Статьи журнала - Теория и практика современной науки
Все статьи: 11378
Free economic zones: concept, essence, opportunities
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This article discusses the role of free economic zones in the economy.
Fuel consumption assessment model for vehicle operation in city conditions
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Today, Uzbekistan is expanding with various new vehicles - buses, trucks, cars, special and specialized vehicles. The lack of a fuel consumption estimation model for many commercial vehicle models in use in the Republic, in particular, for domestically produced vehicles, leads to a violation of the objectivity of fuel consumption, including operational calculation and fuel consumption statistics, and worsens the mutual calculation system, while vehicles and fuel and energy negatively affects the efficiency of resources.
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This article reveals the problems of further perfection of the self-governing bodies in the strategy of actions and the issues of the youth. Also, the paid attention by the state to this sphere.
GSM в оборонно-промышленном комплексе
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Использование современных технологий сотовой радиосвязи с подвижными объектами цифровых стандартов таких как GSM (Groupe Spécial Mobile, позже измененно на Global System for Mobile Communications) обеспечивает лучшие качественные и энергетические характеристики, также поддерживает высокий уровень ее безопасности и конфиденциальности. Данные параметры связи идеально подходят для использования в оборонно-промышленном комплексе стандартов GSM. Сегодня в стране действуют свыше двухсот 250 тысяч станций (базовых) мобильной связи, использующих стандарт GSM, что обеспечивает работу в создании круглосуточного помехоустойчивого поля определения целей в воздухе и передачу данных по ним на зенитно-ракетные комплексы ПРО и ПВО.
Gellan gidrogellari asosidagi aerogellar
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Ushbu ish gellanning suv-tuz aralashmalarida molekulalararo oʻzaro ta’sirining asosiy qonuniyatlarini oʻrnatishga, shuningdek gellan asosida kompozit materiallarni yaratishga, ularning asosiy fizik-kimyoviy xususiyatlarini aniqlashga va istiqbolli tomonlarini aniqlashga asoslangan, olingan materiallarni oziq-ovqat maqsadlarida amaliy qoʻllash.
Gender differences in job satisfaction: case on hairdressing and beauty care sphere in Kazakhstan
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This research is on the job satisfaction among employees, who work in a typical and atypical occupations for their gender. The typical and typical occupations by gender are defined by the genders of major participants of certain job. The study used the hair dressers for sampling, 30 men and 30 women. The stated question was whether the significant difference of job satisfaction between genders exists, using the extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The results gave a picture of only one variable, showing the significant difference. It resulted that men, who work in barber shops tend to be more satisfied regarding the given opportunity for usage of skills and abilities.
General-purpose automobile restraining device “Kea Isofix Evolution”
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As the result of the analysis of world famous restraining devices design for transporting people by motor vehicles, a new design of a seat belt fixed to the body of a car and a new scheme of fastening a passenger by seat belts are offered. The proposed design will significantly improve the safety level during passenger’s transportation and significantly reduce injuries due to a car accident.
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Ushbu maqolada geodeziya, kartografiya va kadastr sohasida foydalaniladigan kartalarni Panorama dasturida yaratishdagi muammolarni tadqiq qilish qisqacha yoritib berilgan.
Geometrik nivelirlashning yuqori aniqlikka ega bo’lgan muhandislik geodezik usulini qo’llash
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Geodezik usul alohida olingan elementlar bilan birgalikda ko’chishlari, siljishlari, egilishlari to’g’risidagi ma’lumotlarni qamrab olish, shu bilan birgalikda geodezik usul natijalarni matematik statistika usullaridan foydalanib berilgan ehtimollik asosida qayta ishlab chiqish imkoni yoritib berilgan.
Geopolitical features of the Central Asian region
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The article focuses on the aspects that define the geopolitical significance of Central Asia and the changes that have occurred since the collapse of the USSR. It describes the economic and transit potential and overviews the interests of other states It highlights the main factors of instability and threats that may arise and spread from the region. The authors conclude that the main cause of distress are the Afghan problem, issues of water use and energy and illicit drug trafficking.
Globalization and spirituality of youth
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In this article described notion of globalization, forms and it’s effect to the national spiritual, spirituality of youth.
Globalization, global governance and multinational corporations
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The article analyzes the role of TNCs in the system of the world economy. The author tries to answer the question, what is the phenomenon of TNCs, and how should we treat this phenomenon of our time.
Globalization: meaning and essence
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This article discusses the concept of globalization and its contents, history, showing respect to the opinions of the scholars of the world.
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Bul maqalada globallasiw dáwirinde Ózbekstan Respublikasiniń kóp milletli mámleket sipatinda, milliy qatnasiqlardi bekkemlewdegi siyasatiniń ámiyeti analizlengen.
Glonass texnologiyalariga asoslangan axborot tizimlari
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Ushbu maqolada GLONASS texnologiyalariga asoslangan axborot tizimlari yoritib berilgan.
Gold as a real and financial asset
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The article analyzes the main opportunities to invest in gold, accessible to the average investor. The main differences between forwards and futures are presented, the list of ETF whose shares are traded in the United States is shown.
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This article explores the importance of grammar in language learning and the need for new methods to make it more engaging. Despite the misconceptions about it being tedious and boring, mastering English grammar is vital for effective communication. The article also discusses a unique approach in research, where an individual student is approached to tailor the grammar lessons to their specific needs. This method has proven effective in ensuring that students grasp the grammar rules and can apply them confidently.
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Цель работы - анализ heap структуры, выявление ключевых особенностей и разработка рассмотренной структуры на языке Swift с целью практической оценки актуальности структуры.
Harbiy vatanparvarlik tarbiyasining metodologik nazariy asoslari
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Vatanparvarlik ruhi va huquqiy madaniyat o’zaro uyg’un tushuncha. Ayniqsa, yoshlarning bu masalaga e’tibori, bilimi va keng dunyoqarashi nihoyatda muhim. Chunki mamlakatning istiqboli, xalqning iqboli ularning bilim-saviyasi, tarbiyasi, dunyoqarashi bilan chambarchas bog’liq. Maqolada harbiy vatanparvarlik tarbiyasining metodologik nazariy asoslari tadqiq etilgan.
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The solution of a healthy generation depends, first of all, on the health of the parents, the cleanness of the blood, the cleanliness of the body and the spirit, the environment of the family, the harmony of the spouse, the right understanding and respect. In recent years, attention has been paid to these issues, especially to young families.