Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Myocardial infarction on the background of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
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In recent decades, the issues of comorbidity in the clinic of internal diseases are a serious problem of practical health care. Comorbid conditions in the clinic of internal diseases are of great interest from researchers due to the increasing prevalence mutually burdensome of disease, changes in the clinical picture of a disease under the influence of another and worsening of prognosis. One of these markers is homocysteine. It is established that an increase in the concentration of homocysteine - hyperhomocysteinemia, is of leading importance in the pathogenesis of the development and progression of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc.
Mysticism-spiritucl-moral upbringing
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In givenarticle considered role and significancl of way of mysticism in upbringing the youth.
Namangan viloyatida qishloq xo’jaligi yer maydonlaridan foydalanish dinamikasi
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Mazkur maqolada Namangan viloyati yer resurslarini holati, hududiy tarkibi, qishloq xo’jaligi maydonlaridan foydalanish darajalari, axolining qishloq xo’jaligi yer maydonlaridan foydalanishida yuzaga kelayotgan muammolar o’rin olgan.
Naqqoshlik va yog’och o’ymakorligi san’atining rivojlanishi
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Ushbu maqolada O’rta Osiyo va Jahonning boshqa hududlarida naqqoshlik va yog’och o’ymakorligi san’atini rivojlanish tarixi va bu tarixda yog’och o’ymakorligi san’atini rivojlanishiga o’z xissalarini qo’shgan buyuk rassomlar ijod yo’llari to’g’risida so’z boradi.Qadimdan rivojlanib kelayotgan naqqoshlik va yog’och o’ymakorligi san’ati orqali kelajak avlodni grafik savodxonligini yanada oshirish masalalari qo’yilgan.
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This article is about the life of Islamic scholars who lived and worked in our country. In particular, it provides information on the heritage of scholars operating in Nasaf. Their scientific journeys and works are described. The information is periodically separated. This information comes from reliable sources.
Nasos agregatlari texnik suv ta’minoti tizimi tahlili I
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Ushbu maqola Amudaryo havzasida joylashgan Quyimozor yordamchi nasos stansiyasining texnik suv bilan ta’minlash tizimi haqida ma’lumotlar berilgan. Tizimdagi muammolar o’rganilgan va ularni yechish bo’yicha tegishli xulosalar berilgan.
National experience in the formation of working culture
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This article discusses the role of national experience in working culture
National platform of educational processes is developing once more
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Abstact: This article states that this decree issued by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan will serve to further improve education and upbringing for the next 50 years and will not lose its scientific and practical significance.
National-cultural in teaching Uzbek language studying texts about values
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In this article the Russian state named after I.V. Gubkin The Tashkent branch of the University of Oil and Gas will study innovative methods of using texts on national and cultural values in teaching Uzbek to Russian-speaking students.
National-progressive movement: views of Jadids on statehood
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This article deals reformist movement of Turkestan late XIX-XX centuries and complex, historically multifaceted way of development.
National-progressive movement: views of jadids on statehood
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This article deals reformist movement of Turkestan late XIX-XX centuries and complex, historically multifaceted way of development.
National-progressive movement: views of jadids on statehood
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This article deals reformist movement of Turkestan late XIX-XX centuries and complex, historically multifaceted way of development.
Nationality: views, problems and solutions
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The intellectual potential is better than most of developing countries with its developing degree and innovative discoveries and opportunities.
Natriy karbonat ishlab chiqarish texnologik jarayonlarini avtomalashtirish metodlarini tadqiq qilish
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Maqolada mualliflar Respublikamizda ko‘plab sanoat tarmoqlari uchun xomashyo bo‘lgan soda ishlab chiqarishning texnologik jarayonlarini taqdim etadilar. Mualliflarning vazifasi soda ishlab chiqarish korxonalarida avtomatlashtirishni joriy etishning dolzarbligini va jarayonni avtomatlashtirish usullarini o'rganish edi.
Natural conditions as a nosogeographic factor
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In this article, the impact of natural conditions and factors on the health of the population and the features of the geographical spread of diseases are highlighted on the example of the Namangan region, one of the mountainous regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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This article deals with the railways passing through the mountainous and foothill areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the natural phenomena affecting them. At the same time, information is provided on textile enterprises in all regions of the country. These enterprises are given the notion that vehicles are needed to reach consumers. At present, ensuring the safety of railway transport is one of the most pressing issues. Especially in mountainous and foothill areas, their movement is often threatened by natural disasters of all kinds. Ensuring the safety of the railways means that at the same time, the people want to work without interruption in the construction of economic facilities.
Natural factors influencing desertification in mountain and mountainous territories
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The article examines the natural factors influencing the process of desertification in mountainous and foothill areas: geological structure, topography, climatic conditions, groundwater and surface water, soils and flora.
Natural resource management, ecology and environmental protection
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In this scientific work, a comprehensive in-depth study of the legal, economic and organizational foundations of rational use of natural resources, as well as ensuring the harmonious development of the relationship between man and nature, protection of ecosystems, natural complexes and individual objects. guaranteeing the right of citizens to a comfortable environment.
Nature and society: problems, discussions, solutions
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This article discusses the relationship between nature and society, as well as philosophically analyzes the relationship of man to nature.