Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Modern technologies in teaching physical culture

Modern technologies in teaching physical culture

Tuxtasinova D.S.

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The article deals with modern technologies of teaching physical culture.


Modern technologies in the creative training of specialists - choreographers

Modern technologies in the creative training of specialists - choreographers

Abdukhakimova D.M.

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This article discusses the relevance of the use of information technologies that affect the effectiveness of the educational process and the formation of systemic knowledge and generalized skills in the specialty "Head of the choreographic collective."


Modern technologies of learning foreign languages

Modern technologies of learning foreign languages

Almatova M.L.

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The article deals with modern technologies for teaching foreign languages.


Modern technologies that can be used in the smart farm

Modern technologies that can be used in the smart farm

Kalimbetov H.K., Baymuratova Z.A., Ospanova F.B.

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This article discusses the need, importance and stages of implementing a smart farm in our country. This article gives information about government support to smart farms (meat and dairy processing farms, livestock processing businesses). In this case, it is recommended to determine the value of fnancial incentives for entities involved in the system of fnancial support of the livestock sector. In addition, modern technologies that can be used in the "Smart Farm" and organizational and economic stages of the organization of a Smart Farm are analyzed in the paper.


Modern technology in service industry

Modern technology in service industry

Osamah Mohammed Abdo Ahmed

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Advances in communication and technology are having a profound effect on ways customers interface with service providers. This effect has two sides either to enhance the quality of service or create new problems . Service encounters are critical in all industries, including service industries. The growing deployment of technology is modifying the nature of service encounters formerly powered in a “ low- tech ” paradigm. This article looks at the benefits from using technology in the service sector and focuses on how service can be enhanced through the effective use of modern technology and how it can dispose of disadvantages.


Modern tendencies in the portfolio formation of Russian securities

Modern tendencies in the portfolio formation of Russian securities

Uralova D.Zh.



Modern trends of cluster entities development

Modern trends of cluster entities development

Andrienko R.V.

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the directions of development of cluster formations at the present stage. In the course of writing the work, the urgency of the problem was revealed, the works of various authors on this topic were studied, the concepts of various names of clusters were investigated, a single concept of a cluster was formulated, and the main modern directions of clusters functioning in the Russian Federation were identified.


Modern ways of logistics development

Modern ways of logistics development

Shevchenko A.A.

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This article considers flexible production and logistics systems and their advantages. There are the criteria of flexibility at the heart of these systems, which, in turn, act as prospects for the development of logistics.


Modular training in teaching foreign languages

Modular training in teaching foreign languages

Abdiyeva A.D.

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This article deals with the meaning of the phenomena «module training». This term by the study of foreign language exists from the end of previous centure. Module training in the course of vocational training in higher educational establishment forms and develops self-dependence by studies and self-analysis. Attempt was made to analyze advantages and disadvantages of module training.


Modular training in teaching foreign languages

Modular training in teaching foreign languages

Muxtashamova P.Z.

Статья научная

This article deals with the meaning of the phenomena «module training». This term by the study of foreign language exists from the end of previous centure. Module training in the course of vocational training in higher educational establishment forms and develops self-dependence by studies and self-analysis. Attempt was made to analyze advantages and disadvantages of module training.


Moliyaviy hisobotning xalqaro standartlari talablari asosida tovar-moddiy zaxiralarning hisobini tashkil etish metodologiyasi

Moliyaviy hisobotning xalqaro standartlari talablari asosida tovar-moddiy zaxiralarning hisobini tashkil etish metodologiyasi

Bobobekov B.K., Mamirova M.B.

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Ushbu maqolada moliyaviy hisobotning xalqaro standartlari, uning talablari va maqsadlari haqida fikr yuritilgan. Shuningdek, tovar-moddiy zaxiralarning hisobini tashkil etishning huquqiy asoslari, asosiy vazifalari va ushbu jarayonni yanada yaxshilashga qaratilgan chora tadbirlar aks etgan.


Momentlar yaqinlashish masalalari

Momentlar yaqinlashish masalalari

Zaxidov D.G., Egamberdiyeva B.G.

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Maqolada ni o‘sish tartibiga qarab belgilangan tengsizliklar asosida ni baholash mumkin ekan. Biz dastlab ikkita lemmani isbotlaymiz, so‘ng ulardan foydalanib X va bo‘lganda ξ tasodifiy miqdor uchun tengsizlik bo‘lganda bahosini aniqlaymiz.


Money as a category of commodity production

Money as a category of commodity production

Mamadaliyev X.R.

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This article deals with money as a category of commercial products.


Money market function of macroeconomic model of the former soviet union countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine. From 2000 to 2013

Money market function of macroeconomic model of the former soviet union countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine. From 2000 to 2013

Sharapov M.M.

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This article provides an econometric analysis of the money market function for the Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine. The analysis of the information obtained. Given the assumptions of the author about the adequacy and fairness of these models.


Monitoring of opportunist infections in patients with HIV infection

Monitoring of opportunist infections in patients with HIV infection

Bayxanova N.

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The disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, i.e. HIV, has become an important problem for all countries today. Its impact today poses a serious threat not only to the health care system, but to the economic and national security of many countries. Since the first diagnosis of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was made in 1981, more than 34 million people have died. This figure indicates that the disease is the most devastating disaster in human history.


Moral and spiritual qualities of a man in formation process

Moral and spiritual qualities of a man in formation process

Ismoilov T.I., Yuldosheva B.M.

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The article says that a new democratic society is being built in the republic, based on high national and universal spiritual values. The ongoing radical political, social, economic, legal and spiritual reforms primarily serve the people and their interests.


Moral ideas in the poetry of Abdulghani Javdat

Moral ideas in the poetry of Abdulghani Javdat

Kuchkorov Kh.kh.

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In the article we have expressed our views on the moral ideas of the poet, his role in the upbringing of the younger generation, its importance in the social life of the people. Also, the creative and artistic skills of the poet, his basis in the artistic image were studied.


Moral interference in the English and Uzbek languages

Moral interference in the English and Uzbek languages

Mahkmatkulov Kh.M.

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This article deals with the types of interference, the origin of interference, the content, and the meaning of interference in the language usage and learning.


Moral values and their influence on the upbringing

Moral values and their influence on the upbringing

Mirsagatova N.S.

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This article is about the role and importance of spiritual values and moral values in education of person and developing young people as a comprehensively advanced, highly educated person.


Morpho-functional factors of stomach cancer prognosis

Morpho-functional factors of stomach cancer prognosis

Ablakimov K.N.

Статья научная

Gastric cancer (RV) is a heterogeneous group of carcinomas with a high malignant potential and an unfavorable prognosis. Obviously, there are a number of issues in the study of RS that require further in-depth research. There is no comprehensive data on the effect of the regularities of cell renewal of carcinoma and the functional immunophenotype of tumor cells on the malignant potential of RV. The prognostic significance of the expression of intercellular and cell-matrix adhesion molecules (E-cadherin (E-SUB), type 4 collagen (CO4)), extracellular matrix proteins and proteases (ECM) remains debatable; tenascin-C (TC-C), matrix metalloproteinases of type 2 and 3 (MMR2 and MMRZ)), as well as the regulatory protein galectin-3 (VAZ), including in various IFT variants of RV. A generally accepted algorithm for the individual prognosis of carcinomas of this localization has not been developed, taking into account the key molecular biological factors of the malignant potential of the tumor.

