Sausage meat product enriched by jida
Автор: Kassymova M.K., Alibekov R.S., Orymbetova G.E., Azimova S.T.
Журнал: Вестник Алматинского технологического университета @vestnik-atu
Рубрика: Технология пищевой и перерабатывающей промышленности
Статья в выпуске: 3 (145), 2024 года.
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The development strategy aimed at creating the independence of the use of our raw materials by domestic meat producers is currently achieving the following goals: building modern production facilities and introducing new primary and processing technologies; expanding the assortment of meat products. The scientific research works carried out during the development of technology for the production of meat products by replacing a certain amount of beef or chicken with vegetable raw materials are important. Production of meat products based on these raw materials allows effective use of local raw materials, production of functional products and expansion of the range of meat products. The purpose of the study is to consider the features of the production technology of sausage meat product enriched with jida. The article presents the processing of the meat product production technology by enriching its composition with raw materials of vegetable origin - jida powder and the analysis of the mineral content of the finished product. The research work was carried out at the "Food Engineering" department of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University and at the "Construction and Biochemical Materials" regional test laboratory of engineering profile. Raster electron microscope (REM) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) methods were used to determine the amount of mineral substances in meat products - sausage. The specialty of this work is the technology of product production using vegetable raw materials to enrich the content of meat products - sausages with minerals. Vegetable raw material - jida powder, by using it in the production of functional meat products, enriches the mineral content of meat products, and also by replacing a small part of meat raw materials, contributes to increasing the yield of the product. Jida powder is a vegetable raw material that is soluble in cold water and rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C, flavonoids and organic acids and does not cause losses in the production of food product. Jida powder production technology consists of: cleaning berries from dust and impuri[1]ties (passing them through a sorting fan); crushing (optimal duration of berry crushing in the IV-1 crusher τ= 52-65 sec, rotation speed of the working body 12000 rpm); drying (dry in the sun for fruits with a high sugar content).
Sausage, jida powder, milling, mineral composition, kiełbasa
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 140307003 | DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2024-3-13-20
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