Статьи журнала - Теория и практика современной науки

Все статьи: 11225

Complete-инженеринг на основе ДНИФ-модели

Complete-инженеринг на основе ДНИФ-модели

Нурахов Н.Н., Шиганова Г.М., Телемтаев М.М.

Статья научная

Предложена концепция complete-инженеринга предприятия с применением цельной ДНИФ-модели комплетики проф. Телемтаева М.М. Сформулирован принцип целостности технологий complete-инженеринга, показаны процедуры работы с определенным сочетанием «стадия дорожной карты complete-подхода» - «ДНИФ-модель» - «этап метода complete-проектов». Раскрыто содержание метода complete-проектов, структура и методические основы применения ДНИФ-моделей нравственности предприятия для complete-инженеринга.


Complications in plasmosorption and their prevention

Complications in plasmosorption and their prevention

Akentiev S.O., Berezova M.S.

Статья научная

On the basis of practical experience in the development and practical application of intensive treatment with plasmosorption technique, possible complications and their prevention have been summarized.


Computer art and computer design

Computer art and computer design

Kodirov R.R.

Статья научная

This article deals with computer art and computer design.


Conflict: causes and solutions

Conflict: causes and solutions

Gorovenko T.A.

Статья научная

This article describes the basic concepts of conflict, their causes and possible solutions in the shortest time possible.


Content learning integrated into language(CLIL)

Content learning integrated into language(CLIL)

Shohimardonova M.O.

Статья научная

The article defines what CLIL means and discusses the importance of it and the implementation of CLIL in the non language classes. The article also seeks to encourage reflection on the characteristics and considerations when implementing Content and Language Integrated Learning(CLIL). Moreover the article offers a broad view about the inclusion of CLIL in the context.


Contents of modern foreign language textbook for non-linguistic students

Contents of modern foreign language textbook for non-linguistic students

Obraztsov R.A.

Статья научная

This article discusses some of the problems of creating an electronic textbook for non-linguistic students. Social, epistemological, anthropological and functional aspects are studied.


Correlation of state and law

Correlation of state and law

Inomxojayeva S.M.

Статья научная

In this article, we reflect on the model of the relationship between state and law, analyzes the totalitarian, liberal, pragmatic approach of the correlation between state and law


Creasing the role of women in the spiritual and political life of the independent Republic of Uzbekistan

Creasing the role of women in the spiritual and political life of the independent Republic of Uzbekistan

Axmedova M., Baxromjonova S., Akhmedova D., Karimova S.

Статья научная

The years of independence are characterized by a significant increase in the social activity of women in Uzbekistan. In whatever sphere of public life they work - be it state or public construction, industry or agriculture, entrepreneurship or farming, education or health care, science, culture or sports - everywhere women, with their hard work, skill and responsibility, achieve impressive results, bring invaluable contribution to the construction and development of a modern democratic state and civil society, the steady growth of the country's authority in the international arena. This is primarily due to the fact that the state creates ample opportunities and conditions for the development of the creative poten,


Creating soft furniture design

Creating soft furniture design

Dosmetova Z.Sh., Rajapova G.M.

Статья научная

The article discusses the types of furniture, suitable for the interior of the room, the correct choice of furniture materials and colors.


Creation of mathematical models for the management of development of gas fields in the water pressure

Creation of mathematical models for the management of development of gas fields in the water pressure

Niyazova N.

Статья научная

This article discusses the management of complex processes, gas and water filtration process as the object of the research and development of gas fields of management systems of technological processes. The boundary layers of gas with water bodies, water filtration properties are studied and the general appearance of the mathematical model of gas pressure is given.


Creative thinking of students in auditional lessons in technical disciplines

Creative thinking of students in auditional lessons in technical disciplines

Avdeeva A.N., Ablyalimov O.S., Tursunov N.K., Gapirov A.D., Valieva D.Sh.

Статья научная

The authors of the article offer some pedagogical methods and techniques for the development of creative thinking among students, when conducting classroom classes in technical disciplines. The article discusses the possibility of freedom to choose the way to solve any technical problem. It is concluded that it is necessary to use interactive teaching methods for the development of creative thinking among students of technical universities.


Cross cultural analysis of students of four regions of Uzbekistan

Cross cultural analysis of students of four regions of Uzbekistan

Ashurbekov R. Kh., Babeva N.A., Mukhammad Olim H.U., Negmatov D.A.

Статья научная

The work is devoted to the development of the knowledge about similarities and differences of national cultural values of societies of the regions of Uzbekistan for effective formation of integration ties within the branches of economies of the regions of the country and foreign countries for sustainable development of economies of the regions and the share of the economy of the country in the global economy. Quantitative values of the Hofstede`s dimensions of national cultural values of students of regions of the country are identified and their comparative analysis is carried out. Results of the analysis are discussed. Their usefulness in enhancing intercultural relations and integration of migrants into new cultures is emphasized. Areas of use of the results of this study are indicated. Recommendations for further development of the research are given.


Cultural traditions: their essence and structure

Cultural traditions: their essence and structure

Qurbanova M.T.

Статья научная

Traditions are elements of social and cultural heritage passed down from generation to generation, and persisting in a certain community for a long time. Traditions also produce an educational effect on a person, they form complex habits - a certain direction of behavior.


Cовременные возможности терапии эутиреоидного зоба в эндемичных регионах. Анализ клинического случая

Cовременные возможности терапии эутиреоидного зоба в эндемичных регионах. Анализ клинического случая

Симанова А.А., Макшакова Н.П., Сухих Н.В., Воробьева А.В., Стяжкина С.Н.

Статья научная

Статья содержит современные представления о вопросах терапии эндемичного эутиреоидного зоба и профилактики их у здоровых лиц, а также проанализирован клинический случай диффузно-узлового зоба 2 степени с эутиреозом.


Cпособы и методы самопрофилактики нарушений психологического здоровья молодыми людьми

Cпособы и методы самопрофилактики нарушений психологического здоровья молодыми людьми

Брюханова А.В., Василькова Ж.Г., Стоянова Е.И.

Статья научная

Данная статья посвящена исследованию способов и методов самопрофилактики нарушений психологического здоровья молодыми людьми. С помощью интернет-опроса выявлены особенности самооценки своего психического здоровья, гендерные особенности самоконтроля своего психического здоровья и используемые юношами и девушками ресурсы совладания со стрессом с целью профилактики нарушения собственного психологического здоровья.


Cущность понятий компетенции и компетентности

Cущность понятий компетенции и компетентности

Алиева М.Н., Рустамова Р.А.

Статья научная

По мнению автора переход к компетентностному образованию не может осуществляться посредством административно-эмпирических проб и должен опираться на развитую и признанную образовательным сообществом психолого-педагогическую теорию, накопленный инновационный опыт. Необходимы также серьезные инвестиции в образование, достаточно длительный процесс исследований, экспериментальных разработок, осмысления их результатов, принятие и реализация научно обоснованных и административно взвешенных решений.


Decision making in adverse weather condition

Decision making in adverse weather condition

Islamov D.

Статья научная

Human factor plays an important role in flight safety. In this article, the importance of decision making in adverse weather condition, is considered by using examples of accidents. Recommendations for pilots to improve flight safety are given.


Decision which is providing of effective moving of limit of water and gas in Northern Nishan mine

Decision which is providing of effective moving of limit of water and gas in Northern Nishan mine

Niyazova Naima

Статья научная

Results of Northern Nish an mine, in other words, in layer has change of pressure and decision of providing of effective mooring of limit of gas-water, counting of determination of technological parameter and gas-hydrodynamic of management of object, according to maked result is based in other words change of pressure of layer and according to moving of limit of gas-water throng making of decision is organized chance. This position changes change of region of using mines, so it increases chance of digging in watery layer.


Dependence of anthropometric indicators on nutrition in children

Dependence of anthropometric indicators on nutrition in children

Usmonova G.B., Mamajonova Kh.A.

Статья научная

Control of anthropometric indicators is one of the traditional directions of age hygiene, formed in the last third of the XIX century. In this article highlights of dependence of anthropometric indicators on nutrition in children.

