Статьи журнала - Теория и практика современной науки

Все статьи: 11467

Health youth - our future

Health youth - our future

Madaliyeva N.V.

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The solution of a healthy generation depends, first of all, on the health of the parents, the cleanness of the blood, the cleanliness of the body and the spirit, the environment of the family, the harmony of the spouse, the right understanding and respect. In recent years, attention has been paid to these issues, especially to young families.


Historical forms and manifestations: theological representations and interpretations of religious values

Historical forms and manifestations: theological representations and interpretations of religious values

Dexqonova S.E.

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In this article, to discuss theological views and interpretations of religious values.


Historical information on the establishment of exchange trade

Historical information on the establishment of exchange trade

Abidova D.M., Salomova D.X.

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This article describes the history of exchange trading. Modern exchanges and the principles underlying the exchange trade in goods have a centuries-old history of formation and development.


History modernization and integration of culture

History modernization and integration of culture

Farxodjonova N.F.

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In this article highlights theory of modernization, history of modernization and integration of culture and it’s effect to the national culture in the condition of globalization.


History of Chust

History of Chust

Yusupov F.K., Mamadaliyev A.M.

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This article surveys the history of Chust to reflect and represent the views of historians.


Hosspitality management in Kazakhstan

Hosspitality management in Kazakhstan

Kabdollayeva D.K., Abdramanova G.K.

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This article is about the role of the hotel industry of tourist business in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It considers the analysis of the hotel sector in a number of regions and the concept of development of the tourist industry the Government of Kazakhstan.


How RNAV visual approaches can improve flight safety

How RNAV visual approaches can improve flight safety

Islamov D.

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This type of approach has more advantages than both types of approaches, instrument and visual, also depending of reliability satellite system, the approach minimums can be made lower. Usually RNAV Visual scheme is shot and simple, this gives advantages for use in mountain aerodromes. Of course, the result will be saving time and fuel, and less pollution to the atmosphere.


How technology enhances teaching and learning

How technology enhances teaching and learning

Rakhimova G.R.

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New pedagogical and information technologies make it possible to diversify the forms and methods of teaching and learning. Using the Internet, students can study at home the new material on the web site and in the classroom there is time for discussion by teachers and fellow students. Thus, students preparing for classes can explore a variety of sources including electronic textbook, You Tube.


How to develop a good lesson plan?

How to develop a good lesson plan?

Ganieva O.Kh., Davlatov S.Sh.

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In this article highlights learning English language in the lesson and problem of teaching.


Human factor - judicial and legal reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Human factor - judicial and legal reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Bakiyev K.T., Toshboyeva G.Y.

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The article gives recommendations on the proper organization and evaluation of students' independent work and gives specific suggestions on the compilation of independent work.


Human, his rights and freedoms and interests - is the supreme value

Human, his rights and freedoms and interests - is the supreme value

Bakiyev K.T.

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The article contains recommendations on the proper organization and evaluation of students' independent work and gives specific proposals on the design of independent work on the subject of jurisprudence.


Hyper-threading технологияны жне компьютерлік ойындар

Hyper-threading технологияны жне компьютерлік ойындар

Жармагамбетова Г.О.

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Осы мақалада Intel HT технологиясының пайдалану өнімділігін төмендетуі мүмкін. Кезде HT өнімділігінің түсуінің әлеуетті тағы бір себебі бар. Теориялық, операциялық жүйе автоматты түрде оңтайлы ағындарынан ағады, бірақ жақын ескі жүйесі және, негізінен, ол емес, болмашы нәрсе міндет болуы мүмкін емес.


Hyperthy - a high blood disease

Hyperthy - a high blood disease

Qodirova G.A.

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Hypertension is a chronic illness, the main symptom of which is permanent blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the diseases of the vascular dystonia.


IEO как современная альтернатива ICO на финансовом рынке

IEO как современная альтернатива ICO на финансовом рынке

Никифорова Т.С.

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Данная статья рассматривает IEO как жизнеспособную альтернативу ICO, рассматривает основные функции и характеристики такого вида краудфандинга и инвестирования. Производится подробный сравнительный анализ технологий ICO и IEO, а также приводятся практические рекомендации применения


IPhone - средство связи или показатель статуса?

IPhone - средство связи или показатель статуса?

Сафонова А.О., Кильпа Е.А., Павловский А.И.

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Статья посвящена современному обществу и технологиям. Рассматривается проблема социального статуса, который зависит от используемого телефона. Поднимается вопрос о том, влияет ли использование определенных марок современных смартфонов на чувства окружающих к человеку или это уважение или же зависть. А так же, как человек воспринимает себя и других, если пользуется IPhone.


Identify search plan

Identify search plan

Sidelnik Ellina, Shevchenko Yulia

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This article tells about the definition of the search plan which called outsourcing. Outsourcing makes it possible for smaller enterprises to enjoy many of the same capabilities as larger ones, but with more predictable and generally lower-cost than building the capability internally. The outsourcing agreement must describe how the security of data will be monitored and audited, including how potential indicators of breach or noncompliance will be communicated to the management. A successful workforce plan as defined by greatest positive impact to enterprise cybersecurity is a function of where and how these essential roles are placed.


Ideological factors of eliminating threats to national spirituality

Ideological factors of eliminating threats to national spirituality

Nabiev B.

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The article expressed content of globalization and it’s effect to the national spirit, the spiritual consciousness of the threat types, its specific characteristics and as well as different forms of prevention and methods of restraining how to resolve the ideological threat in the process of globalization.


Image of Prometheus in the lyrics of P. Shelley and G. Byron

Image of Prometheus in the lyrics of P. Shelley and G. Byron

Chernyavskiy I.B.

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In the article being studied the mythopoetic image of Prometheus in English romanticism based on the material of the poem G. Byron's “Prometheus” and the poem of P. Shelley “Prometheus Unbound”. The specificity of the image of Prometheus, the God-fighting and gnostic motives in these works in which the ancient heritage is reinterpreted from the standpoint of romantic aesthetics is revealed.


Imitation modeling technologies in higher educational process

Imitation modeling technologies in higher educational process

Suyumov J., Madaliyeva G., Xakimova K.

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The article reveals the scientific significance of simulation technologies in the educational process of higher education. On the basis of the technology of simulation modeling, the problems of the formation and development of the pedagogical activity of the educational process are investigated.


Immunological aspects of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Immunological aspects of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Khuzhamberdiev M.A., Yuldasheva S., Usmonova D.N., Kamolova N.L.

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This article examines the immunological aspects of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

