Influence of protein-fat emulsion from turkey skin and plant raw materials on the quality of cooked sausages

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The study examined the impact of a protein-fat emulsion (PFE) derived from turkey skin and green buckwheat flour on the quality of cooked sausages. The aim was to investigate how the addition of PFE affects various characteristics of the sausage. The experiments demonstrated that adding PFE up to 30% while stirring for up to 8 minutes at 10°C improved the sausage structure. This was evidenced by an increase in pH values to 6.5, water binding capacity to 71.2%, and ultimate shear stress to 321.86 Pa. It was observed that stuffing temperature and mixing time influenced pH, water binding capacity, and ultimate shear stress. The study identified the optimal production conditions and determined the maximum amount of PFE that can be added to sausages. Additionally, it was found that green buckwheat flour enhances the structure of the minced meat, raises pH, and increases water-binding capacity. Furthermore, PFE was noted to improve the appearance and flavor characteristics of the sausages. These findings highlight the potential of these new ingredients to enhance the quality of cooked sausages in the food industry.


Beef, poultry, green buckwheat flour, water-binding capacity, shear stress

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IDR: 140305893   |   DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2024-2-53-62

Список литературы Influence of protein-fat emulsion from turkey skin and plant raw materials on the quality of cooked sausages

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