Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Мировая наука

Статья научная
In this article highlights of improving the creation of pedagogical conditions in the teaching of special-training technical practices of wrestlers.

Improving the quality of education in foreign language lessons
Статья научная
In this article described innovative pedagogical technologies and the role of quality of education in foreign language lessons.

In the field of modern linguistics - linguoculturology
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The article deals with cultural linguistics as a factor of formation of speech culture, the activity as a process that reveals the features of cultural linguistics and its features, as well as the relationship of speech culture, given the essence of the concept of culture and its constituent components of speech.

In the world refuses to use face recognition technology
Статья научная
The article provides an overview of the development of facial recognition in near futures which is crowded in our globalization world

Статья научная
The article shows the relevance of the problem of treating patients with multiple bone fractures of various localizations, including the upper extremities. It is said about the features of transosseous osteosynthesis according to Ilizarov in the treatment of this category of traumatological patients. The conclusion is made about the high efficiency of the Ilizarov method in the treatment of patients with multiple fractures of the bones of the upper extremities.

Individual characteristics of pupils in foreign language lessons
Статья научная
The article is devoted to the issues of taking into account the individual characteristics of pupils in foreign language education, in which the essence, various opinions on this field are analyzed, the content of individual-psychological characteristics of pupils is illuminated.

Individual properties for individual education
Статья научная
In this article highlights individual properties for individual education and it’s importance in the lesson.

Статья научная
In this article, the rise in the overall price level of inflation, and, more accurately, the increase in the circulation of the money supply relative to the commodity turnover, will lead to the devaluation of the monetary unit, which in turn will increase the price of products. However, this statement cannot be considered a complete and complete interpretation of inflation. Although inflation is on the rise in prices, it is not just a monetary phenomenon. In other words, inflation is a delicate socio-economic process that results from the imbalance in the economy.

Influence of different music genres on human
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The article considers the influence of different genres of music on a person. Music has a much greater impact on our lives than you can imagine. In our complex world, any phenomenon can be used both for good and for harm. Music is no exception. It creates a mood, awakens emotions in us, it can lead to excitement, tune in a sad or joyful mood. Everything can be found in music: calm, energy, and health. You just need to be able to listen. The article attempts to analyze the positive and negative effects of music on the human organism.

Influence of native language on foreign language learning
Статья научная
This article is devoted to the features of the use of the native language in the process of teaching a foreign language. The process of learning foreign language speech is inextricably linked with the problem of interaction of two language systems in the mind of the speaker. All mental processes of students, their mental activity are closely related to the native language, its phonetic, grammatical and lexical system.

Influence of the amount of herbal extracts on the course of gastric ulcers caused by NSAIDS
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In experiments on white rats, the antiulcer activity of a new collection of extracts of spice herbs with the induction of indomethacin dystrophy of the gastric mucosa in rats was studied. It was found that under experimental conditions, lesbochol has a distinct antiulcer effect in indomethacin gastric ulcer. By this property, it is several times superior to the well-known regeneration stimulant glycerama and is of practical interest as an antiulcer agent.

Information and communication technologies in medicine
Статья научная
A standardized approach to the organization of the health care system, aimed at improving the effectiveness of management and treatment and diagnostic solutions in medicine, requires the use of new tools. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) occupy leading positions in this field both at the global and local levels.

Information technologies in the learning process
Статья научная
This article discusses the role of information technology in the learning process

Information threat and the psychological protection of self
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The article considers the issue of information psychological security of a person in the conditions of informatization of society. Studied modern information technology, their impact on the psyche and consciousness of people. The problems of ensuring informational psychological security are analyzed.

Information-psychological security mechanisms
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In this article highlights of information-psychological security mechanisms.

Innovation as a factor in the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise
Статья научная
The essence of the innovative activity in the process of the enterprise strategic development is determined in the article. The factors of business activity and the necessity of enterprise stability development provision in the process of the innovative activity are considered.

Innovation in education: concept and essence
Статья научная
This article discusses the innovation process as an integral part of education. The concepts of "innovation" and "innovation"are defined.

Innovation technologies in the English language teaching and study
Статья научная
The article is devoted to the consideration of some aspects of a new direction of online education development - Massive Open Online Courses. Special attention is paid to the prospects and possibilities of the use of the English language in MOOCs, the application of MOOCs technology in foreign language teaching.

Innovation technology and methods in teaching chemistry
Статья научная
This article covers the problems and methods of teaching the subject of chemistry and impact of innovation methods.

Innovative activities and its main forms
Статья научная
In this scientific article innovative activity is considered, the essence and functions of innovation are analyzed.