Статьи журнала - Теория и практика современной науки
Все статьи: 11378
Ecotourism is an integral part of nature tourism
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The paper addresses the issues of conceptual definition of ecotourism activities, formation and development of eco-tourism concepts in domestic and foreign science and practice.
Education special physical qualities rowers 16-18 years in the preparatory period
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The purpose of this study - to develop and experimentally verify the improved methodology for training of special physical qualities rowers aged 16-18 years in the preparatory period.
Educational issues in the period of Amir Temur and Temurids
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This article has been scientifically researched on the development of Science in the Timurian period, especially the focus on educational and educational issues.
Educational resources based on virtual reality
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The article is based on the Virtual, virtual reality and virtual concept of educational resources. Virtual reality is based on educational resources to give information about the levels and trends. Virtual processes are thoroughly illustrated.
Effect of plasmosorption on blood protein in patients with renal insufficiency
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The dynamics of the total protein and its fractions during the plasma sorption in 20 patients with renal insufficiency syndrome has been studied (37 sessions). The control group involved patients with similar pathology, who underwent hemosorption and plasmapheresis for detoxification. Plasma sorption in the comparative aspect has the most stable protein-retaining effect, which makes it possible to apply it with concomitant hypoproteinemia.
Effect to the humanity life of modern mass media
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This article dedicated problem of humanity life, mass media and its’ effect healthy of human.
Effectiveness of thermal methods in enhacing oil recovery
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This paper discusses the effectiveness of thermal methods of enhanced oil recovery. The basic principles of this technology are written. The future prospects of these technologies are also discussed.
Effects of non-prescribed drugs on the heart
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Pathophysiological mechanisms underlying development of chemical-induced cardiomyopathies vary depending on the inciting agent, and can include: direct toxic effects, neurohormonal activation, altered calcium homeostasis, and oxidative stress. The purpose of this paper is to discuss chemical-induced cardiomyopathies and to review their pathophysiological mechanisms.
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The influence of plasma sorption (PS) in the group of patients with hepatic (acute and chronic) failure syndrome (12 patients, 21 sessions) was analyzed. The control group involved 10 patients with similar nosologies, who underwent plasmapheresis. Protein-preservation and diuretic effects, the exclusion of plasma replacement and erythrocyte damage during the PS procedure make it an optimal detoxification method at jaundices of different genesis.
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Ushbu ish ishlov berish sifatini oshirish uchun qismni ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasini takomillashtirishga asoslangan boʻlib detalning holatini oʻzgartirmasdan yuqori aniqlik va samaradorlikni ta'minlaydi, bu esa ish unumdorligini oshishiga va serialab ishlab chiqarish uchun ishlov berish xarajatlarining pasayishiga olib keladi.
Elaborated methods in the light of writing
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The following article discusses the problems of teaching writing at the university level as well as giving some practical suggestions for improving students’ writing skills.
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In the article, questions of creation of an electronic course under the theory of algorithms and data structures as an element of intellectual adaptive system of training are considered. Use of means of multimedia allows achieving more visualization and clearness of a studied subject, creates friendlier environment for the user, and network technologies give the chance remote access to information resources. Adaptive systems of training are directed on personification of the environment of training, its adjustment for features of individual users. It is suggested one system serving set of users with the various purposes, level of knowledge and experience. Problems of more flexible modeling of the trained environment, adaptation of model to the concrete trainee, creation of nonlinear trajectories of process of training (curriculum sequencing) or instructional planning technology are studied as well.
Emergency procedures automation
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Nowadays many standard procedures are automated in the aircraft such as engine start up or shut down, landing, procedures, etc. These are standard operating procedures (SOP) and these help crew to work, but degrades skills. There are still difficulties for aircrew to cope problems in emergency, also being in panic and nervous decreases level of safety operation.
English as a language of intercultural communication
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With the development of transportation means and communication media, people have moved worldwide and communicated globally. Today English is the language of the world. English is the major international language of communication in such areas as science, technology and business. It is the language of literature, education, modern music, and international tourism. That is why it is very important to learn English.
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The article considers the ecological classification of the Southern Aral Sea region with the forecast of the health status of the population based on cluster analysis. The obtained information on morbidity and the ecological classification of morbidity areas makes it possible to assess the state of morbidity in the region.
Environmental crisis: ways to exit from ecological crisis
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This article discusses the environmental crisis and ways out of the environmental crisis. analyzes cooperation to overcome the environmental crisis
Environmental ecotourism in Uzbekistan innovative way
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In this article described about of ecotourism, importance in society life and innovative way - environmental ecotourism in Uzbekistan.
Environmental problems associated with pollution of the biosphere
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This article contains materials about environmental problems associated with pollution of the biosphere and their consequences impact on the living organism of the biosphere.
Environmental the problem of modern
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This article discusses modern problems of ecology.
Essential changes in teaching foreign languages in Uzbekistan
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Knowledge of languages becomes an indispensable part of every person. The method of teaching foreign languages has acquired a special significance - a communicative approach, which is an indispensable condition and the most important tool for teaching a foreign language.