Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Dorivor o'simliklardan oqilona foydalanish

Dorivor o'simliklardan oqilona foydalanish

Xojaniyozova B.X.

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Tabiat bizga juda ko’p tabiiy boyliklar in’om etganki biz ulardan kundalik turmushimizda samarali foydalanishimiz lozim. Grentolog olimlarni fikricha dunyoga kelib yuz yildan kam hayot kechirish «achinarli» hisoblanadi. Agar biz hujayramizga yetarli ozuqa bersak, ya’ni 20 xil aminokislota, 15 xil mineral, 12 xil vitamin, 7 xil ferment 3 xil to’yingan yog’ kislota bersak, hujayramiz faoliyatini bajaradi va inson qarimaydi. Bu narsalarni hujayramiz biz yeydigan ozuqadan oladi. Shuning uchun bir kunda 18 xildan ortiqroq mahsulot 300 gr meva, 400 gr sabzovot istemol qilsak besh mahal kam-kam ovqatlansak, hujayramiz to’liq to’yinadi va kasalliklarga chalinmaydi. Buning uchun esa biz tabiatdagi barcha o’simlik va hayvon turlarini bilishimiz va ulardan hayotiy faoliyatimizga foydalanishimiz darkor. Xalq sog’ligini saqlash, kasalliklarni oldini olish, yosh avlodni sog’lom tarbiyalash va shakilantirish uchun dorivor o’simliklar haqida bilishimiz zarur. Bu bilishni oiladan boshlab maktab darajasiga ko’tarish darkor. Bu holat mamlakat iqtisodiga juda katta foyda keltiradi.


Dorixona faoliyatini tashkil etish, dorilar saqlash chora tadbirlari

Dorixona faoliyatini tashkil etish, dorilar saqlash chora tadbirlari

Usmonova M.B., Ernazarova M.E., Qo'yliyeva M.U., Xasanova G.R.

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Dorixona faoliyatini boshqarish, dorixonalarni texnik hujjatlari tuzish yopullari, maxsulot saqlàshga sharoit yaratish.


Double door of opportunities

Double door of opportunities

Dusyorova K.N.

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In the article, the reforms carried out under the leadership of our President to increase the reading culture of the children of the book-loving nation, information about the fact that independence not only returned to us our ancient high position as a book-reading nation, but at the same time, it is the main factor in radically increasing our intellectual potential and opportunities in this regard. given.


Draft on funds automation of the accounting Russian developer in organization

Draft on funds automation of the accounting Russian developer in organization

Koteneva D.D., Polenova S.N.

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In article are motivated stages of the formation of the automatic systems of the accounting and reporting and condition of their shaping in modern condition, meeting the demands modern software programs Russian developer.


Drawing system for testing on the subject of geometrics

Drawing system for testing on the subject of geometrics

Samatova K.M.

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In this article, the issue of raising the theory and methodology on the basis of new information technology in the teaching of the science of drawing geometry, activating the educational process of students and the implementation of their creative abilities, as well as determining the greater effectiveness and importance of what teaching methods in the teaching of the science of drawing geometry.


Drugs to treat the psychological state of the patients and their methods

Drugs to treat the psychological state of the patients and their methods

Parpieva O.R., Ostanaqulov Alijon Dadajon Ugli

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Drug to human health, psychology, thinking, negative impact on future generations, the causes of the spread of drugs among the population, Drugs and drug types, stages of the disease, the treatment of patients with drug psychological changes, refer to the methods.


Dust concentration measurements used in cotton processing enterprises

Dust concentration measurements used in cotton processing enterprises

Sharibayev N.Yu., Tursunov A.A., Djurayev Sh.S.

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The article describes the devices for determining the concentration of dust used by cotton processing enterprises and the principle of their operation, and analyzes their processing technology.


Dutch disease: the Russian case and the treatment for resource-dependent economies

Dutch disease: the Russian case and the treatment for resource-dependent economies

Phuong An Huynh

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‘Dutch disease’ is a common phenomenon in the resource-abundant economies of the world, and Russia is one particular country that is suffering from its adverse effects. In this article, the author attempts to introduce the concept of Dutch disease, investigate the signs of Dutch disease in the Russian economy and examines how Russia should apply other countries’ experience to come up with its own solution to this long-term problem.


Dvgatelning yuklama xarakteristikalarini o’rganish va ularni tadqiq qilish

Dvgatelning yuklama xarakteristikalarini o’rganish va ularni tadqiq qilish

Alijonov O.I.

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Dvigatellarning rivojlanish istiqbollari yoqilg’i tejamkorligi va chiqindi gazlar tarkibidagi zararli moddalarni kamaytirish bilan uzviy bog’liq. Shu maqsadda kichik yuklama va salt holat rejimlarida silindrlarning bir qismini o’chirish usuli qo’llaniladi.


Dynamics of formation of development of musical interests

Dynamics of formation of development of musical interests

Kattaboyeva N.Ja.

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This article discusses the dynamics of the development of musical interests


ERP системы и корпоративные порталы

ERP системы и корпоративные порталы

Михайлов А.П., Елуферьева Ю.С.

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В статье ставиться задача рассмотреть ERP системы и корпоративные порталы. В результате анализа выявляются достоинства и недостатки данных сервисов.


Early correction and treatment of facial nerve neuropathy, electroneuromiography

Early correction and treatment of facial nerve neuropathy, electroneuromiography

Kamoldinova D.B., Abdukadirova D.T., Nazarova G.T.

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Neuropathy of the facial nerve today is an extremely relevant pathology of the peripheral nervous system. The number of people suffering from this disease is constantly growing. The frequency of neuropathies of the facial nerve is, for example, in European countries 20 cases, in Japan 30 cases per 100 thousand population. According to WHO, the most common type is mononeuropathy of the facial nerve, which ranks second in frequency among diseases of the peripheral nervous system. The incidence ranges from 8 to 240 cases per 100 thousand population in different countries of the world.


Early correction of neurological deficiency in face neuropathy

Early correction of neurological deficiency in face neuropathy

Kamoldinova D.B.

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According to the WHO, Bell’s palsy is the second most common type of mononeuropathy, second only to peripheral nervous system diseases. Despite the large number of studies, not all features of the etiology, pathogenesis and course of the disease in childhood have been fully studied. The outcome of the disease in children is much better than in adults, according to various researchers, the number of complications can range from 5% to 50%. The most common complications with a frequency of 25-30% include facial muscle contractures with prosoparesis of various severity, pathological synkinesis and dyskinesia.


Early correction of neurological disorders in children with down syndrome born with heart deficiency

Early correction of neurological disorders in children with down syndrome born with heart deficiency

Nazarova G.T., Jalilova S.Sh., Egamberdiev O.R.

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This article discusses the early correction of neurological disorders in children with Down syndrome born with heart failure. It has also been reported that the development of children with Down syndrome is similar to that of normal developing children, but in the same order, but slower, slower in terms of knowledge, language and personal social development.


Early diagnosis of endometriosis in women of reproductive age

Early diagnosis of endometriosis in women of reproductive age

Bakhriddinova Kh.kh.

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In the article questions of early diagnosis of small endometriosis ovarian cysts up to 2.5-3 cm, timely conservative treatment of dianogest within 3-6 months and realization of reproductive function of young women.


Early pregnancy losses - a new understanding of hormonal disorders

Early pregnancy losses - a new understanding of hormonal disorders

Akhmadzhonova G.M., Ismailova Z.U.

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In the etiological structure of habitual miscarriage, the role of endocrine factors remains relevant. However, more and more researchers are now coming to the conclusion that there is a close relationship and mutual regulation between the endocrine and immune systems, which is realized in the endometrium at the early stages of implantation [1,3,8,10]. Progesterone promotes a full-fledged secretory transformation of the endometrium, which is necessary for the introduction of blastocysts. In addition, during pregnancy, gestagens ensure the growth and development of the myometrium, its vascularization and relaxation by leveling the effect of oxytocin and reducing prostaglandin synthesis [7,8,9].


Early toxicosis in pregnancy

Early toxicosis in pregnancy

Abdiyeva S.A., Haydarova Z.A.

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As a rule, pregnancy is a version of the physiological state of the body, it does not bother the woman and she feels well. It appeared in the early period and is used to identify signs of pregnancy, vomiting and other symptoms, in fact, they say that not everything is safe in the body of the future mother.


Echocardiography for diagnostics of pulmonary hypertension

Echocardiography for diagnostics of pulmonary hypertension

Kasimova N.D.

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Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a common serious clinical problem that is addressed by physicians in various clinical specialties. For the pulmonologist, it is important that PH is a frequent and prognostically unfavorable complication of chronic respiratory diseases. The basis of the examination of patients in whom PH is suspected is a complex of studies, including a complete clinical examination, various laboratory and instrumental methods, including catheterization of the right heart. Currently, the technique of catheterization of the right heart remains the "gold standard" in determining the pressure in the pulmonary artery (PAP) and a mandatory component in the diagnosis of PH. However, this method, being invasive, has a number of limitations. The possibility and necessity of using catheterization of the right heart with dynamic observation is disputed.


Eco tourism and its problems

Eco tourism and its problems

Ablakulova I.K.

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Understanding the essence of the laws of nature in the formation of ecological knowledge and ecological culture in man means that man himself is a biological species of nature. It lives even when nature is destroyed. For example, if forests are cut down, air and water are poisoned, polluted, wildlife is destroyed, and so on, but man cannot live without nature. The educational value of nature in the development of human activities is understood as the properties of pure nature that awaken and form in people such moral qualities as nobility, kindness, tolerance, patriotism, majesty, gentleness. Frequent exposure to nature helps to develop human qualities. This is one of the most important qualities of ecotourism fans, as well as the fact that they are attracted to nature. The more one harms the nature of one's home, the more one becomes spiritually impoverished.


Ecological culture is an important sign of social development

Ecological culture is an important sign of social development

Khalmirzaeva S.S.

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This article analyzes ecological culture as an important sign of social development

