Original research. Рубрика в журнале - International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education

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The research focus of this work raises the issue that refers to the assessment of the effects of the project models for safe schools, which are derived from the National Strategy for Reducing Violence in Schools in R. Macedonia (2012-2015) through promoting a sustainable educational concept for safe secondary schools. This work offers answers, in the form of conclusions to the stated questions, such as: whether, and how much do the project models, which are realized in secondary schools, supported and in a “dialectic” relation with the relevant educational institutions from the governmental and non-governmental sector (Ministry of Education and Science, the municipalities, and non-governmental organizations), achieve the primary goal; what are the benefits from the implementation; and what are the models of sustainability? The goal of the research is to assess the conceptual insights and efficiency of the projects, and their influence on strengthening the educational concept of securing a safe school environment in secondary schools in R. Macedonia. Research of this issue is done with assessment research. Due to the complex and diverse nature of the issue under investigation, primary significance is given to the views and needs of all the relevant factors involved in the process. This benefits the idea that the research is of empirical character. It is also supposed that the conceptual insights of the projects have a positive influence on strengthening the educational concept for securing a safe school environment in secondary schools in R. Macedonia.

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The needs and interests of teachers for the implementation of innovative models in teaching are the key factor that determines raising quality of teaching at the school. In this context, it should be borne in mind that the educational needs of teachers are closely linked to the necessity of lifelong learning, because nowadays the teachers work skills are not enough that they adopted during schooling twenty years ago or more. The paper analyzes the educational needs of teachers in exploring and implementing innovative work models of teaching. The greatest interest of teachers is for introduction and implementing individualized teaching.

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Educational policy for children with intellectual disability in Republic of Macedonia is not always consistent with the practical implications. The subject of this research was to gain an insight into the current condition of the persons with intellectual disabilities in Macedonia, before all an insight into the barriers that they are facing in their attempts to access educational information and services. This was done through conducting a qualitative (desk-top analyses of the national legislations; semi-structured interviews with parents of persons with intellectual disabilities and focus groups with relevant stakeholders) and a quantitative research (quality of life research for the disabled persons). In the research a total number of 213 examinees were included. As in many other cases, and in many other countries, policy and practice are not always coherent. Legislation in the area of education in our country has to be modified and accommodated to the needs of the persons with disabilities and their parents or care-givers. The final conclusion from our research is that the persons with ID are still on the margins of society, and they lead everyday battles to prove that their needs must be taken into consideration in context of their human rights. Although awareness for the importance of the rightful treatment of this problem is not on a satisfactory level, still we can notice a shift in perception and liberation of prejudice.

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The article is devoted to the experimental research of efficiency of solving psychodiagnostic tasks by the students-psychologists with different thinking styles. In the theoretical part a style of thinking as a determinant of successfulness is concerned. The hypothesis is the supposition that efficiency and ways of diagnostic tasks made by the students-psychologists are determined by a dominating thinking style. For the examination of the hypothesis the following methods were used: questionnaire “Styles of thinking” by Brams Harrison, the method of experiment (solution of 6 tasks from real consultative practice), content-analysis of protocols and correlation analysis by Ch. Spirman. The research has been done during some years with students of 4 and 5 courses in South-Russian Humanitarian Institute. The results are the following. Students-analysts are rather successful. They demonstrate good diagnostic process, put forward adequate hypothesis and choose adequate methods, but they don't formulate recommendations. For the students-realists it is important to render support to the client and give feedback. The quality analysis showed that they are inclined to individual forms of work. Pragmatics are characterized by chaotic behavior, they don't put forward hypotheses, offer standard methods. Idealists are the worst. They have difficulties in logics and formulating questions to the client. Synthetics on the whole display insufficient success, but they can solve the task correctly due to guessing or hypotheses. Synthetics operate with the methods poorly. Experimental data demonstrate that the thinking style often defines diagnostic search; variety and quality of put forward hypotheses, adequacy of choosing methods of research.

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Students’ ability to master critical thinking skills and creativity is often found in current learning. This research aims to test the effectiveness of the Ethnoecological-Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics based on Project Based Learning (E-STEM PjBL) learning model in improving mastery of science concepts and critical thinking skills as well as the creativity of prospective science teachers. This model is an innovative project-based learning model integrated with Ethnoecology-STEM in the Environmental Physics course with a project on the use of water hyacinth with the following syntax: Learn, Discuss, Perform, Elaborate, Convey, Practice, Evaluate, and Use. The research method used was quasi-experimental with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The research subjects were 31 science education students at Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. Data collection techniques use test instruments and observation sheets. The instrument was validated empirically by four experts and analyzed using Aiken’s V formula. Data was analyzed using SPSS on concept mastery test data with the Paired-Sample t-test, and critical thinking skills test data with the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The average N-Gain value is obtained for each data point, while the creativity data is the average creativity of two observers. The research results showed a significant and quite effective increase in science concepts mastery, critical thinking skills, and creativity in the good and very good categories. This research concludes that the application of the E-STEM PjBL model is effective in increasing mastery of science concepts, critical thinking skills, and creativity of prospective science teachers.

Effectiveness of Virtual Co-Teaching: A New Perspective on Teaching
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The teaching method of virtual co-teaching helps the mutual sharing of new experiences and methods of pedagogues in teaching in formal education, through digital technologies. It also facilitates the involvement of practitioners in teaching, which can be a key mechanism for ensuring quality education. This article focused on comparing the effectiveness of co-teaching in two environments, face-to-face and virtual. In terms of methodology, an experiment was used, which was implemented in three independently selected schools, from which eight groups of thirty students were formed. The phenomenon measured was the level of understanding of the material taught during these lessons of history, mathematics and a foreign language. The test results of the individual groups were subsequently analyzed. From the results, we can confirm the null hypothesis based on the independent samples t-test and the Mann-Whitney U test, which indicates that there is no statistically significant difference between the test results of the two groups. However, it is essential to emphasize the added value in virtual co-teaching, which is primarily in the economic aspect and flexibility. Specifically, it is a reduction in the cost of commuting, reduced time and easy availability of experts. These results form the basis for follow-up research that can focus on improving the quality of teaching using this method.

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The main purpose of this research is to promote language and cultural learning among novice teachers in Kazakhstan through the implementation of technology-oriented learning strategies. To assess the success of this strategy, a primary survey methodology combined with a quantitative research methodology was used. In the process of data collection, I distributed the survey instrument to a sample of 105 individuals, including 65 males and 40 females. Next, the gathered data were analyzed by SPSS, the software that was used for descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and ANOVA. This research was designed to identify the complicated connections between the introduction of technology and the language and cultural skills of preservice teachers. The significance of this study for educational practice in Kazakhstan cannot be overestimated. They promote the involvement of technology-based strategies as a source of fostering educational spaces that are more open and culturally relevant.

Encouraging self-regulated learning in kindergarten
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This paper presents a part of the research carried out among educators in Slovenian kindergartens on the self-regulated learning of children in kindergarten and the role of educators in this process. The aim of the research was to find out how educators self-assess their knowledge of self-regulated learning in relation to their level of education, workplace (educator and assistant educator), and work experience. The research was conducted in June and July 2021 via the 1Ka website for online surveys. The questionnaire was sent by e-mail to the kindergarten directors throughout Slovenia. One-way analysis of variance indicates that there are no significant differences on the scale of knowledge about self-regulation and self-regulated learning in relation to the level of education, F (4, 494) = 0.96, p> 0.05. One-way analysis of variance indicates that there are statistically significant differences on the scale of knowledge about self-regulation and self-regulated learning in relation to work experience, F (3, 495) = 3.20, p = 0.023. LSD post hoc test was applied to examine the differences between individual groups. Educators and assistants with more than 31 years of service (AS = 3.62) have significantly higher results on the scale compared to those with up to 10 years of service (AS = 3, 40). as well as in relation to those with work experience from 11 to 20 years (AS = 3.39). Educators and assistants with more than 31 years of service (AS = 3.62) have significantly higher results on the scale compared to those with up to 10 years of service (AS = 3,40). ) as well as in relation to those with work experience from 11 to 20 years (AS = 3.39).

Evaluation of anxiety control in school-age sports
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Anxiety is the main manifestation of stress in competitive sport. This study evaluates anxiety control in school-age sport, according to gender, age, type of sport (individual / team) and sports modality. The research follows a descriptive quantitative methodology, using a survey. The sample was composed of 816 young athletes aged between 12 and 18 (411 men and 405 women), who practise different individual and team sports in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). The sample size was calculated taking several aspects into consideration: the population is infinite; the population variance was calculated according to the worst-case scenario where “P” and “Q” are equal with 50% each; and the confidence interval was 95.5%, with a margin of error of ± 3.5%. The questionnaire used was Psychological Characteristics related to Sports Performance (CPRD). The results show statistically significant differences in relation to gender, since men have greater anxiety control. No statistically significant differences appear in relation to age, type of sport (individual / team) and sports modality. Likewise, correlations are evident with other relevant psychological dimensions such as motivation, influence of performance evaluation and mental ability, with the exception of team cohesion. Prevention measures should be implemented by coaches / educators, parents and young athletes, in order to strengthen their levels of self-confidence and simultaneously reduce the levels of anxiety generated in school-age sports.

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The academic achievement of students can decrease if they fail to use mathematics study strategies well. This situation may lead to negative opinions and attitudes among students towards mathematics. In this study, it was aimed to examine the mathematics study strategies of students enrolled at secondary schools in terms of academic achievement and multiple variables. Relational survey method, one of the quantitative research methods, was used to obtain the data. The universe of the study consists of a total of 9,072 students in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades of secondary schools under the Secondary Education Office of the Ministry of National Education and Culture of Northern Cyprus during the 2019-2020 academic year. In the study, the simple random sampling method was used to include 1,012 students. In order to collect the research data, the mathematics study strategies of secondary school students were used; on the other hand, mathematics grades were employed to assess their academic achievement. As a result of the research, when the mathematics study strategies of secondary school students are examined, it is seen that their mathematics study strategies are at the medium level. In this study, a comparison of mathematics study strategies in terms of gender showed that the average score of female students for mathematics study strategies was higher compared to the males. It was also seen that students’ mathematics study strategy scores were similar regardless of whether they were attending extra-school study centres or preparatory schools, and students’ mathematics study strategies scores were similar regardless of whether they received private tutoring. Regardless of the grade levels of the students, we can also claim that their mathematics study strategies are at the medium level. Generally, it has been observed that secondary school students with high academic achievement use their mathematics study skills better than students with low academic achievement.

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Statistical literacy (hereafter SL) has been considered an important learning outcome in statistics learning in higher education, yet studies that focus on investigating the factors and conditions that influence students’ SL, especially mathematics education students, are still limited. This study seeks to uncover the factors and conditions that significantly contribute to the SL of mathematics education students. This survey study involved 1,287 mathematics education students from 21 higher education institutions in Indonesia. Linear regression analysis involving four predictor variables (i.e., gender, status of higher education institution, laptop ownership, and research preference) was performed to determine the variables that contributed significantly in predicting SL achievement. The results revealed that gender, higher education institution’s status, and laptop ownership contributed significantly, but research preference was not significant in predicting mathematics education students’ SL. Furthermore, laptop ownership was found to have the highest contribution in predicting mathematics education students’ SL. All findings and their implications are discussed.

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This study aimed to assess the influence of students’ intrapersonal factors, namely Academic Intrinsic Motivation (AIM), Perceived Creativity Fostering Teacher Behavior (P-CFTB), Academic Self-Efficacy (ASE), and Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) on student engagement in undergraduate psychology students taking online Statistics courses. A cross-sectional and quantitative design was used from October to December 2022. The data collection procedure used a convenience sampling technique, with questionnaires distributed online (via social media) and offline (via lecturers, the Student Executive Board, and the Association of the Faculty of Psychology from various universities in Indonesia). The research participants were psychology undergraduates who had studied and passed the Statistics courses online, with 671 filling out the questionnaire. The results showed that all students’ intrapersonal factors, namely AIM, P-CFTB, ASE, and SRL, can determine student engagement by 66.9%, with ASE having the highest influence (23.99%) and P-CFTB having the lowest impact (9.78%). Moreover, the correlation value between SRL and SE was r = 0.700, p < 0.001, signifying a robust positive relationship between both variables.

Factors Influencing Students’ Dropout Intentions in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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The increasing number of students intending to drop out of universities in Vietnam has raised concerns. While previous studies have addressed factors influencing dropout intentions, several aspects still need to be explored, particularly in developing countries like Vietnam. This research provides an overview of the factors influencing students’ dropout intention in Ho Chi Minh City. The study employs the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach with a survey sample of 804 students from universities in Ho Chi Minh City. The research findings reveal that factors such as Lack of university commitment (LUC), degree and course commitment (DCC), ineffective time management (ITM), curriculum design (CD), Ineffective adaptation to learning environment (IALE), low classroom participation (LCP) and personal circumstances (PC) significantly influence students’ dropout intentions. Additionally, factors including skills and attitudes of instructors (SAI), instructor support (IS), positive instructor feedback (PIF), university facilities (UF), cultural and social environment (CSE), and access to support from academic advisors (ASA) do not show statistically significant relationships with students’ dropout intention. Furthermore, the study finds no significant differences in dropout intention based on gender, area, and type of university, except for ASA has a differential impact on students’ dropout intentions based on the type of university. The research results provide valuable insights for researchers and educational experts to understand better the factors contributing to students’ dropout intentions. Moreover, the findings assist educational managers and instructors in developing appropriate support measures and interventions to enhance student engagement throughout their academic journey. Finally, the study discusses limitations and suggests future research directions.

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The cultivation of folk tradition begins in the family, and continues in a systematic and organized way in school as a certainly important task in the education and upbringing of children of junior primary school age. Factors contributing to the realization of this task include: a) school; b) family, and c) other out-of-school factors. Starting from the fact that the cooperation between one’s family and school should be based on partnership, and that learning about traditional folk music requires coordinated action, authors organized a survey aimed at: 1) examining the extent to which the cultivation of musical tradition within the family is reflected on the learning and adoption of related content in music education classes at junior primary school age; 2) determining the extent to which traditional folk music is cultivated in the family by listening to and playing such music; 3) examining the role of family in the process of introducing students to traditional folk music at junior primary school age with regard to other in-school and out-of-school factors. The authors have concluded, teachers believe that cultivating traditional folk music in one’s family is reflected in the form of recognition and improved student motivation for learning content, related to traditional folk music. Students believe that the activity of listening to folk music within family is an insufficiently utilized resource. The survey results confirm the hypothesis that the role of family should be significantly encouraged in relation to other out-of school factors.

Family influence on formation of children's manipulative attitudes
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The article raises the issue of children''s manipulation, and examines the conditions contributing to the formation of the manipulative attitudes. As such are analyzed: importance of these attitudes for the child, existence of manipulative attitudes in parents, family microclimate and position to the manipulations in society. According to the results of an empirical study, the characteristics of the family, provoking the development of manipulative behavior in children, are described. The members of this family hardly cooperate with each other and others, are focused on self-interests, and try to satisfy them without much effort, and by using the people around them. It is accompanied by the insincerity and lack of attention to the child, and most of all to his needs, feelings and emotional stress.

Feature career structure of the image at different stages of professional development

Features of communicative sphere of preschool children collaborative thinking activity
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This article presents research devoted to the issues of the collaborative thinking activity in preschool age. The approach to the study of the collaborative thinking activity as a system that operates on different levels is shown. There is a detailed analysis of the communicative sphere of preschool children collaborative thinking activity provided in the form of some of the characteristics of dialogue.

Features of creativity and innovation development in students at secondary and high school
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The development of potential abilities and capabilities of the person in his/her adolescence is one of the important directions in the activities of contemporary psychologists-practitioners. A characteristic feature of this paper is the integration of psychological and pedagogical approaches to the analysis of the background foundations for the development of innovativeness and creativity in a personality in the educational environment of high school. The aim of the present work is to develop the technology of formation and realization of innovative potential of a personality basing on the empirical data. The study analyzed the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the peculiarities of the innovation and creativity manifested by 13-14 and 16-18 year old students. The study is based on the following methods: 1) Creativity test composed by N. V. Vishnyakova; 2) “Self-evaluation scale devoted to innovative qualities” by N. M. Lebedev, A. N. Tatarko; 3) the method of “Personal readiness for changes” developed by Canadian scientists Rodnik, Heather, Gold and Hal. The authors used non-parametric U- criterion by Mann-Whitney and Spearman rank correlation coefficient as the main mathematical methods of research. Interpretation of the numerous data suggests that there are significant differences in the characteristics of creativity and innovativeness manifestation among students of different ages. Based on these data, the paper presents recommendations for the improvement of psycho-pedagogical technologies of supporting the formation of innovative potential of personality in high school.

Features of critical thinking of individual entrepreneurs with different levels of self-regulation
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In the crisis conditions of entrepreneurs business functioning in Russian, it is important to develop critical thinking in conjunction with the skills of self-regulation of behavior. It is assumed that entrepreneurs with different styles of self-regulation differ in the level of critical thinking, and there is also a relationship between the styles of self-regulation and the level of critical thinking. The theoretical basis of the study is the idea of the relationship between the degree of formation of individual self-regulation and the productivity of performing various types of professional activities. The sample of the study consisted of 140 individual entrepreneurs engaged in entrepreneurial activity for more than two years, aged from 30 to 50 years. We used techniques to analyze the style of self-regulation of behavior, volitional self-regulation, critical thinking and mental abilities. The study allowed us to expand the understanding of the relationship between critical thinking and self-regulation, to reveal the content aspects of critical thinking of entrepreneurs with different levels of self-regulation of behavior. We found out that in the group of entrepreneurs with a high level of self-regulation of behavior, there is a high level of volitional self-regulation, perseverance, self-control, information processing skills and critical thinking skills. We came to conclusion that there are differences at the content and semantic level among entrepreneurs, differentiated by the type of self-regulation. For entrepreneurs with a low level of self-regulation, it is planned to conduct a program for the development of critical thinking.

Features of mental activity of students – esport players
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The study of the peculiarities of thinking of young people professionally engaged in computer gaming activity is a new and little-studied topic in cognitive psychology. The article presents the results of empirical research of peculiarities of thinking of students-e-sport players and students engaged in computer gaming activities or amateur players. The sample consisted of students-eSports players and students who are not engaged in eSports aged 17 to 20 years. Such techniques were applied: «Intelligence structure test» by Amthauer, R. (IST), «Test of critical thinking» by Starkey, L., the technique «Thinking style» by Belousova, A. K., «Brief indicative test (BIT)» by Busin, V.N., Vanderlik, E.F. The article presents data proving the fact that students who spend more than four hours a day playing computer games have a relatively lower level of logical and critical thinking than students who do not play computer games. The results demonstrate statistical connections between the indicators of gaming activity and the peculiarities of thinking. The factors influencing the low level of formation of logical and critical thinking among students-eSports players are discussed.