Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Digital currency. For them a future?

Digital currency. For them a future?

Gorbunova L.A., Imaikina A.S., Mustelin A.E.

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This article will answer questions such as: what is cryptocurrency, the principle of its operation, its advantages and disadvantages, the most popular types of cryptocurrencies, the most effective ways to make money on cryptocurrency.


Digital economy and its role in the education system

Digital economy and its role in the education system

Kobilov A.U.

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This article theoretically investigates the essence of the digital economy, its role and impact on the education system. In the context of a pandemic and the "Year of Science, Education and Development of the Digital Economy", the work done to digitalize the education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan was analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis, scientifically based proposals were put forward to accelerate the introduction of the digital economy into the education system of Uzbekistan.


Digital economy and regulatory legal framework of the digital economy in Russia

Digital economy and regulatory legal framework of the digital economy in Russia

Ragimov M.A.

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This article will discuss what the digital economy and what is its legal and regulatory framework.


Digital economy as an economic process

Digital economy as an economic process

Kobilov A.U., Bozorov J.R., Kodirova Kh.K.

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The subject of this article is digital technologies and the factors that accompany their development. The article analyzes the current state of the digital economy, identifies the directions of its influence. The influence of digital technologies on the public sector of the economy is considered. The consequences of the development of the digital industry on the economy are highlighted. The state and development of the digital economy in Russia is considered.


Digital marketing and their position in Kazakhstan

Digital marketing and their position in Kazakhstan

Egeubekova A.E., Manap Akbozergen Serіkaliz

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Annotiation: the article deals with the concept of digital marketing, its types and meaning. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of advertising on the Internet are determined. The place of digital marketing in the market of Kazakhstan, characteristics of consumers is studied.


Digital нарыта ттынушыларды анааттану дрежесіне маркетинтгтік зерттеулер жргізу

Digital нарыта ттынушыларды анааттану дрежесіне маркетинтгтік зерттеулер жргізу

Егеубекова А.Е.

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Мақалада электрондық сауалнама жүргізу арқылы тұтынушылардың ЖШС «НТК» телеарнасының диджитал нарығындағы жұмысымен қанағаттану дәрежесіне маркетингтік зерттеу нәтижелері берілген. Зерттеу барысында негізгі қиындық туғызған мәселелер және қанағаттану дәрежесін жоғарылату жолдары ұсынылған.


Digital- маркетинг: основные тенденции и перспективы развития

Digital- маркетинг: основные тенденции и перспективы развития

Дьяков С.А., Глазкова Е.А.

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Целью статьи является изучение такого направления маркетинга, как digital-маркетинг. Автор останавливается на следующих вопросах: что такое digital-маркетинг? Какова его специфика? Каковы основные тенденции данного направления в 2016 году? А также каковы перспективы развития цифрового маркетинга в современном мире.


Digital-маркетинг как комплексная стратегия взаимодействия с потребителем в интернет-среде

Digital-маркетинг как комплексная стратегия взаимодействия с потребителем в интернет-среде

Акутина О.В.

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Сфера digital-технологий в настоящее время активно развивается. Большую популярность получили различные цифровые устройства, люди все чаще пользуются ресурсами сети Интернет. Поэтому современный маркетинг обратился к возможности сферы digital.


Digitalization of industry as a vector of a new digital space

Digitalization of industry as a vector of a new digital space

Kolesnikova Yu.S.

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The article deals with the issues of digitalization of production, its main concept and goals. The author proves the effectiveness of digitalization on the example of successfully functioning enterprises. The results of the study can be used to develop the processes of digitalization of industries and strengthen their focus on the growth of competitive advantages and technological development of regional spatial and sectoral structures in the digital economy.


Diktantlar yordamida boshlang’ich sinf o`quvchilarining imloviy malakalarini shakllantirish

Diktantlar yordamida boshlang’ich sinf o`quvchilarining imloviy malakalarini shakllantirish

Gulyamova Х.

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Ushbu maqolada diktantlar yordamida boshlang`ich sinf o`quvchilarining imloviy malakalarini shakllantirishning ilimiy-metodik xususiyatlari haqida so`z yuritiladi.


Din-ziyorat turizmi bilan bog’liq bo’lgan joy nomlari va ularning kelib chiqishi

Din-ziyorat turizmi bilan bog’liq bo’lgan joy nomlari va ularning kelib chiqishi

Umarova M.H., Torayev Q.T.

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Maqolada G’arb mamlakatlarida diniy geografik nomlar o’zbek tilida, umuman turkiy tillarda din bilan bog’liq nomlar, ota, avliyo, bobo, islom, momo, nur, ziyo, shayx kabi qo’shimchalar qo’shiladi va bunday nomlar, Surxondaryo viloyatidagi diniy-ziyorat joy nomlari, buloqlar bilan bog’liq unda suv, daraxt kulti kabi kompanitlar iloxiylashtirilganligi, hamda Xo’jalar, Payg’ambarlar bilan bog’liq bo’lgan joy nomlari ko’rib chiqilgan.


Directions for the formation of cooperation in the field of agricultural entrepreneurship

Directions for the formation of cooperation in the field of agricultural entrepreneurship

Kurbonov A.B., Jalilova N.M., Safarov K.B.

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The article analyzes the theoretical views of economists on the formation of the category of entrepreneurship. The features of the development of entrepreneurship in agriculture are also studied. The factors influencing the formation and development of agribusiness property are analyzed. In the context of the Republic of Uzbekistan, forms of ownership of agricultural enterprises are based. Scientifically grounded proposals and recommendations have been developed to increase the role of cooperation in the formation of property in agriculture.


Directions for the introduction of new information technologies in education

Directions for the introduction of new information technologies in education

Mirzaakbarov D.D.

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The use of a computer is also convenient for the teacher, since he is not able to bring all the objects he needs to education, and their visual representation requires a lot of time.


Directions of development of the effectiveness of public administration in the region

Directions of development of the effectiveness of public administration in the region

Dunaeva A.I., Udachin N.O.

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The need to manage economic development in the region is attributable primarily to general shortcomings of the market economy, its focus on obtaining economic benefits and ignoring the problems of social justice. The effectiveness of government economic development in the region involves the study of problems the relationship of the regional economy and regional policy. In this case we are talking about both the theoretical understanding of issues of regional development in historical perspective, and on a clear definition of the control object - a regional economic complex, including the location of the regional economy in the reproduction process of the country, the characterization of inter-relations of the country, and especially the economy of certain regions of the country.


Directions of state support of the multi-branch production to use the economic potential of farming enterprises

Directions of state support of the multi-branch production to use the economic potential of farming enterprises

Kalimbetov Kh.K., Baimuratova Z.A., Khozhanazarov N.R.

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The article tells about the specialization processes in the agriculture and development of multiple enterprise farms in Uzbekistan.


Directions of the improving of the management mechanism of municipal target program

Directions of the improving of the management mechanism of municipal target program

Dunaeva Anastasia Igorevna, Udachin Nikita Olegovich

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To date, the program targets the most transparent instrument of social and economic policy with support from the federal budget. Federal target programs, the need for them, goals, objectives, a set of measures, implementation time and amount of funding, including from the federal budget, are discussed at meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. One of the main areas related to improving the efficiency of the federal targeted programs is to find ways to ensure an optimal solution to the problems of their formation and implementation, including financing.


Dirijor B.Neymar ijodiy maktabi xususida

Dirijor B.Neymar ijodiy maktabi xususida

Dilmurotov Mirzobek O’tkir o’g’li

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Mazkur maqola muallifning ilmiy ishidan debocha bo’lib, o’zbek dirijorlik san’atining rivojlanishi va bugungi kuni o’rganib chiqildi (tahlil etildi) hamda ushbu san’atning yorqin vakillaridan biri, butun umri davomida o’zbek dirijorlik san’atini rivojlantirish va yuksaltirishga intilgan, o’z ijodiy maktabiga ega ustoz Neymar ijodiga qaratilgan


Dirijor Vladimir Borisovich Neymer ijodiy maktabi xususida

Dirijor Vladimir Borisovich Neymer ijodiy maktabi xususida

Dilmurotov Mirzobek O’tkir o’g’li

Статья научная

Mazkur maqola muallifning ilmiy ishidan debocha bo‘lib, o‘zbek dirijorlik san’atining rivojlanishi va bugungi kuni o‘rganib chiqildi (tahlil etildi) hamda ushbu san’atning yorqin vakillaridan biri, butun umri davomida o‘zbek dirijorlik san’atini rivojlantirish va yuksaltirishga intilgan, o‘z ijodiy maktabiga ega ustoz V.B.Neymer ijodiga qaratilgan.


Disadvantages of overeating

Disadvantages of overeating

Kholmatova N.O., Ismoilov O.B., Abduraimova O.A.

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This article contains some information about deleterious effects of overeating and it also composed of critical consequences of overeating.


Disciplinary responsibility of law enforcement officers

Disciplinary responsibility of law enforcement officers

Dunaeva Anastasia Igorevna, Udachin Nikita Olegovich

Статья научная

State law enforcement service - a complex socio-legal institution, the study of which requires a comprehensive analysis of its social and legal framework. This institute is a system of legal rules governing public-service relationship, ie, rights, obligations, restrictions, prohibitions; stimulation, responsible employees, passing through state law enforcement officers, the order of occurrence and termination of the service relationship. There is clearly manifested an institutional character of public law enforcement service. Public service in the internal affairs - a kind of public service, which holds a special place in the mechanism of state power, has a specific means to strengthen law and order, fighting crime and delinquency, ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation. Consequently, the public service in the internal affairs should be settled by the law, proven science and practice, and at the same time meet the needs of society.

