Статьи журнала - Мировая наука

Все статьи: 4672

Innovative ways to teach English language

Innovative ways to teach English language

Isomuddininov G.G.

Статья научная

This article highlights innovative ways to teach English language to youth in the education system.


Innovativeness as a personal factor successful innovation

Innovativeness as a personal factor successful innovation

Soxadaliyev A.M.

Статья научная

In this article highlights innovativeness as a personal factor successful innovation in education system.


Innovatsion rivojlanish sharoitida sanoat korxonalaring resurs ta’minotini boshqarish

Innovatsion rivojlanish sharoitida sanoat korxonalaring resurs ta’minotini boshqarish

Keulimjayev B.Q.

Статья научная

Hozirgi paytga kelib iqtisodiy shart-sharoitlarning oʻzgarishi, koʻplab moliyaviy muammolarning yuzaga kelishi va bozordagi raqobatchilikning kuchayib borishi eng avvalo, texnologik taraqqiyoti boshqa iqtisodiyot tarmoqlariga nisbatan bir qadar yuqoriroq boʻladigan sanoat korxonalaridagi strategik boshqaruv tizimiga katta taʼsir koʻrsatmoqda. Maqolada mamlakatimizning mintaqalarida sanoat korxonalarining innovatsion rivojlanishining resurs taʼminotini boshqarish jarayonida yuzaga kelatigan ayrim muammolarni barataraf etish yoʻnalishlari oʻrganilgan.


Integration approaches in teaching writing at English lessons

Integration approaches in teaching writing at English lessons

Xaydarova M.G.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of integration approaches in teaching writing at English lessons.


Integration approaches in teaching writing at English lessons

Integration approaches in teaching writing at English lessons

Nuridinova M.J., Rustamova A.A., Sattorova M.S.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of integration approaches in teaching writing at English lessons.


Interactive forms of training as a method activization at secondary schools

Interactive forms of training as a method activization at secondary schools

Abdulloyeva M.S., Nortojiyeva Sh.B.

Статья научная

Interactive learning technologies are regarded as ways of mastering of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities in the course of the relationship and interaction of teachers and students as subjects of educational activity.


Interactive methods in the teaching of foreign language

Interactive methods in the teaching of foreign language

Latipova D.Sh.

Статья научная

In this article highlights role of the interactive methods in the education and importance in the learning foreign language.


Interactive methods of teaching and developing speech of preschoolers

Interactive methods of teaching and developing speech of preschoolers

Xusanova D.

Статья научная

The article discusses the interactive methods of teaching and developing speech of preschoolers.


Interactive methods of teaching national idea in the school

Interactive methods of teaching national idea in the school

Miltiqboyev Bobur

Статья научная

In this article highlights of means interactive methods and forms, methods of teaching national idea in the school.


Interactive methods of teaching physics at school

Interactive methods of teaching physics at school

Rahmonova O.X.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of the use of new pedagogical technologies in teaching physics and effect interactive methods to the lesson.


Interconnection of teacher-student in the educational science

Interconnection of teacher-student in the educational science

Akramova D.M.

Статья научная

In this article highlights increasing learning effectiveness and interconnection of pedagog-student in the educational science.


Interjections in the English language

Interjections in the English language

Nurmatova G.T.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of interjection is a part of speech and its importance in English language.


International harmony is the factor of peace and stability

International harmony is the factor of peace and stability

Nuritdinova D.K.

Статья научная

The emergence of new ideas and initiatives aimed at further strengthening the harmony between nations and citizens in our country will serve to strengthen the stronghold of literal friendship. After all, as the head of our state acknowledged, “Uzbekistan has a lot of wealth, but our greatest wealth, the highest value is the peace, friendship and solidarity that reigns in our society”.


Interrelation of clinical peculiarities and indicators of internal hemodynamics in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopatie

Interrelation of clinical peculiarities and indicators of internal hemodynamics in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopatie

Uzbekova N.R., Khuzhamberdiev M.A., Nizamova K.K., Gofurov N.R., Usmanov B.B.

Статья научная

This article discusses the relationship between clinical features and intracerebral hemodynamics in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy


Investigation of high-frequency power absorption in a dense plasma column

Investigation of high-frequency power absorption in a dense plasma column

Hussein A.M.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the study of high-frequency power absorption in a dense plasma column, with parameters characteristic of inductively coupled plasma. To determine the high-frequency power, the solution of boundary-value problem for Maxwell equations is used. As a mechanism for HF field energy dissipation, absorption is taken into account due to collisions and Landau damping. It is found out that the value of local HF power entering the electronic component of plasma affects the electron temperature and, as a consequence, the local ionization rate, which determines plasma density evolution.


Investment and their role in macroeconomics

Investment and their role in macroeconomics

Isroilov F., Gapurdjonov D., Fayziev Sh.

Статья научная

This article discusses the term and the role of investment in economic relations.


Investment in macroeconomics

Investment in macroeconomics

Khamidov I., Abdubosidova M., Fayziev Sh.

Статья научная

This article discusses the concept and factors of investment that determine the value. Gross and net investment. Investment demand functions.


Iodine deficiency in thyroid pathology

Iodine deficiency in thyroid pathology

Bazarova A.M.

Статья научная

Almost a third of the world's population lives in regions of iodine deficiency. When iodine intake is less than 50 mcg per day, goiter, as a rule, has an endemic distribution, and if it is less than 25 mcg, cases of iodine deficiency hypothyroidism may occur.


Isaqxan Ibrat about national culture

Isaqxan Ibrat about national culture

Vohidova K.A.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of about Isaqxan Ibrat and his ideas of the national culture.


Issues in foreign language teaching: review and techniques

Issues in foreign language teaching: review and techniques

Gurbanov M.D., Bugrayev M.K.

Статья научная

This paper is mainly about the concept of language teaching techniques to young adults. First, it provides reasons of learning languages as well as benefits of knowing the language. Second, this paper will discuss the importance of using techniques in teaching languages, give information on diverse techniques and grant suggestions on selecting them. Then, it will also discuss the fruitful outcome of these techniques in teaching among English language learners and the role of these techniques in promoting the process of language learning. At the outset, from old techniques until developed techniques in language learning are mentioned and they are explored precisely in this paper. The paper will also provide information on the obstacles that young adults may face while they are covering the language, which will lead researchers to better understanding and to guide them to the righteous way when making research in this, filed. At the end, this paper defines the notion of good teacher explaining the relationship between knowledgeable teacher and effective techniques in teaching foreign languages.

