Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Теория и практика современной науки
Key factors of economic growth
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This article deals with the essence of economic growth. Economic growth is the quantitative increase and qualitative improvement of the social product and the factors of its production. Economic growth occupies a central place in the reproduction process.
Kichik biznes sub’ektlarini tijorat banklar tomonidan kreditlashda xorij tajribasi
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Ushbu maqolada tijorat banklari tomonidan kichik biznes va xususiy tadbirkorlikni kreditlashda yuzaga keladigan kamchiliklar va muammolar ularni bartaraf etishdagi tavsiya va takliflar borasida fikr yuritiladi.
Kompyuter texnologiyalari yordamida tebranma xarakat qilayotgan tizimni tadqiq qilish
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Ushbu maqolada texnikada uchraydigan muayyan masalalarani echishda, sistema nuqtalariga ta’sir etuvchi qaytaruvchi kuchdan tashqari, muhitning qarshilik kuchini e’tiborga olish sistemaning muvozanat holati yakinidagi kichik tebranishlarini o‘rganishdan iborat.
Language skills in learning English language
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In this article highlights language skills in learning English language.
Le boutique" сауда желісіні интернет-дкенін chatgpt базасында виртуалды кмекші зірлеу
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Осы бапта Le Boutique әйелдер киімінің интернет-дүкенінің жұмысын оңтайландыру үшін ChatGPT базасында виртуалды көмекші әзірлеу қарастырылады. ChatGPT моделіне негізделген виртуалды көмекшілер клиенттерге қызмет көрсетуді автоматтандыруға, пайдаланушылық тәжірибені жақсартуға және дүкен жұмысының тиімділігін арттыруға мүмкіндік береді.
Leadership factor in providing youth competitiveness
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The article analyzes the increasing need for managerial personnel, i.e. young leaders, in various systems of social life, as well as the criteria for their selection, Moreover, some considerations and thoughts are madeabout the phenomenon of the leader, the development process of the science of social management, and the experiences of forming the professional characteristics of the leader in developed countries.
Leadership is a product of spiritual power and spiritual power
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In the article, the characteristics of new Uzbekistan and its renewal, its main characteristics of spiritual and moral renewal and management, management ethics, the history of the formation of the concept of "Management" and its stages, the relationship between Eastern and Western philosophy and, today, the leader and employees in the work process and its role in establishing and developing cooperation between competitors is analyzed.
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The article answers the question of how to effectively study the English language. The article also clarifies the difference between language learning through native languages, especially in studying foreign languages, with rich experience.
Legislative support of export-import operations of the enterprises in Ukraine
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The article deals with the main legal regulation of foreign economic activity in Ukraine, which is considered in the context of three parts: in part of accounting, in the organizational part, in part of taxation.
Linguistic games in English or Russian lessons
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Most of the population of the Kyrgyz Republic is confident that proficiency in English and Russian is a vital necessity both on the territory of the country and abroad, since modern society is unthinkable without multilingualism and multiculturalism. The article discusses the main aspects of teaching English and Russian languages through linguistic games, which significantly enliven the learning process.
Macro classroom management with shortage of books
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Learning materials are great indicators of quality education and sufficiency of knowledge. However, currently, many even well-developed countries’ education system is suffering due to the shortage of course-books in the massive classrooms. This thesis is devoted to a wide-spread problem which deals with macro classes who do not have enough resources for teaching English as a foreign language. The purpose of this thesis is to share some activities in the hope that they can be used and adapted by language instructors and to encourage them in similar situations to develop and share ideas of their own.
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This article discusses some of the methods used in teaching foreign languages. Also, features of the methods of grammatical translations and direct, their differences from other methods, information about the factors of their appearance, advantages and disadvantages.
Main elements of spiritual culture
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This article is devoted to the main elements of spiritual culture.
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This article discusses the basic functions of management. Management functions are illustrated by examples.
Maintenance reliability program as essential prerequisite of flight safety
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This article is dealing with airline industry standards regarding to reliability reporting and with practical aspects of reliability program deployment within an operator’s organization. Reliability program is a tool for monitoring the effectiveness of aircraыft maintenance program. This work is outlining the existing airline industry standards and good practice in carrying out maintenance reliability program.
Make relevant classroom language to social settings
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Annotation In this article you can find more easier and interesting way of learning and teaching English language. There is variety of ways to help learners to improve their communication skills. The presented activities set the main objective as teaching how to communicate, integrating other language skills as well. However, the only person who can define which of the strategies is the most appropriate for language learner is a teacher.
Management of competitive stability of high school
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In article constructive methods of the decision of problems of management by competitiveness of high school in the markets of educational services are resulted. Deals with the properties of modern competition, analyzes the components of competitiveness of an educational institution.
Marketing sohasida oddiy chiziqli ekonometrik modellashtirish
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Ushbu maqolada muayyan tovar yoki xizmatga bo‘ladigan talab miqdori nafaqat uning narxiga, balki is’temolchi daromadi, bozordagi o‘rnini bosuvchi va to‘ldiruvchi tovarlar narxlariga ham bog‘liq ekanligini oddiy chiziqli ekonometrik modellashtirish mumkinligi haqida so‘z boradi.
Maternity hospitals - production, sales technology, production and scientific processing
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This article focuses on products made from milk based on the milk processing technology.
Media literacy - the basis for forming a language personality of a future translator
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An interpreter, performs intercultural and intercultural mediation and shapes media literacy as the basis of the communication process. The ability of the future translator to translate mostly depends, in particular, on the language units and their interpretation. It will help to shape the language standards and means of future translators, gives originality to the text, and the overall consciousness of translator’s future professional activities.