Физиология. Рубрика в журнале - Человек. Спорт. Медицина

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Цель исследования - изучение и анализ гемодинамических показателей спортивного сердца как маркеров адаптации к нагрузкам аэробной и анаэробной направленности у квалифицированных спортсменов. Материалы и методы. Применялись: соматоскопия (оценка физического развития), ультразвуковая ЭХО-допплеркардиография (измерение морфометрических и гемодинамических показателей сердца спортсменов), тест Купера (оценка уровня общей работоспособности), тест «Бег 300 метров» (оценка уровня специальной работоспособности и емкости гликолитической системы при нагрузках анаэробной направленности). Результаты. Рассматривается вариант изменения трансмитрального кровотока в виде «Супернормального» типа в период диастолы при адаптации сердца к физическим нагрузкам аэробной и анаэробной направленности, с учетом метаболизма мышечной деятельности и морфофункциональных показателей сердца в виде нормальной геометрии параметров левого желудочка. Определены взаимосвязи между результатами беговых тестов, морфометрическими и гемодинамическими показателями сердца у мужчин 18-29 лет, занимающихся и не занимающихся спортом. Заключение. Гемодинамические показатели трансмитрального кровотока отражают состояние адаптированности сердца квалифицированных спортсменов к аэробным и анаэробным нагрузкам. При этом морфометрические показатели сердца должны соответствовать физиологическим нормам.

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Aim. The study is aimed to analyze the interplay among the static, dynamic and overall physical balance score with anthropometric determinants and psychosocial indices in relation to effects of the yoga intervention. Materials and Methods. The participants comprised 266 female seniors in age 65+ (mean: 76.9 SD ± 7.23), divided in experimental and control groups, participating voluntarily in the research procedure. For data collection diagnostic methods “Medical anamnesis”, “Tinetti Balance Assessment Tool”, “Health Survey SF-36” were applied. For statistics multivariate regression with reduction of dimensionality and orthogonal projection to latent structure and repeated ANOVA were used. Results. Before intervention the correlation analysis “Orthogonal projections to latent structures” proved that anthropometric predictors had a significantly positive impact on balance abilities in monitored female seniors, p

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Aim. The purpose of the study is to identify, examine, and compare body composition status among Lebanese university students based on gender and specialization.

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Aim. The paper aims to determine the anaerobic threshold (AnT) power level using heart rate (HR) data from different age groups of skilled skiers (from 1st adult sports category to International-level Master of Sports). Materials and methods. The group consisted of 19 cross-country skiers: females (n = 4) and males (n = 6) of the senior age group; juniors aged 19-20 years (n = 4); males (n = 3) and females (n = 2). To determine the anaerobic threshold level (AnT), the participants were asked to perform step-increasing load (double poling) on the Concept 2 SkiErg ski ergometer. Physical activity was adjusted by the PerfPRO computer program, designed for ergometers using the ANT+ system. Instrumental methods and methods of mathematical statistics were used for the purpose of the study. Results. It was found that regardless of the age group and sports skills, heart rate at the AnT level was in the range of 174.98 ± 1.67 bpm. At the same time, power at the AnT level increased by 55.15 ± 11.12 watts (W) for males and 30.09 ± 7.42 W for females on average with increase in sports skills and transition between age groups. Con-clusion. Our study shows that the non-invasive method of determining the AnT level by heart rate is an informative tool for evaluating physical performance, which can be used to identify significant metabolic changes and control the training process. The increase in physical performance is based on the increase in contractile power at the AnT level.

Effect of different fitness programs on the morphological parameters of women aged 30-40 years
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Aim. The article deals with establishing the features of changes in the morphological parameters of women aged 30-40 years involved in different fitness programs at the basic stage. Materials and methods. 85 women aged 30-40 years participated in different fitness programs during 9 weeks: 17 - gym, 19 - traditional aerobics, 17 - strength aerobics, 17 - functional training, 15 - fitness-yoga. 60-minute fitness lessons were conducted 3 times per week. We measured the following parameters: height, weight, body circumference, skin-fat fold volume, the absolute and relative values of the muscle and fat tissues. Results. In women, body mass reduces under the effect of gym training, traditional aerobics, and functional training. The reduction of body circumference measurements occurs under the effect of gym training, traditional aerobics, strength aerobics, and functional training. Muscle mass increases as a result of gym training and decreases after traditional aerobics. The absolute and relative mass of the fat tissue reduces under the effect of gym training, traditional aerobics, and functional training. Conclusion. Different fitness programs influence differently morphological status in women aged 30-40 years.

Effect of physical activity and haemoglobin levels on cardiorespiration
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This study aims to determine: 1) the effect of physical activity on cardiorespiration, 2) the effect of haemoglobin levels on cardiorespiration, 3) the effect of physical activity and haemoglobin levels on cardio respiration, and 4) the contribution of physical activity and haemoglobin levels to cardiorespiration. The research method used is a survey method. The respondents of this study were 194 students of the Department of Sport Education, Faculty of Sports Science, Yogyakarta State University (FIK UNY) who were taken randomly. The data used are respondents' cardiorespiratory rate, physical activity, and hemoglobin levels, which are measured using instruments such as multi-stage tests, Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ), and hemoglobin haemometer. The data analysis technique used a regression test. The results showed that at a significance value of 0.001

Effect of postural balance on changes in the electrocardiography parameters of wrestlers
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Aim. The article deals with forecasting electrocardiogram changes (ECG) in athletes using stabilometric parameters. Materials and methods. 77 elite athletes aged 16-18 participated in the study (Candidate for Master of Sport, Master of sport: judo, taekwondo). To reveal cardiac conductivity disturbances and heart rhythm disorders, we used veloergometry. To assess postural balance, we used stabilometric equipment. Results. We registered incomplete right bundle branch block (IRBBB) in 5 athletes (22.72 %), extrasystoles - in 10 athletes (45.45 %), early repolarization syndrome (ERS) - in 3 athletes (13.63 %), sinoatrial block (SB) - in 2 athletes (9.09 %), pacemaker migration - in 2 athletes (9.09 %). The standard deviation of center of pressure (CoP) in the frontal plane in athletes with ECG changes in the natural standing position exceeded values of athletes without ECG changes by 94.93 % with the eyes opened; by 121.09 % with the head turned to the left; by 71.05 % with the head turned to the left and the eyes closed; by 61.98 % with the head turned to the right. We built a mathematical model. Conclusion. We studied the peculiarities of ECG changes in athletes. The parameters of stabilometry in athletes both with and without ECG changes were statistically significant (p

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Aim. To investigate the effects of a 6-week of controlled exercise program followed by a semi-controlled dietary regimen on indicators of body fat mass (BF) and skeletal muscle mass (SMM) of adults. Materials and methods. The sample consisted of 28 particpants with the main characteristics of the sample being: age = 29.70 ± 8.35 years, body height (BH) = 177.35 ± 9.36 cm, and body mass (BM) = 105.20 ± 27.06 kg. Body composition parameters, BM, body fat mass (BF), trunk fat (TF), skeletal muscle mass (SMM), percent of body fat (PBF), percent of skeletal muscle mass (PSMM), body mass index (BMI), and index of hypokinesia (IH) were collected before and after six weeks of exercise program and semi-controlled diet regimen. A Paired sample T-test and effect size (ES) were used to determine the effects and their magnitude of the treatment applied. Results. A 6-week treatment significantly affected investigated variables, wherein BF (-6.75 kg, p < 0.001), TF (-3.28 kg, p < 0.001), and SMM (-0.91 kg, p = 0.003) tissue decreased in a different degree, leading to a small but highly significant increase in PSMM (2.60 %, p < 0.001). A decrease in BF and SMM resulted in a significant reduction in BMI, while IH decreased in a smaller degree than BMI because PBF and PSMM changed inversely. Conclusion. Six weeks of a controlled exercise program 3 times/week and semi-controlled diet is an effective approach to the reduction of BM, BF, and TF and to increasing the movement potential by changing the proportions of PBF and PSMM.

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Introduction. It is suggested that jujube might have beneficial effects on exercise-induced immune perturbations, specifically on neutrophils apoptosis regulation, but its cellular mechanism is unclear. Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effect of Ziziphus jujuba administration on pro- and anti-apoptotic protein levels in human neutrophils in response to a session of circuit resistance exercise (Ex). Material and Methods. Participants completed an Ex (75 % 1RM, 9 exercises, 3 sets). While one group received a placebo, the other group (Zj) was supplemented daily with jujube (0.5 gr/kg body weight suspended in 2.5cc distilled water) one hour before Ex. Results. Ex increased the neutrophil level of [Ca2+]i, calpain-1 and caspase-3 (p

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Aim. The article deals with establishing the peculiarities of ECG contour analysis in athletes with various SERPINE1 (PAI-1) genotypes depending on their gender. Materials and methods. We examined 200 athletes from national teams, including 107 boys aged 14.95 ± 1.57 and 93 girls aged 15.04 ± 1.67. ECG registration was performed in standard conditions using SENSITEG 1003 equipment. SERPINE1 PAI-1 gene mutation was assessed with the help of polymerase chain reaction using REALTIME DNA-technologies. We processed the results of the study using SPSS integrated statistical system. Results. We revealed that 44.1% and 55.1% of female and male athletes, respectively, possess SERPINE1 (PAI-1) gene heterozygous form. Dominant genotype was revealed in 23.7% and 33.6% of female and male athletes, respectively, while recessive genotype was found in 32.3% and 11.2% of female and male participants, respectively. Prolonged QRS, P intervals, associated with SERPINE1 (PAI-1) recessive genotype, are more typical for male participants (7-10%). Decreased HR and alpha angle values in persons with recessive genotype are 1.7 and 2.7 times more common for female athletes. Conclusion. We revealed electrocardiographic indicators, associated with SERPINE1 (PAI-1) gene mutation in young athletes. These indicators are significant for the assessment of cardiovascular disease risks. It was established that persons with SERPINE1 (PAI-1) 4G/4G genotype can practice professional sports only under the supervision of a cardiologist.

Erythrocyte oxidative status after maximal aerobic test in wrestlers
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Aim. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in the erythrocyte oxidative status of the wrestlers after performing the maximal aerobic test, by registering in erythrocytes the levels of lipid peroxidation (LPO), total glutathione (tGSH) and activities of catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). Materials and methods. A group of 12 healthy wrestlers conducted a treadmill maximal aerobic test, and venous blood samples were obtained before and immediately after the exercise. Erythrocytes were separated from plasma and used for spectrophotometric determination of LPO, tGSH and enzyme activities. Plasma was used for determination of hemoglobin concentration (Hb) as an index of hemolysis. Results. The performance of the maximal aerobic test resulted in a significant increase of Hb in blood plasma, a decrease of LPO, and no changes of the tGSH level in erythrocytes. In regards to antioxidant enzymes, our results showed an increase in the activity of GPx, while the CAT and SOD activity remain unchanged. Conclusions. It can be concluded that in active athletes, predominate erythrocytes that are more resistant to oxidative stress, because of the accelerated hemolysis induced by physical exercise, lead to the elimination of the old and oxidative modified cells.

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Aim. The paper aims to assess vitamin (A, C, carotene) and iron content, as well as peroxidation activity in the blood serum of athletes with scoliosis and anemia. Materials and methods. 620 adolescents aged from 13 to 18 were randomly selected. All participants were under clinical supervision at a medical and physical education clinic in Veliky Novgorod. Of these adolescents, 3 groups were formed for further analysis: 1st group - apparently healthy adolescents (n = 20), 2nd group - adolescents with iron-deficiency anemia (n = 20), 3rd group - athletes with scoliosis and iron-deficiency anemia (n = 10). Blood test results were evaluated. The serum levels of vitamin A, C, carotene, iron and malondialdehyde were measured. Vitamin C content was determined in the urine samples. ECG indicators were analyzed before and after exercise. Results. It has been found that athletes with both scoliosis and anemia demonstrate significant changes in terms of vitamin A and C levels, which trigger the processes that result in oxidative stress. These changes can be one of the causes of frequent (in 50% of cases) ECG changes under exercise in this group of athletes (extrasystole, transient SA block II degree). Conclusion. Iron-deficiency anemia is mostly identified for the first time during a routine examination. Athletes with scoliosis and iron deficiency anemia are advised for further medical examination and operational monitoring of regulatory mechanisms, including vitamin content in blood serum, due to hypoxia and lipid peroxidation.

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The Aim. The aim of this paper is to define the contractile characteristics of maximal isometric handgrip force and to establish possible differences between the students of the Universities of Chelyabinsk and Belgrade. The secondary aim is to create a practically applicable initial model in order to explore the mentioned characteristics in the future. Material and methods. For the purposes of this research, the overall sample of 225 subjects was tested. 91 subjects were from Russia and 134 were from Serbia. The results were gathered using a strain gage and a standardized isometric handgrip test protocol. The contractile properties of HG muscle force were measured in relation to three different contractile dimensions: the maximal muscle force (Fmax), the maximal explosive muscle force (RFDmax), the time need for achieving maximal (tFmax) and maximal explosive (tRFDmax) muscle force. Results. This study has shown that there are no generally statistically significant differences for all observed variables of HG contractile characteristics between tested Russian and Serbian students. Based on the results of the present study, six different models of the equation for evaluation of HG contractile characteristics of female and male students, i.e. young adults, were made. All defined models are highly statistically significant, accurate and sensitive in the prediction of the general distributive position of an individual or particular group of subjects in relation to the measured contractile characteristics. Conclusions. The obtained results can generally indicate the stability of potential to exert the given contractile characteristic in relation to the population of similar evolutionary (Slavs) at different geographical background.

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Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between anthropometric characteristics and muscular strength of Turkish elite moutain bikers. Materials and methods. The study group consisted of 12 Turkish elite male mountain bikers who participating in national and international cross country olimpic (XCO) mountain bike races in elite category for the last 2 years. Participants mean age was 22.4 ± 3.4 years, body height was 173.2 ± 5.18 cm, and body mass was 55.7 ± 75.2 kg. Participants body height and weigth were measured and body mass index of participants was calculated. To determine the muscular strength, one repetition maximum (1-RM) tests were performed on participants. The association between anthropometric characteristics and the muscular strength performance were determined by the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results. The mean of body heigth was positively correlated with 1-RM means for triceps pull-down and leg extension, body weigth was positively correlated with 1-RM means for biceps curl, triceps pull-down, shoulder press, lat pulldown, abdominal crunch, leg extension and leg curl, BMI was positively correlated with 1-RM means for shoulder press, chest press and leg curl (p

MS Wellness-Oxi в физическом воспитании студентов с отклонениями в состоянии здоровья
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Цель: экспериментальное обоснование использования электронного анализатора состава тела (MS FIT) для повышения психоэмоционального и функционального состояния студентов с различными нозологиями. Материалы и методы. В исследовании приняли участие студенты первого курса специальной медицинской группы (СМГ) Российского экономического университета им. Г.В. Плеханова (n = 40). На констатирующем этапе эксперимента проведено исследование психофизиологического и функционального состояния студентов с помощью функциональной системы фитнес тестирования MS WELLNESS-OXi. Полученные при обследовании участников эксперимента рекомендации (MS FIT) к организации, содержанию и интенсивности занятий физическими упражнениями были внедрены в процесс физического воспитания экспериментальной группы N1 (n = 20). В контрольной группе N2 (n = 20) учебный процесс проходил по рабочей программе вуза для студентов СМГ. Применялись методы: (мультичастотный) анализ состава тела, оценка кожно-гальванической реакции, ритмограмма, цифровой анализ пульсовой волны, методы математической статистики. Результаты. С помощью MS FIT в группе N1, по сравнению с группой N2, зафиксировано выраженное повышение функциональных возможностей организма. Выявлены положительные достоверные результаты (p function show_abstract() { $('#abstract1').hide(); $('#abstract2').show(); $('#abstract_expand').hide(); }

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Aim. The research aimed to highlight the importance of morphological parameters and handgrip muscle force contractility in the selection of fifteen-year-old water polo players of various performance levels. Materials and Methods. The present research was conducted with a sample of 103 examinees, 37 out of whom belonged to the control group (CG), 33 were U15 water polo national league players (WNL), and 33 were water polo players from Serbian U15 national team (WNT). Besides the basic morphological parameters, the contractile properties of the left and right handgrip muscle force (HG_L and HG_R) were measured exploring two separate dimensions of contractility: maximal muscle force - Fmax, and maximal explosive force - RFDmax. Results. The research results showed the existence of a general statistically significant difference between the three groups of participants, both in morphological space (Wilks' Lambda Value: 0.333, F relation: 11.61, p = 0.000) and in muscle force and explosivity (Wilks' Lambda Value: 0.590, F relation: 3.31, p = 0.000). In addition, the results indicated that the WNT players had higher values of Fmax and RFDmax than the CG participants (32.8% for Fmax_HG_R and 63.7% for RFDmax_HG_R) and the WNL players (28.8% for Fmax_HG_L and 43.0% for RFDmax_HG_R). This suggests that the higher values of handgrip maximal explosive force and maximal muscle force may be attributed to adaptive training effects on their upper extremities. Conclusion. The results of the present study suggest that the contractile characteristics of the handgrip muscle force (Fmax and RFDmax) as well as morphological parameters (body height and body mass) are significant in the selection of U15 water polo players.

Physical activity and sedentary behavior of university students on the Russian north
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The paper aims to analyze physical activity (PA) intensity levels and PA domains in Surgut State University (SSU) students in comparison with their EU peers on a gender- and age-specific basis. Results. Surgut State University students (n = 376, including 160 males and 216 females) of different ages participated in the study. It was found that PA averaged 1804 and 1707 МЕТ-min/week for male and female subsamples, respectively; the correlations were found between age and transportation PA (p = 0.0021), walking PA (p = 0.0021), total PA (p = 0.0253) for the female subsample; and between age and working PA (p = 0.0099), walking PA (p = 0.0278) and sedentary time (p = 0.001) for the male subsample. The gender-unspecific equations were obtained to rate the correlations between age and working PA (p = 0.0206), transportation PA (p = 0.0284), walking PA (p = 0.0001), total PA (p = 0.0086) and sedentary time (y = -3129 + 532x - 11.49x2 r = 0.1479; p = 0.0041). Furthermore, correlations were found between sedentary time and body mass indices for the male subsample (y = -3283 + 425x - - 7.23x2 r = 0.1578; p = 0.0463) and the gender-unspecific correlations for students’ domestic/gardening PA (y = 1153 - 46x + 0.45x2 r = -0.1321; p = 0.0103). The reported weekend sedentary time of SSU students was much higher than that of their peers from Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia, with the female subsample weekend sedentary time being higher than in the male subsample both in SSU students (p = 0.0015) and EU countries (p = 0.0000). Conclusion. On the whole the study data and analysis showed SSU students’ PA being inadequate for both gender groups.

Physiological characteristics of strength component of special endurance in rugby players
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Aim. The purpose of the work was to identify the strength and special endurance of rugby players depending on their position. Materials and methods. In 2018-2019, the study involved 20 rugby players aged from 19 to 23 years. All athletes were divided into two functional groups of 10 people each (first group -forwards; second group - defenders). In both groups, special endurance and muscle strength were measured. Results. It was found that the strength measurements of the upper and lower extremities in the first group significantly exceeded the same parameter of the second group (14.7-31.03 %) (p

Postural imbalance is accompanied by changes in cardiac rhythm and conduction in young athletes
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Aim. The aim of the study was to identify the correlation between postural balance and changes in cardiac rhythm and conduction in athletes ages 16-18. Materials and methods. The study involved 266 male athletes (training experience - 6-10 years, representatives of 5 sports, namely athletics, swimming, speed skating, cross-country skiing, wrestling) in the recovery period. For each subject a 12-lead ECG recording was obtained (rest, PWC170 test, 5-minute recovery) and force platform data (2 tests with open and closed eyes) were collected. Results. It was found that 50.38% of athletes have changes in rhythm and conduction, namely incomplete right bundle branch block (IRBBB), extrasystole, early repolarization (ER), sinoatrial (SA) block (1st degree) and pacemaker migration. After examination all athletes were divided into 2 groups: 1 - no ECG changes (n = 132); 0 - ECG changes (n = 134). It was found that analyzing ECG data without dividing by sport did not allow us to establish differences in postural balance, which was associated with a high variability of the maximum and minimum individual values. Conclusion. The subsequent analysis of force platform data was performed based on sports disciplines, and it showed significant differences between the groups of athletes. The data obtained confirm the correlation between postural balance and ECG. These differences were determined by specific patterns of motor actions, which activated compensatory mechanisms resulting in the development of rhythm and conduction disturbances.

Psychophysiological status in overweight individuals
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Aim. The article deals with establishing psychophysiological features in overweight women to develop a set of measures for weight decrease and psychocorrection. Materials and methods. We studied two groups of women who were willing to participate in the study: the first group - mean age 54.2 ± 3.0; the second group - mean age 25.0 ± 1.7. The average BMI of the first group corresponded with obesity values (32.3 ± 1.6), while an average BMI of the second group was within the upper limit of reference values (23.7 ± 0.9). However, according to body composition data, there was a risk of BMI increase. As far as the percentage of adipose tissue exceeded the recommended values, recommended weight loss was 18.2 ± 2.6 kg for the older group and 5.6 ± 1.4 kg for the young group. Two groups of women of the same age with normal weight were examined as control groups. Results of the study revealed both age-related and psychophysiological features in women of different weight. EEG analysis showed that alpha rhythm amplitude in women from the first group was higher on average and frequency was lower compared to the second group. In the experimental group, we also revealed a higher level of delta activity in the frontal region at rest. The study of a psychoemotional status revealed that all participants hardly coped with stress. However, young participants overcame stress more easily compared to the older group. Anxiety assessment showed increased values of anxiety. In all participants, personal anxiety was almost at the same level within 48 points. Situational anxiety was higher in young women (51.2 ± 1.3 and 49.6 ± 2.1 points, respectively). Conclusion. The most psychophysiological indicators identified functional stress, particularly in overweight older women. To preserve the optimal psychophysiological status of persons participating in weight correction programs, it is also necessary to correct a psychophysical status in accordance with age-related features.