the physical qualities of young people. In general, as sports develop a person's mental and physical abilities, so do athletes in badminton. The article also discusses the practical importance of using pedagogical technologies used in badminton lessons.


Development of students' social competence

Development of students' social competence

Nuriddinov M.A.

Статья научная

This article describes social competencies, social competence, socio-political and knowledge, the volume of specific knowledge, the development of ethical standards in society, the development of social competencies.


Development of technology for obtaining immune-stimulating substances based on medicinal plants

Development of technology for obtaining immune-stimulating substances based on medicinal plants

Jabborova Sh.A., Abdugafforov A.A.

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Medicinal plants have been widely used to treat a variety of infectious and non-infectious ailments. According to one estimate, 25% of the commonly used medicines contain compounds isolated from plants.


Development of the agricultural sector in Russia

Development of the agricultural sector in Russia

Белогорцева Л.Е.

Статья научная

The article considers the problem of food embargo. The author outlines some statistics on this area and the importance of governmental support of the Russian agricultural sector. A few suggestions of tackling the problems Russian agricultural sector has faced recently are presented.


Development of the banking and financial sector will provide financial independence of the regions

Development of the banking and financial sector will provide financial independence of the regions

Низов З.Д., Абдибаева Т., Назаров А.К.

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Мақолада мамлакатимизда банк-молия соҳасини ислоҳ қилиш ва эркинлаштириш, барқарор ривожланишини ҳамда иқтисодиётнинг таркибий ўзгаришларида кенг иштирок этишини таъминлаш, тижорат банкларининг самарадорлигини ошириш ва капиталлашиш даражасини кўтариш, қимматли қоғозлар бозорини ривожлантириш, замонавий банк хизматларини жорий этиш бўйича таклифлар ва тавсиялар берилган.


Development of the economy of new Uzbekistan through digital technologies, prospects for a digital economy

Development of the economy of new Uzbekistan through digital technologies, prospects for a digital economy

Abdullajonov D.

Статья научная

This article focuses on the successes and failures of the digital economy and the digitalization process based on it. This article provides a wealth of valuable information on the growing demand for current digital technologies, the mechanism for the rapid development of digital technologies related to organizational and legal issues, and a number of effective models.


Development of the use of low-power wind energy generators in the creation of renewable energy in Uzbekistan

Development of the use of low-power wind energy generators in the creation of renewable energy in Uzbekistan

Orinov Q.I., Orinov A.I., Urinov A.I.

Статья научная

This article covers problems in the field of energy. Wind energy and the problems of its use, the research conducted on them, the opinions of scientists are highlighted. Proposals and recommendations for the development of wind energy sources in Uzbekistan are given.


Development of training lessons for orchestral specialization disciplines

Development of training lessons for orchestral specialization disciplines

Najmetdinov G.M.

Статья научная

The training of conductors of amateur orchestras and choirs, directors of instrumental and vocal ensembles is carried out by higher specialized educational institutions, which must have a highly professional teaching staff with extensive experience in training creative workers. The presence of an acute need for modern scientific and methodological developments on the problems of music education, on the one hand, and the insufficient development of this problem, on the other, in our case, the training of the leader of orchestral groups, convincingly confirms its relevance.


Development of transportation system control system using geoformation technologies

Development of transportation system control system using geoformation technologies

Normirzayev A.R., Egamberdiyev B.S., Mekhmonaliyev I.

Статья научная

The application of geoinformation technologies in trucks on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the use of foreign experience in the territory of Uzbekistan, as well as the analysis and application of the management system in accordance with the conditions of Uzbekistan.


Development of transportation system control system using geoformation technologies

Development of transportation system control system using geoformation technologies

Normirzayev A.R., Egamberdiyev B.S., Mekhmonaliyev I.

Статья научная

The application of geoinformation technologies in trucks on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the use of foreign experience in the territory of Uzbekistan, as well as the analysis and application of the management system in accordance with the conditions of Uzbekistan.


Development of writing skills in foreign language lessons

Development of writing skills in foreign language lessons

Usmonova Sh.R.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the development of writing skills at school. In the conditions of a modern school, the teacher is given the right to independently choose the appropriate and more effective teaching methods, in connection with which there is a lot of research in this area. In this regard, the authors consider methods of teaching a foreign language, in particular the Dalton plan method. Based on the results of trial learning, the authors revealed the effectiveness of using the Dalton Plan method for developing writing skills in foreign language lessons.


Development perspective of import substitution in the domestic it market

Development perspective of import substitution in the domestic it market

Talalai M., Andrienko A.S., Makarenya T.A.

Статья научная

Article is analyses the current research in the sphere of import substitution development in the Russian IT market. The main segments of the market are considered. The review of competitiveness of the Russian products is carried out. The obstacles for the import substitution program development are touched upon.


Development potential of tourism services in the regions

Development potential of tourism services in the regions

Sharipov A.A.

Статья научная

The article made: the organization of tourism services, the development of tourism infrastructure, the comprehensive acceptability and capabilities of facilities intended for tourists.


Development trends of financial management system in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Development trends of financial management system in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Abdusoliyev A.I.

Статья научная

The article describes the principles and new methods of developing the country's financial management system.


Devices that work on the basis of solar radiation

Devices that work on the basis of solar radiation

Yoqubova M.T.

Статья научная

It is recommended to use solar devices to achieve energy efficiency.


Diagnosis and treatment of acute intestinal infections in children

Diagnosis and treatment of acute intestinal infections in children

Yunusov D.M.

Статья научная

The article highlights the issues of epidemiology, immunopathogenesis, clinical picture, laboratory diagnostics and the basic principles of complex therapy and prevention of acute intestinal infections in children and adults. The features of the clinic and treatment of diseases caused by various types of bacteria and viruses are given. Information is given about new drugs used in the treatment of OCI.

