Статьи журнала - Мировая наука

Все статьи: 4488

Innovative methods in the teaching English language

Innovative methods in the teaching English language

Goziyeva M.T.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of using innovative methods in the teaching English language.


Innovative methods of teaching historical science

Innovative methods of teaching historical science

Abdullayev E.

Статья научная

Ushbu mаqоlаdа tаriх fаnini o’qitishning zаmоnаviy usullаri yoritib bеrilgаn. Shu bilаn birgаlikdа tаriх fаnini o’qitishdа pеdаgоgik vа ахbоrоt tехnоlоgiyalаrini jоriy etishning muhim tоmоnlаri tаdqiq etilgаn.


Innovative pedagogical technologies in teaching foreign languages

Innovative pedagogical technologies in teaching foreign languages

Usmanova S.A.

Статья научная

In this article described means of innovative pedagogical technologies and its effectiveness in the teaching foreign languages and effectiveness.


Innovative processes in education

Innovative processes in education

Soliyeva M., Abduganiyeva S.

Статья научная

When considering the quality side of education, it is necessary to note its social function and therefore education cannot but reflect the changes taking place in society.


Innovative technologies in English language lessons

Innovative technologies in English language lessons

Khashimova U.Sh.

Статья научная

The article reveals the problem of using new information technologies in English language lessons. The article will be useful to specialists in the pedagogical sphere.


Innovative technologies in education

Innovative technologies in education

Dehqonova S.M., Nurmatova G.A.

Статья научная

This article discusses the issues of innovative technologies in education. The article considers innovative activity, innovative process, pedagogical innovation, innovative and educational technology.


Innovative technologies in teaching history

Innovative technologies in teaching history

Sayidkasimova Z.S.

Статья научная

In this article innovative technologies are considered in teaching history


Innovative technologies in the educational process

Innovative technologies in the educational process

Abduxamidova X.A., Kodirova G.A.

Статья научная

Innovative technologies in education allow you to regulate learning, to direct it in the right direction. People were always afraid of everything unknown and new, they had a negative attitude to any changes.


Innovative technologies in the educational process games with non-standard equipment

Innovative technologies in the educational process games with non-standard equipment

Isroilova Shohista Turgunpolatovna

Статья научная

Presented materials are sanctified to the issues of the day in educating of children, the methods of development of creative imagination open up in realization of principle of innovativeness in an educational process.


Innovative technologies in the teaching foreign language

Innovative technologies in the teaching foreign language

Yusupova S.T., Azamjanova S. Sh.qizi

Статья научная

In this article highlights application of innovative technologies and methods of foreign language teaching of students in the higher education institutes.


Innovative technologies in the teaching of philosophical subjects

Innovative technologies in the teaching of philosophical subjects

Daliyeva G.M.

Статья научная

In this article innovative technologies are considered in the teaching of philosophical subjects


Innovative technologies in training

Innovative technologies in training

Xodjayeva G.A., Exsonova Sh.S.

Статья научная

Innovation processes include all the best practices, numerous organizational changes in the field of continuing education, achievements of scientific thought and their implementation in practice.


Innovative technologies of teaching a foreign language

Innovative technologies of teaching a foreign language

Turaeva Dilafruz Ismailovna, Kurbanbaeva Nargiza Allambergenovna

Статья научная

With the rapid development of computer technology and the improvement of the value of the information society is undergoing a drastic change in the acquisition of knowledge. These dramatic changes brought about by information and communication technologies have brought a new paradigm to education.


Innovative technology of mathematics training

Innovative technology of mathematics training

Salomova D.X.

Статья научная

This article discusses the innovative technology of teaching mathematics


Innovative ways of improving excursion service around the touristic destinations

Innovative ways of improving excursion service around the touristic destinations

Davronov I.O.

Статья научная

Tourism is one of the leading sphere among profitable economic fields. For the development of the tourism in the country, many affairs are implementing. Excursion is considered as one of the main services of tourism. Tourist who comes in the country firstly wants to know and watch its history, culture, social life, natural resources. Excursion effects to people’s taking shape of their spiritual appearance with its illustrative, meaningfulness and profitableness.


Innovative ways to teach English language

Innovative ways to teach English language

Isomuddininov G.G.

Статья научная

This article highlights innovative ways to teach English language to youth in the education system.


Innovativeness as a personal factor successful innovation

Innovativeness as a personal factor successful innovation

Soxadaliyev A.M.

Статья научная

In this article highlights innovativeness as a personal factor successful innovation in education system.


Integration approaches in teaching writing at English lessons

Integration approaches in teaching writing at English lessons

Nuridinova M.J., Rustamova A.A., Sattorova M.S.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of integration approaches in teaching writing at English lessons.


Integration approaches in teaching writing at English lessons

Integration approaches in teaching writing at English lessons

Xaydarova M.G.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of integration approaches in teaching writing at English lessons.


Interactive forms of training as a method activization at secondary schools

Interactive forms of training as a method activization at secondary schools

Abdulloyeva M.S., Nortojiyeva Sh.B.

Статья научная

Interactive learning technologies are regarded as ways of mastering of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities in the course of the relationship and interaction of teachers and students as subjects of educational activity.

