Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Modern methods of teaching mathematics

Modern methods of teaching mathematics

Tursunova M.R.

Статья научная

This article discusses the methods of teaching mathematic.


Modern methods of teaching musical lessonss

Modern methods of teaching musical lessonss

Kadirov D.K.

Статья научная

This article discusses the actual problems of studying a musical lessons. New approaches to the study of musical lessonss were analyzed


Modern methods of using information technologies in lessons

Modern methods of using information technologies in lessons

Alimova X.T.

Статья научная

In the work, it was found out that a teacher working in a modern school needs not only to know the nomenclature of available means and their didactic purpose. But also effectively use each of the funds. Since only fully using not only basic, but also auxiliary teaching tools can you achieve the goals of teaching a foreign language.


Modern pedagogical technologies as a resource of the modern lesson, ensuring the development of educational standards

Modern pedagogical technologies as a resource of the modern lesson, ensuring the development of educational standards

Irgashev M.U.

Статья научная

The current stage of social development imposes new requirements on higher education. At present, the task of education is aimed at the development of the individual, at the formation of students’ qualities and skills that in the future should allow them to independently study something, master new types of activities and, as a result, be successful in life.


Modern pedagogical technologies in a multidisciplinary institution of continuing education

Modern pedagogical technologies in a multidisciplinary institution of continuing education

Irgashev M.U.

Статья научная

Additional education as a special educational institution has its own pedagogical technologies for the development of the student’s creative activity, for self-development and self-realization.


Modern pedagogical technologies in foreign language

Modern pedagogical technologies in foreign language

Allaniyazov M.

Статья научная

The article deals with the main problems and tasks in the process of teaching a foreign (English) language in non-linguistic universities. The main methods and principles of organizing the educational process are given. We also consider the issue of motivation, which, as we know, is directly related to the effectiveness of training, ways of forming students' motivation to master a foreign language both during the educational and extracurricular process, since any cognitive process is based on the desire to learn a foreign language culture.


Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching biology

Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching biology

Mahammadjonov T.

Статья научная

This article examines modern educational technologies in teaching biology


Modern pedagogy in higher education

Modern pedagogy in higher education

Raximov Sh.N.

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This article discusses contemporary problems of pedagogy in higher education.


Modern principles of surgical treatment of the ischaemic heart disease

Modern principles of surgical treatment of the ischaemic heart disease

Saliev Saliev

Статья научная

This article provides information about modern princi pals of treatment of ischemic heart disease, detailed descri ptions of indication to the different types of treatment, such as conservative treatment, interventional and surgical. We made a conclusion that, the diagnostic coronaryventriculography is the basic method, which determines further tactics of patient’s treatment. There is marked ways of improvement of surgical treatment by the beating heart surgery and using arterial conduits.


Modern problems of linguistics and methods of teaching English language

Modern problems of linguistics and methods of teaching English language

Boltabayeva M.R.

Статья научная

In this article, we reflect on modern problems of linguistics and methods of teaching English. At present, the need to learn English in its actual functioning in various spheres of human activity has become generally accepted. The well-known fact is that an indispensable condition for the implementation of any communicative act must be a mutual knowledge of realities by the speaker and the hearer, which is the basis of language communication.


Modern problems of linguistics and methods of teaching English language

Modern problems of linguistics and methods of teaching English language

Rizayeva O.X.

Статья научная

In this article, we reflect on modern problems of linguistics and methods of teaching English.


Modern problems of obstetrics and gynecology

Modern problems of obstetrics and gynecology

Abdiyeva S.A., Rahimova N.B.

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Scientific and technological progress, which has affected all aspects of society, has had an impact on medicine. Under her control were the processes of human reproduction (the emergence, preservation and termination of pregnancy), the course of embryonic and fetal development.


Modern problems of philosophy

Modern problems of philosophy

Aminova N.B., Musaeva M.Sh.

Статья научная

This article examines modern problems of philosophy.


Modern recommendations for improving the oral skills of Russian-speaking students in Uzbek language classes

Modern recommendations for improving the oral skills of Russian-speaking students in Uzbek language classes

Iskandarova O.R.

Статья научная

The article discusses the need to develop students' literacy in oral and written texts in the state language, to create meaning in our language - to feel the primary feature, to understand that the future is the basis of a noble word in the development of all spheres of society. Teachers will also be given some tips to strengthen students' spelling skills.


Modern scientific approaches to the study of the technology of non-violent overthrow of political regimes

Modern scientific approaches to the study of the technology of non-violent overthrow of political regimes

Numonjonov Sh.

Статья научная

Scientific approaches and methods for studying the technology of non-violent overthrow of political regimes are constantly changing due to the security dilemma, the controversy in the development of this theory, etc. This article discusses modern scientific approaches to the study of the above technology and the point of view of international observers in this field.


Modern surgical approaches to treatment of refracted glaucoma

Modern surgical approaches to treatment of refracted glaucoma

Parmankulova Y.J.

Статья научная

To date, an urgent problem is the treatment of the so-called refractory glaucoma (RG), which combines the most severe nosological forms of glaucoma; one of the distinguishing features of the disease is resistance to treatment.


Modern teaching methods of teaching English by interactive games

Modern teaching methods of teaching English by interactive games

Saydamatova N.Sh.

Статья научная

The article deals with a great difference of methods of educating foreign languages to young generations namely pupils. Each teaching method is mainly based on a particular vision of comprehension the language or the learning process, frequently using specific techniques and materials used in a set sequence.


Modern teaching methods of teaching foreign languages

Modern teaching methods of teaching foreign languages

Matkarimova D.A.

Статья научная

This article focuses on productive types of speech activity, which is especially important for mastering a foreign language. The Article specifies how effective work with special texts in a foreign language helps to formulate the necessary language and communication skills for students in a non-native language and promotes the development of their common scientific knowledge and skills.


Modern teaching methods used in teaching economy

Modern teaching methods used in teaching economy

Akhmedova Sh.T.

Статья научная

This article examines modern teaching methods used in the education of economics.


Modern technologies and methods in teaching Russian as a language (terms)

Modern technologies and methods in teaching Russian as a language (terms)

Rustamova F., Khazirov B.

Статья научная

The problem of teaching Russian as a foreign language is considered based on modern technologies. The requirements for the formation of language courses, for the organization of teaching the Russian language, including taking into account the national language specificity of students, highlighted. General and particular methodological aspects of the problem of studying Russian as a foreign language analyzed. Moreover, the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, including modern approaches to the forms and methods of control.

