Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Мировая наука

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Use and role of information and communication technologies in education

Use and role of information and communication technologies in education

Umurzaqova B.

Статья научная

This article provides an understanding of information and communication technologies. As well as important aspects of the use of information technology.


Use of active and interactive methods in for lessons of foreign languages

Use of active and interactive methods in for lessons of foreign languages

Isakova Shaxnoza Bakhtiyorovna

Статья научная

This article discusses active and interactive methods in for lessons of foreign languages.


Use of information technologies in teaching computer graphics

Use of information technologies in teaching computer graphics

Kodirov R.

Статья научная

This article discusses the use of information technology in the teaching of computer graphics


Use of innovative technologies in the lessons of physics and astronomy

Use of innovative technologies in the lessons of physics and astronomy

Juraeva X. T.

Статья научная

This article discusses the subject of physics and astronomy using innovative technologies


Use of syntactical stylistic devices in Peter Abrahams’ “Path of thunder”

Use of syntactical stylistic devices in Peter Abrahams’ “Path of thunder”

Fayziyeva A.A.

Статья научная

In this article highlights use of syntactical stylistic devices in Peter Abrahams’ “Path of Thunder”.


Using communicative approach in the teaching of foreign languages

Using communicative approach in the teaching of foreign languages

Niyazova Mavluda

Статья научная

The article is about the importance of using a communicative approach in teaching foreign languages. By creating real situations in the classroom, the teacher increases pupils' interest in learning the language and motivates them to use it in their lives. By engaging pupils in conversation, the teacher helps them overcome the language barrier that greatly hinders communication.


Using computer technologies in the foreign language

Using computer technologies in the foreign language

Berdiyeva Sh.B.

Статья научная

In this article considered advantages of using computer technologies in the teaching process of foreign language.


Using game technologies in foreign language lessons

Using game technologies in foreign language lessons

Turimova D.I.

Статья научная

As you know, childhood is inseparable from the game. The game is the most accessible and interesting activity for children, a way to assimilate the impressions received from the surrounding world.


Using innovative information technology in the teaching English language

Using innovative information technology in the teaching English language

Umarova L.N.

Статья научная

In this article describes of using innovative information technology in the teaching English language.


Using innovative technology in the teaching English language

Using innovative technology in the teaching English language

Maxmudova Z.M.

Статья научная

In this article describes of using innovative technology in the teaching English language.


Using interactive methods in the teaching foreign language

Using interactive methods in the teaching foreign language

Allaberganova V.A.

Статья научная

In interactive learning, the learning process is structured in such a way that all pupils are involved in it, and everyone is given the opportunity to understand and speak out about what they know and think.


Using multimedia in English lessons as the factor of formation students' activity

Using multimedia in English lessons as the factor of formation students' activity

Mirfayzullayeva H.X., Mehmonova M.B.

Статья научная

In this article highlights using modern technology in the foreign languages, so using multimedia in the lessons as the factor of formation student’s activity.


Using multimedia presentations in English lessons

Using multimedia presentations in English lessons

Ortiqova M.J.

Статья научная

The article reveals the place of modern educational technology, using multimedia presentations in English lessons.


Using new information technologies in teaching foreign language

Using new information technologies in teaching foreign language

Abdullayeva J.N.

Статья научная

This article highlights one of the current issues importance of learning English, and the role of using new information technologies in teaching English.


Using realia in teaching different age groups

Using realia in teaching different age groups

Tairova F.F., Suleymenova G.B.

Статья научная

The use of realia in educating various age groups is the subject of this study, which takes a partial systematic approach. This course work focuses on exploring learners’ expectation in English classes as well as how to manage those classes in a more effective and enjoyable way. The combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches is applied to collect data for studying. It is found out realia in some cases cannot be considered as a perfect aid to gain learners’ understanding in explaining some points. This work looks into the motivational effects of blended learning on students of all ages as they learn to be more receptive and productive in their foreign language learning. We explore the neurological and psychological traits of language learners in different age groups.


Using video materials in teaching foreign language

Using video materials in teaching foreign language

Mamadaliyeva X.R.

Статья научная

The article deals with the possibility of using authentic video materials in teaching a professional foreign language and features of the organization of work with them.


Using video resources as a means of forming communicative competence in English lessons

Using video resources as a means of forming communicative competence in English lessons

Alibekova L.R.

Статья научная

This article analyzes the use of video resources as a means of forming communicative competence in English lessons.


Variational iteration method for anomalous diffusion processes

Variational iteration method for anomalous diffusion processes

Sayidov B.O., Abdiyeva H.S.

Статья научная

Approximate solutions to anomalous diffusion processes are represented by using the theory of fractional variations, Caputo. The variational iterative method has been successfully extended to the case of solving differential equations with fractional derivatives and the Lagrange multiplier of the method is identified more accurately.


Vatanparvarlik, insonparvarlik va o’z millatiga sadoqat, shaxs ma’naviyati muhim mezonlari

Vatanparvarlik, insonparvarlik va o’z millatiga sadoqat, shaxs ma’naviyati muhim mezonlari

Axmatqulov U.

Статья научная

Vatanparvarlik Vatan so’zi bilan chambarchas bog’langan bo’lib, Vatan, ana shu vatanparvarlikni paydo qiladi. Vatan so’zi arabcha so’z bo’lib, “ona yurt” ma’nosini bildiradi. Bu tushunchani ikki-keng va tor ma’nolarda tushunish mumkin. Kishi tug’ilib o’sgan uy, mahalla, qishloq nazarda tutilsa, bu tor ma’noda tushunishdir. Agar, bir xalq vakillari doimiy holda yashagan, ularning ajdodlari azal-azaldan istiqomat qilgan hudud nazarda tutilsa, uni keng ma’noda tushuniladi.


Verbs of motion in English

Verbs of motion in English

Atabayeva Nodira

Статья научная

In this article highlights of the history Uzbek school of translation and features of translations from English into Uzbek.

