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Impact to the education quality of information-communication technologies

Impact to the education quality of information-communication technologies

Akbaraliyeva Sh.sh.

Статья научная

This article purpose is highlights importance of the using information-communication technologies in the education and its impact to the education quality.


Impact to the education quality of information-communication technologies

Impact to the education quality of information-communication technologies

Nigmatova D.

Статья научная

This article purpose is highlights importance of the using information-communication technologies in the education and its impact to the education quality.


Importance of credit system in higher education development of foreign developed countries

Importance of credit system in higher education development of foreign developed countries

Nazarova G.N., Rakhimova S.G., Erkinova M.T.

Статья научная

This article considers the disadvantages of the credit system and its benefits and challenges.


Importance of teaching English through productive skills

Importance of teaching English through productive skills

Allaniyazova G.A., Seytnazarova Darman Qudaybergenovna, Sapariyazova Margarita Ayniyazovna

Статья научная

The article deals with teaching English through productive skills ESP students. The best goal of most teaching English through writing and speaking skills will enable to communicate effectively. Writing and speaking are considered to be productive skills that means, they involve producing language rather than receiving it.


Importance of the periodical system of Mendeleev in the formation and development of chemistry

Importance of the periodical system of Mendeleev in the formation and development of chemistry

Noibjonova X.M.

Статья научная

This article discusses the role of Mendeleev in the history of chemistry


Importance of using innovative technologies in the foreign languages

Importance of using innovative technologies in the foreign languages

Niyazova N.

Статья научная

The article purpose of highlight of importance of innovative technologies and using innovative methods in the teaching foreign languages.


Improve сonversational English!

Improve сonversational English!

Mamatova N.A., Yusupova F.A.

Статья научная

In this article modern approaches of investigation of the characteristics of native speaker performance in conversation, which is impossible to do without knowing the social cultural sphere, national-cultural specific ways as well as basic types of activities of teaching to conversation have been reviewed.


Improvement of thread tracking mechanism on universal sewing machines

Improvement of thread tracking mechanism on universal sewing machines

Sirojova M.S.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of improvement of thread tracking mechanism on universal sewing machines.


Improving listening skills: useful activites

Improving listening skills: useful activites

Gurbanov Meretguly Durdymyradovich, Bugrayev Maksat Kurbandurdyyevich

Статья научная

Listening comprehension lessons are all too often a series of listening tests in which tapes are played, comprehension exercises are attempted by the learners, and feedback is given in the form of the ‘right’ answer. In these types we lessons we do not teach listening, but we test it. This article will study what procedures may be involved in actually teaching effective listening. This article outlines several dimensions in the teaching of listening. It discusses listening in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), its role in English language Teaching (ELT), offers activities and principles. It also offers some techniques and strategies for improving listening skills and highlights goals for teaching listening. Finally, it presents conclusion and some suggestions that can be used to attain the goals.


Improving pedagogical tacts of EFL teachers in preschool education

Improving pedagogical tacts of EFL teachers in preschool education

Mirzaahmedov M.

Статья научная

This article examines the ability of teachers in the preschool education system to work with children, to manage different categories of students through pedagogical tact. In accordance with the specifics of the private didactic learning goals that we have examined, apparently, the first to be organized and implemented are didactic situations that provide students with the opportunity to present assignments, the correct implementation of which is determined by the presence in the assignment of a finished sample of actions or detailed instructions.


Improving the auditing of leasing operations in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Improving the auditing of leasing operations in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Kuljanov O.M., Onorboyev Sh.M.

Статья научная

The article were revials an audit system in Uzbekistan of leasing operations by an auditor is carried out in cases where the volume (size) of leasing payments is significant or the audit is provided for by the contract. The audit begins with checking the compliance of the leasing agreement and the leased property purchase and sale agreement with the requirements of the current legislation in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The leasing agreement is concluded in writing and may include conditions for the provision of additional services and additional work. These include works and services, without which it is impossible to use the leased asset, in particular, installation work in relation to the leased asset, training of the lessee's personnel, acquisition of intellectual property rights from third parties.


Improving the creation of pedagogical conditions in the teaching of special-training technical practices of wrestlers

Improving the creation of pedagogical conditions in the teaching of special-training technical practices of wrestlers

Shukurov M.N.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of improving the creation of pedagogical conditions in the teaching of special-training technical practices of wrestlers.


Improving the quality of education in foreign language lessons

Improving the quality of education in foreign language lessons

Nurimbetova G.S.

Статья научная

In this article described innovative pedagogical technologies and the role of quality of education in foreign language lessons.


In the field of modern linguistics - linguoculturology

In the field of modern linguistics - linguoculturology

Shaykhislamov N.

Статья научная

The article deals with cultural linguistics as a factor of formation of speech culture, the activity as a process that reveals the features of cultural linguistics and its features, as well as the relationship of speech culture, given the essence of the concept of culture and its constituent components of speech.


In the world refuses to use face recognition technology

In the world refuses to use face recognition technology

Kodirov E., Turgunov B., Muxammadjonov X.

Статья научная

The article provides an overview of the development of facial recognition in near futures which is crowded in our globalization world


Increasing the efficiency of compression distraction Ilizarov apparatus in shoulder bone distal fractures

Increasing the efficiency of compression distraction Ilizarov apparatus in shoulder bone distal fractures

Makhmudov B.E.

Статья научная

The article shows the relevance of the problem of treating patients with multiple bone fractures of various localizations, including the upper extremities. It is said about the features of transosseous osteosynthesis according to Ilizarov in the treatment of this category of traumatological patients. The conclusion is made about the high efficiency of the Ilizarov method in the treatment of patients with multiple fractures of the bones of the upper extremities.


Individual characteristics of pupils in foreign language lessons

Individual characteristics of pupils in foreign language lessons

Usmonova Sh.B.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the issues of taking into account the individual characteristics of pupils in foreign language education, in which the essence, various opinions on this field are analyzed, the content of individual-psychological characteristics of pupils is illuminated.


Individual properties for individual education

Individual properties for individual education

Mannonov J.

Статья научная

In this article highlights individual properties for individual education and it’s importance in the lesson.


Inflation risk

Inflation risk

Juraev E.S., Khamidov Gofurjon

Статья научная

In this article, the rise in the overall price level of inflation, and, more accurately, the increase in the circulation of the money supply relative to the commodity turnover, will lead to the devaluation of the monetary unit, which in turn will increase the price of products. However, this statement cannot be considered a complete and complete interpretation of inflation. Although inflation is on the rise in prices, it is not just a monetary phenomenon. In other words, inflation is a delicate socio-economic process that results from the imbalance in the economy.


Influence of different music genres on human

Influence of different music genres on human

Kushnaryov D. V.

Статья научная

The article considers the influence of different genres of music on a person. Music has a much greater impact on our lives than you can imagine. In our complex world, any phenomenon can be used both for good and for harm. Music is no exception. It creates a mood, awakens emotions in us, it can lead to excitement, tune in a sad or joyful mood. Everything can be found in music: calm, energy, and health. You just need to be able to listen. The article attempts to analyze the positive and negative effects of music on the human organism.

