Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Nature and society: relation and interrelation

Nature and society: relation and interrelation

Abdullayev Z.G.

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This article discusses the relationship between nature and society.


Nature doctor

Nature doctor

Vakhobova Sh. A., Rustamova M.I., Mamajonova M.M.

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This article gives information about mint, which is a medicinal plant of nature. It also provides detailed information on the properties of mint, its widespread use and origin in medicine.


Navoiy talimotining tarbiyaviy ahamiyati

Navoiy talimotining tarbiyaviy ahamiyati

Dehqanova S., Husanboyev Z.U.

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Malumki tarbiya hamma vaqt talim bilan chambarchas bog'liq holdagina mavjud bo'la oladi. Chunki talim va malumot olish jarayonida yosh avlodning nafaqat bilimi ko'payibgina qolmasdan,balki ma'naviy- ahloqiy sifatlarning xam qaror topishi tezlashadi. Shu sababli,azaldan ota-bobolarimiz bebaxo boylik bo'lmish ilmu-marifat,talim va tarbiyani inson kamoloti va millat ravnaqining eng asosiy sharti va garovi deb bilganlar.


Navoiy viloyati erkin iqtisodiy zonasining o`ziga xos xususiyatlari

Navoiy viloyati erkin iqtisodiy zonasining o`ziga xos xususiyatlari

Muxammedova N.J., Kuvvatova D.B., Nurova M.A., Ismoilov U.B.

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Maqola Navoiy viloyatida barpo etilgan Erkin iqtisodiy zonaga bag`ishlangan bo`lib, uning iqtisodiy samaradorligi ochib berigan. Shu bilan birga ishlab chiqarilgan mahsulotlar hajmi va qiymatiga alohida e`tibor qaratilgan. Navoiy Erkin iqtisodiy zonasi ishlab chiqargan mahsulotlarning Jahon bozoridagi mavqei va eksport salohiyati atroflicha yoritilgan. Shuningdek uning hududiy keng xususiyatlariga ahamiyat berilgan.


Navoiy viloyatining qishloq tuman toponimlari

Navoiy viloyatining qishloq tuman toponimlari

Negmatov S.Q., Islomova Sh.S., Raxmonov S.

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Ushbu maqola Navoiy viloyati qishloq tumanlari joy nomlarini kelib chiqish tarixi va yillar davomida toponimlarda sodir bo`lgan o`zgarishlar haqidagi ma’lumotni o`z ichiga olgan.


Navruz holiday: relations between nature and human

Navruz holiday: relations between nature and human

Iskhakov B.B.

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In the article are briefly analyzed data connected with celebration of Navro’z holiday on the basic of materials of historical-ethnographical sources.


Nazorat-matematik masalalarning didaktik maqsadlaridan biri

Nazorat-matematik masalalarning didaktik maqsadlaridan biri

Narimbetova Z.A.

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Maqolada maktabda matematika fanini o’qitishda didaktik maqsadlar to’g’risida fikr yuritilgan va metodik tavsiyalar taqdim etilgan.


Necessary mechanisms for using interactive methods in lessons

Necessary mechanisms for using interactive methods in lessons

Mamataliyeva Z.A.

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This article discusses the necessary mechanisms for using interactive methods in the classroom.


Negative and positive impact of wildlife tourism

Negative and positive impact of wildlife tourism

Mamadullaeva D., Asadov A., Fatkhullaev N., Khakimov M.

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An analysis of the connection between individuals and nature is wildlife tourism which plays a significant role in the tourism industry such as African and South American countries [1]. The aim of wildlife tourism is not solely to watch or act with animals but also to teach tourists who participate in wildlife activities about the risks they may face in the wild and to search out an alternative action to safeguard nature. Many millions or billions of guests are attracted by wildlife tourism.


Negative consequences of the Aral Sea for Central Asia

Negative consequences of the Aral Sea for Central Asia

Karimov A.I.

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Significant changes are taking place on the planet today as a result of human activities. In particular, climate change and various natural disasters are felt in all latitudes of the planet. As a result, forested areas are shrinking, polluting the atmosphere, water and lithosphere. Changes in the state of the natural environment under the influence of man, strong anthropogenic impact on living and non-living components cause local, regional and global environmental problems. In particular, similar effects have led to the "Aral Sea problem", which is considered the most dangerous point of the ecological crisis in the region.


Negative effects of counterfeit money on the economy

Negative effects of counterfeit money on the economy

Ma Thi Mai Linh, Bui Thi Ngoc Ha, Федюнин А.С.



Nemis tili frazeologiyasida fauna nomlarining qo'Llanilishi

Nemis tili frazeologiyasida fauna nomlarining qo'Llanilishi

Jovliyeva L.F.

Статья научная

Maqolada zamonaviy siyosiy nutqda hayvonot lug'atidan foydalanishni belgilovchi omillar ko'rib chiqilgan. Bir tomondan, bu omillar zamonaviy dunyoda odamlar va hayvonlar o'rtasidagi munosabatlarni yangi tushunish bilan bog'liq; boshqa tomondan, ular zoomorfik leksemalarning pragmatik salohiyati bilan bog'liq. Maqola nemis tilidagi siyosiy matnlarni, shu jumladan hayvonot lug'atini, shu jumladan hayvonot tarkibiy qismiga ega frazeologik birliklarni taqqoslaydi. Taqqoslash siyosiy va ijtimoiy masalalar bo'yicha saylov plakatlari, partiya dasturlari hujjatlari va ommaviy axborot vositalarining matnlariga asoslanadi.


Network resources and their use in the process of studying foreign language

Network resources and their use in the process of studying foreign language

Usmonova Sh.R.

Статья научная

The cyber space contains enormous cultural and didactic potential, which is already used in teaching all over the world. However, the optimal and effective use of network resources for educational purposes requires enormous research work, the results of which will determine the general and particular principles of work, the selection criteria for network resources, sites and materials, as well as significantly update the arsenal of teaching aids and methods.


Neurotic disorders in COVID-19

Neurotic disorders in COVID-19

Turaev T.M.

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COVID-19 is an acute respiratory disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The virus was first detected at the end of 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan and has been actively spreading around the world since then, causing a pandemic. Most often, patients with COVID-19 have neurotic disorders: various types of anxiety disorders, including panic attacks, depressive disorders, obsessive-compulsive neuroses, accompanied by various phobias. 1 percent of patients are diagnosed with psychoses occurring against the background of intoxication. They are often accompanied by confusion, delirium or hallucinations. The clinical picture at the same time resembles the clinical picture of deliriums.


New Uzbekistan - a new worldview

New Uzbekistan - a new worldview

Olimov J.J.

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This scientific work analyzes innovations in almost all areas of the country, the development process, as well as reforms to build a free and prosperous society, measures to form a new worldview, based on a wealth of evidence and the principles of modernity.


New approach teaching chemistry

New approach teaching chemistry

Yodgorov Bakhtiyor Orziqulovich

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Traditional learning tools and control of training of bachelors should be updated through the introduction of information technologies. There are the following information technologies in educational process: electronic educational-methodical complexes, electronic textbooks, video lectures, educational films; electronic laboratory and practical work, didactic tests, electronic directories and others. The use of information technologies in teaching a number of fundamental disciplines such as chemistry is very important. The use of new learning technologies in comparison with traditional has advantages. There are also some features of the application of information technology in teaching physical chemistry. The paper presents a detailed analysis of the use of information technologies. It allowed the authors to conclude that the update of traditional learning tools in teaching chemistry course covers the entire educational process.


New approaches to the definition of the content, technology implementation, assessment of results

New approaches to the definition of the content, technology implementation, assessment of results

Qodirov S.S., Qochqarov I.A.

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The problem of monitoring the educational achievements of students, which is not at all new for the school, is currently becoming particularly relevant. To a certain extent, this is due to the processes of democratization in the General education system. The coexistence of different types of schools in our country, working on different programs and textbooks, creates a situation that is fraught with the danger of disintegration of the unified educational space in the past.


New ideas and suggestions for improving images of innovation processes

New ideas and suggestions for improving images of innovation processes

Abdinabiyeva D.

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The article is devoted to the prospects of using business information services in various functional areas of financial and economic activities of enterprises and organizations.


New information technologies in the learning of English language

New information technologies in the learning of English language

Murodov U.N.

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This article discusses new information technologies in teaching English. features of information technologies are considered


New innovations in greenhouse control systems & technology

New innovations in greenhouse control systems & technology

Mannobjonov B.Z., Azimov A.M.

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In the modern world, the demand for human food products is increasing due to the increasing population of the earth. One of the new ways to meet this demand is to build modern smart greenhouses. In this article, a project based on the principle of remote control of greenhouses has been developed. In this way, the population is provided with high-quality, clean food products.

