Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Methods of teaching vocal and choral works

Methods of teaching vocal and choral works

Tuyakov S.

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The article describes issues based on methods of teaching vocal and choral works. As well as the author analyzed theoretical bases of teaching and suggested effective methods while teaching.


Methods of using communicative games in English lessons

Methods of using communicative games in English lessons

Ruzmetova Mamlakat Azadovna, Djuraeva Yulduz Abdullaevna, Ergashev Daniyar Davronovich

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In article are considered questions of the use the communication tasks and plays on lesson of English for the reason increasing of the vocabulary spare trained. Practical value of the work is concluded in that that proposed plays can be an useful teacher of English and trained when learning to lexicon on lesson.


Methods of using computer technology in the process of teaching English

Methods of using computer technology in the process of teaching English

Egamberdiyeva D.U.

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In the modern educational space, it is becoming familiar to hold teleconferences, forums, participation in which allows monitoring the learning of written writing skills of students, the ability to reasonably express their point of view on the issue under discussion, in the form of written statements, etc.


Methods of using labor songs in the formation of musical culture of primary school students

Methods of using labor songs in the formation of musical culture of primary school students

Rahmonova G.N.

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This article discusses how to form the musical culture and worldview of primary school students through labor songs, and how to improve the musical taste of students. There are also guidelines for organizing the teaching process through labor songs.


Methods of using visual aids to increase the effectiveness of quality in the lessons of music culture

Methods of using visual aids to increase the effectiveness of quality in the lessons of music culture

Ataboyeva M.A.

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This article discusses the methods of using visual aids to increase the effectiveness of music culture lessons. There is also a theoretical basis for the importance of visual aids.


Methods of valuation of accounting objects

Methods of valuation of accounting objects

Rozina A.A., Polenova S.N.

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This article deals with the most significant methods of valuation in financial accounting. Different authors' views on types of measurement and their classification are analyzed.


Metonymic transfer in stable terminological periphrasis

Metonymic transfer in stable terminological periphrasis

Fozilov O.Yu.

Статья научная

In this article, devoted to the definition of the specifics of metonymic transfer as a linguistic phenomenon, theoretical studies of metonymy carried out at various stages of the development of linguistics are cataloged, the main models of metonymic transfer characteristic of legal terminology in English and Russian are considered. Metonymic transfer is a special type of semantic transfer based on the contiguity of two objects or phenomena. Different types of metonymic transfer are characterized by varying degrees of individualization and regularity.


Metrology, certification and standardization

Metrology, certification and standardization

Yaxshiyeva N., Ochilova Z.

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The article discusses the issues of studying the basic concepts of metrology: measurement, verification and methods of ensuring the uniformity of measurement. In addition, the article explores all aspects of certification and standardization in metrology.


Mexanik ishlov berish uchun qoldirilgan qo‘yimlarni analitik yordamida hisoblash

Mexanik ishlov berish uchun qoldirilgan qo‘yimlarni analitik yordamida hisoblash

Muxtorov A.M.

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Biz tanlab olgan detal 16П32108-sonli “kopir” deb nomlanib, u mashinasozlik ishlab chiqarish sanoatida: metallarga kesib ishlov beruvchi 1616 П tokarlik vintqirqish dastgohining uzatmalar qutisida surish limbasini 0 nuqtaga sozlash uchun xizmat qiladi.


Microbiological control of dairy products

Microbiological control of dairy products

Uktamova Z.R., Botiraliyeva G.I.

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The article presents the results of the analysis of factors affecting the quality of dairy products.


Middle Zerafshan hydronyms and their toponymal analysis

Middle Zerafshan hydronyms and their toponymal analysis

Valiyeva Sh.I.

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In the article describes hydronyms and their toponymic analysis on the example of the Middle Zerafshan valley. Tariffs of the largest macrohydronyms, mesohydronyms and microhydronyms in the object of study are given. Historical and linguistic methods have been widely used in the study of hydronyms. Hydronyms are the names given to water bodies. They are important in the study of the origin, development, and history of water bodies.


Milliy kurash - milliy qadriyatlar bo‘lagi

Milliy kurash - milliy qadriyatlar bo‘lagi

Saidov G.K.

Статья научная

Ayni paytda yuqori malakali sportchilar va kurashchilarni tayyorlash har bir murabbiyning sharafli burchidir. Jahon sport maydonlarida xalqaro musobaqalarda O‘zbekiston bayrog‘ini baland ko‘tarib yurishda yurtimiz polvonlarining xizmatlari beqiyos. Maqolada umumta’lim maktablarida milliy kurash bo‘yicha sport musobaqalarini tashkil etish haqida so‘z boradi.


Milliy meros mazmunida yoshlar tarbiyasi va oilaviy munosabatlar talqini

Milliy meros mazmunida yoshlar tarbiyasi va oilaviy munosabatlar talqini

Qobiljonov Q.K.

Статья научная

In this article is analyzed the issues of the family, the system of family relations in the heritage of our ancestors, have been told about upbringing of the girls, the freedom of women in “Avesta”.


Milliy o’zlikni anglash jamiyat hayotiga qanday ta'sir etadi?

Milliy o’zlikni anglash jamiyat hayotiga qanday ta'sir etadi?

Roziqulov A.A.

Статья научная

Maqolada milliy o’zlikni anglashning dolzarbligi, uning umum milliy birdamlikni shakllanishiga hamda buning siyosing onga ta’siri atroflicha yoritilgan.


Milliy xos so‘zlar yoki realiyalar va ularning tarjimada aks etishi

Milliy xos so‘zlar yoki realiyalar va ularning tarjimada aks etishi

Qurbonova N.S.

Статья научная

Ushbu mavzuning tanlash mazmuni shundaki, hozirgi vaqtda realiyaning tabiati, turlari va ularni tarjima qilish usullari masalasi ochiq. Tarjimon tarjima jarayonida ma’lum bir mamlakatning lingvistik voqeliklari, ularning ijtimoiy-madaniy xususiyatlari bilan to‘qnash keladi. Bu har doim ma'lum bir murakkablikni keltirib chiqaradi, lekin ayni paytda tarjimon tomonidan mavzuga doimiy qiziqishni ta'minlaydi. Tadqiqot predmeti - asosiy ma'lumotni o'z ichiga olgan va o'rganilayotgan tilda bevosita ekvivalentiga ega bo'lmagan leksik birliklar.


Miraculous pilgrimage places in Navoi region: tombs of Khazrat Ali ibn Abu Talib and Khazrat Hasan Hussein

Miraculous pilgrimage places in Navoi region: tombs of Khazrat Ali ibn Abu Talib and Khazrat Hasan Hussein

Mamatova N.M.

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This article reveals the shrines, which has become one of the significant topics of today, particularly, issues related to shrines and pilgrimage ceremonies among the population. As well as there is information about the graves of Hazrat Ali ibn Abu Talib and Hazrat Hasan, Husayn in Navoi region.


Mirza Ulugbek is a great Uzbek thinker

Mirza Ulugbek is a great Uzbek thinker

Sodikova Z.A.

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This article examines the life and work of Mirzo Ulugbek.


Mival is a biostimulator of silicon organic nature

Mival is a biostimulator of silicon organic nature

Noibjonova X.

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This article discusses the mival biostimulator of organic silicon


Mixed English teaching methodology

Mixed English teaching methodology

Xakkulova N.T.

Статья научная

This article discusses methods of teaching English and new ways of stimulating students' speech


Mobil aloqa vositatalarida foydalaniladigan operatsion tizimlar tahlili

Mobil aloqa vositatalarida foydalaniladigan operatsion tizimlar tahlili

Mahmudov Sh.T.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada kundalik hayotimizda keng foydalanilayotgan mobil aloqa vositalarining operatsion tizimlari, ularning vazifalari, turlari, funksiyalari va ishlab chiqib amalga tatbiq qilgan xorijiy kompaniyalar haqida ma’lumot berilgan. Mobil operatsion tizimning asosiy komponentlari, ya’ni tarkibiy qismlarini vazifalari tushuntirib o‘tilgan.

